Song Guosheng looked at the drone that disappeared over the lecture hall and the whole person was almost crying out of excitement.

Plasma stealth technology that has plagued the Dragon Kingdom for so many years.

Now it’s really being developed!

This is the iconic symbol of the Dragon Kingdom’s scientific research over the mountains and across the ocean!

In addition to the excitement, there is endless doubt and shock.

Is Jiang Chen’s little guy really an undergraduate student who counts down every year?

Others definitely did not believe in the half month in Jiang Chen’s mouth.

But Song Guosheng knew best.

Because Jiang Chen’s declaration of equipment and materials was signed by him…

Good fellow, half a month to develop the plasma stealth technology that the National Research Institute has not been able to do for decades.

Jiang Chen this little guy.

It’s really unfathomable!

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and they were shocked.

Only the faces of the two were ugly, naturally Wei Chao’s father and son.

Wei Chao was now full of thoughts about what kind of reason not to eat live…

Wei Hu, on the other hand, was thinking about how to save himself from using his power for personal gain.

You must know that if Jiang Chen fails to set up a plan, he still has reason to say that scientific research cannot go all the way and give himself a cover.

And now Jiang Chen has really developed plasma stealth technology!

Such a person will certainly become a pillar of the country in the future.

Entering the professor level with him by this kind of relationship is like a cloud of mud…

And his son offended Jiang Chen.

Even he will definitely be investigated!

How is this really good?

Wei Hu suddenly had a plan when he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks in a hurry, and looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer and smiled.

Since the development of plasma stealth technology can become a national pillar.

So can’t it be without the development of plasma stealth technology?

The entire lecture hall cheered for Jiang Chen.

Wei Hu stood up.

Picking up the microphone and looking at Jiang Chen with a sneer:

“Jiang Chen!

This expert now gives you a chance to confess where exactly plasma stealth technology came from!

How could you as an undergrad develop plasma stealth technology?

Not to mention half a month, even half a century is impossible!

I really think that I have memorized the PPT and brought the plasma stealth device, and these results are yours, right?

This should be the scientific research results you stole from our military regional research institute, right? ”

Wei Hu’s sonorous and powerful questioning made the entire lecture hall suddenly quiet!

Everyone instantly fell into deep doubt from the shouting of the arms just now.

What Vice President Wei Hu said seems to be not unreasonable

At first, they were immersed in the joy of Jiang Chen’s development of plasma stealth technology, but they ignored the most basic problems.

How could Jiang Chen, an undergraduate student in his early twenties, develop the international problem plasma stealth technology?

Even if you start researching from birth, you can’t produce results, right?

Is it really as Professor Wei Hu said.

Jiang Chen’s technology was stolen from the military region?!!

The wind direction of the entire lecture hall almost instantly fell to Wei Hu’s side.

Everyone’s eyes instantly became serious as they looked at Jiang Chen.

It was more serious than Jiang Chen just scolded them for garbage.

If it’s just a verbal dispute, it can be adjusted.

But when it comes to national interests, the public’s sense of collective honor is incomparably firm!

Even if Jiang Chen was young and smart, if he was really a spy of the Bald Eagle.

That is also deserved to be spurned in their eyes!

This was also the superiority of Wei Hu’s operation.

Good at using the power of family and country feelings.

Now that almost all the people in the field are on the opposite side of Jiang Chen, it is difficult to say what Jiang Chen’s graduation defense will be!

Lecture hall cup bow snake shadow atmosphere.

Song Guosheng looked at Wei Hu with a strange face, this old thing is really unscrupulous to protect himself…

Why would he believe Jiang Chen?

Because he is the best witness to the detection and development of plasma stealth technology!

When he was preparing to stand up and testify to Jiang Chen.

The door of the lecture hall was pushed open!

Nearly a hundred special soldiers rushed into the lecture hall and lined up, and the real guns and ammunition emitted a shocking cold.

A general dressed as an officer and three scientific academicians dressed in white robes stepped onto the podium escorted by special forces.

The general’s epaulettes are inlaid with a tassel of three stars symbolizing honor.

It was the commander of the White Dragon Military Region who came by helicopter.

Admiral Bong Chang’an!

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