Donghuang University.

Graduation defenses are being held at various colleges on campus.

His school’s School of Aerospace Engineering has attracted much attention.

Even many students who are not from this college will come here to watch.

Because every year in the School of Aerospace Engineering, there will be some scientific research masters.

Don’t look at it only at the undergraduate level, but the students’ scientific research results are even likely to be transformed by enterprises and military regions on the spot.

The college’s defense classroom has long been surrounded by first-year to third-year students.

“Why do so many people come to see the graduation defense of our college?”

“I still remember that two years ago, a sister actually developed a heat-resistant coating for rocket operation, and was signed by the Longguo Space Administration on the spot!”

Last year, it seems that there were also several remarkable results.

Why do you say so many people come to see it? ”

“What do you say are the big guys in the Aerospace Engineering Academy this year?”

“It’s hard to say, but I heard that there is a brother named Wei Chao this year.”

In Douyin is a million fans of Internet red technology bloggers, from the previous live broadcast revealed that there seems to be a very remarkable research findings this year…”

“Do you remember the “UFO” incident that happened yesterday at the old campus?

Yesterday all news about this disappeared overnight on the Internet…”

“If it is really a UFO, it must be blocking the news, even if it is not a UFO, what cutting-edge technology, it will definitely block the news.”

Let’s not worry about those who shouldn’t worry, let’s study the graduation design of our brothers and sisters…”


The brothers and sisters sitting in the back row kept talking.

Jiang Chen, who was sitting in the last row behind the graduate division, could also hear the conversation behind him.

However, Jiang Chen did not realize that his test drone was the UFO in the mouth of the students.

Instead, it was interesting to watch the graduation project that his classmates were constantly demonstrating.

Although he had a king fried in his hand.

In his opinion, the design of these guys is also the design of the family.

But it’s also a good choice to take other people’s gadgets and appetizers.

In front of Jiang Chen.

A group of girls are looking at the works on the stage and marveling.

The owner of that work is Wei Chao, the Douyin millionaire Internet celebrity who has just been said by his disciples and sisters.

His father is a professor at Donghuang University, and his mother runs a business with assets of hundreds of millions of dollars, although he is not long, but he is very good at makeup, so he absorbs a lot of powder on the douyin, typical of the back wave.

The graduation design at the undergraduate level is “new infrared stealth paint”.

The comments given by several tutors were also very good.

The score of 100 points is enough to give Wei Chao 83 points.

It should be known that the scoring mechanism of the School of Aerospace Engineering is very rigorous.

Once in the 80s, it is basically the category of excellent graduation design!

Wei Chao on the stage was also immersed in the clamor of female classmates and disciples, teachers and sisters, and could not extricate himself, picked up the microphone and began to pretend.

“In fact, it is not as powerful as everyone says.”

Because it takes a lot of time to do the douyin, I only have one month to do it.

The design made in one month can not afford such praise from everyone!

All in all, I will continue to work hard and continue to dedicate my passion to scientific research at the graduate level! ”

When Wei Chao pretended to be forced on the stage, the little girls in the audience also cheered.

“Brother Wei Chao come on!”

“Call Master Wei Chao!”

“Master Wei Chao’s family is good, people are also modest, or a million Douyin Internet celebrities, if he can be my boyfriend it would be great!”

“Hey, I want to give birth to Master Wei Chao!”


The scene of female compatriots was boiling over.

The male compatriots in the audience really couldn’t stand Wei Chao’s set.

If you want to pretend to be forced, this guy pretends to be afraid of the tail, just like a lady cannon, which is really unpleasant!

So they all complained with disgust.

Several of Jiang Chen’s roommates also complained one after another:

“Ma egg, didn’t you just get an 83 point and start pretending!”

“Malegobi, isn’t it because his father is a professor at the Academy?” If there is no father, he will have a maximum of 60 points! ”

“Grandpa vomited, a big man, every day thick makeup, is simply a woman’s cannon!”

Jiang Chen also nodded his head, and the appearance of this heavy makeup really disgusted him.

The most important thing is in his opinion.

Wei Chao’s Bi Shi is just garbage, right?

Worth 83 points?

The discussion in Jiang Chen’s dormitory was heard by the female licking dogs in front of them and began to have a yin and yang strange atmosphere.

“Sigh, some people really don’t see how good people are…”

“Brother Wei Chao, this is called exquisite, how can it be called thick makeup?”

“A crane tail with a grade point of less than 3, there are faces that say that people’s Bi Shi is garbage, but there is really a face! You go up, but take an 80 points back! ”

There were also many girls with colored glasses looking at Jiang Chen.

Of course, the tail of the crane in their words is not Jiang Chen, who is the penultimate in his grade!


Jiang Chen almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood when he heard these female licking dogs.

Fuck, do you not allow to say that it is bad?

I am preparing to return to the time of color.

Song Guosheng, the leader of the expert group in charge of this graduation defense, patted the microphone to signal that the increasingly lively defense was quiet



Let’s move on to the student review session!

Jiang Chen, a student majoring in aircraft design and engineering, came to share your views on Wei Chao’s graduation design, right? ”

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