Li Qingshan put away the sigh in his heart.

The greeter quickly assembled the airborne laser weapon system onto the military cardboard of the military district.

Jiang Chen, Luo Chong, Su Youwei and other principal staff members naturally also wanted to follow them to the Qingyu Military Region.

The airborne laser weapon system is a good research for the sixth generation of fighters.

They haven’t finished their research yet.

The test data must be collected by the military region!

Originally, the assembly link was already afternoon, and Jiang Chen and others arrived at the Qingyu Military Region with a drizzle of rain and it was almost night.

Chen Changsheng had long been waiting at the gate of the military base waiting for Jiang Chen and others.

As soon as he saw Jiang Chen, he excitedly shook Jiang Chen’s hand.

“Vice President Xiaojiang, I can count you out!”

Do you know that since I knew that the Lantau Military Region was selected as an experimental military region for the airborne laser weapon system of the sixth generation of fighters?

The excitement is almost out of sleep! ”

Are you kidding.

Since Qingfei reported that the airborne laser weapon system was about to be completed.

Several military regions are following the above application as a test site!

Although the military region will have a lot of cooperation test costs, compared to being able to see the airborne laser weapon system with one hand, what is the cost!

Chen Changsheng if not because of home advantage.

I’m afraid I can’t win the battle for Feng Chang’an and Lü Wei, these two old things!

Jiang Chen hadn’t heard of the Dao Dao behind this until now.

“General Chen, you can rest assured!

Our airborne laser weapon system will not disappoint you! ”

After saying that, he beckoned Li Qingshan to prepare to start assembly of the airborne laser weapon system device.

Chen Changsheng looked at Jiang Chen with a confused face.

Now it’s not just dark and it’s raining, so why don’t you take a break and wait for the next day’s test???

Besides, the laser weapon system should also be weakened in the rain and fog environment, right?

Jiang Chen said with a smile

“General Chen.

If war really comes, you will not pick day and night, sunny and rainy days!

Now it is exactly in line with the abnormal situation of the test! ”

Jiang Chenyi exited.

Chen Changsheng smiled helplessly with a red face:

“I don’t think about it!”

Vice President Xiaojiang is not only accomplished in scientific research.

I have my own opinion on war!

There are not many young people in the Dragon Kingdom who still have such a sense of distress.

Vice President Xiao Jiang reminded me! ”

Jiang Chen saw that Chen Changsheng agreed and did not say anything more, and Li Qingshan’s side also directly dismantled the box of the military card together with the soldiers in charge of loading and unloading.

The dark laser cannon was instantly exposed to everyone’s eyes.

One main gun, six secondary guns.

The caliber of the main gun up to 50mm was shocked by everyone.

The word that the caliber is both righteous is not covered.

Generally speaking, the caliber of the cannons carried by fighters is 20-30mm.

Guns taller than 30mm are land-based.

The caliber of the main gun of the airborne laser gun developed by Jiang Chen reached 50mm!

The most important thing is that this thing uses cross-era lasers as ammunition, not ammunition made of gunpowder.

They hadn’t really seen the power of both yet.

But guess with your feet and know that the laser cannon is much more powerful, right?

The staff in charge of debugging walked to Jiang Chen with a record book.

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

Everything is working fine!

The testing session is ready to begin! ”

Jiang Chen nodded, since this is the case, let’s start the test directly!

The UAVs of the Lantau Military Region responsible for testing the airborne laser weapon system are also ready.

The officer in charge of controlling the drone looked at Jiang Chen.

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

Do you see what distance our test drone is set to the onboard laser weapon system?

And how much is the right speed setting? ”

Jiang Chen thought about it, according to his previous design goals.

The maximum range of this airborne laser cannon should be about 100 kilometers.

But if it rains today, let’s drop a little bit of the requirements.

“Officer Wang is bothering you.

The distance is set at 80 kilometers.

As for the speed of moving targets, it is good to drive at the maximum speed of the drone!

As long as the drone does not exceed Mach 5.

It should lock automatically! ”

The moment Jiang Chen’s target request was finished, the people of the entire military region surrounding him were stunned

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