Yen Ching Restaurant.

Ministry of Military Forces.

The military department, which has always been silent, can be described as lively today.

If it weren’t for the wrong time.

I’m afraid the big red lantern has been hung high a long time ago!

What day is it?

Today is the time when the sixth generation of fighters go offline and the code name is determined!

Minister Lin Qingshu and Vice Minister Lu Yushan were already waiting at the door.

The two of them are in high positions of authority.

But today’s protagonists are not the two of them.

Instead, it is Jiang Chen, the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, and the sixth-generation fighter that has just rolled off the production line!

When Jiang Chen and the others came to the military department.

Lu Yushan greeted Jiang Chen from afar:

“Xiao Jiang is in charge, you really want us to wait!”

After saying that, he pulled Jiang Chen to Lin Qingshu.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you.

This is Minister Lin Qingshu who spoke to you on the phone before! ”

Jiang Chen had not yet had time to take the initiative to reach out.

Lin Qingshu had already shook Jiang Chen’s hand.

“Vice President Xiaojiang, hello hello!

When I called you before, I always wanted to meet the genius scientists in the Dragon Kingdom, but I was afraid to disturb you until you never visited!

Now look at it like a dragon among men!

See young scientists like you take up the burden of the nation.

I knew that the future of the Dragon Kingdom was promising! ”

Jiang Chen nodded a little nervously.

Minister Lin praised falsely.

This is what scientists of my generation should do, go to the soup for the motherland, I Jiang Chen will not quit! ”

Lin Qingshu listened to Jiang Chen’s words and laughed and sighed:

“If only the current young generation had such patriotic feelings as Vice President Xiaojiang…”

A greeting.

Minister Lin hurriedly led Jiang Chen and others into the conference room of the Military Armed Forces Department.

Today’s discussion meeting on the code names of the sixth-generation fighter is not attended by only comrades in charge of the sixth-generation fighter project of the Science and Technology Division.

Comrades from the Department of National Defense even participated.

After all, the end user of the six-generation fighter.

It’s all military districts!

Therefore, it is still necessary for the Department of Defence to participate in this meeting.

It’s just that neither Lin Qingshu nor Lu Yushan thought of it.

The deputy director of the Department of National Defense would actually visit the Ministry of Military Forces in person!

Logically, a meeting with a code name is not worthy of such a big figure as the director of national defense to come to the military department.

However, Qin Hao, deputy director of the Department of National Defense, still came to the Military Armed Forces Department!

Lin Qingshu walked all the way and asked curiously all the way:

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

Do you know Qin Hao, deputy director of the Department of National Defense? ”

They did receive the news that the test flight was combined with the Zhongyuan Festival Battle Soul Skeleton Return Escort Mission, but generally speaking, it would be better to say that such a task was docked between the secretary and their side?

Therefore, Lin Qingshu really couldn’t imagine why Qin Hao would participate in this meeting.

The reason can only be attributed to Jiang Chen.

After all, the Ministry of Military Arms, which is business as usual, can attract the deputy director of the Department of National Defense….

I’m afraid Jiang Chen is the only one!

Jiang Chen looked at the conference room door of the Military Armed Forces Department with a strange face.

Hemp egg….

The deputy director of the Department of National Defense actually visited the Military Armed Forces Department in person???

What a joke, these big people are always worried about that is a real national event.

The national key project of the sixth-generation station is not false.

However, at the level of scientific and technological research of the military region, it cannot rise to that level

In fact, what Jiang Chen didn’t know was that Qin Hao was simply curious about him as a person!

Jiang Chen shook his head

“Where do I know…


About 20 days ago because of the test airborne laser weapon system we were over the phone, right?

But I only talked about the mission of escorting the skeletons of the battle souls of the Zhongyuan Festival…”

Lin Qingshu and Lu Yushan suddenly seemed to understand something.

The test of that airborne laser weapon system 20 days ago.

It really shook most of the Dragon Kingdom…

The Deputy Director of the Department of Defence noted that there should be no problem.

Plus over the phone.

Presumably, I am very interested in Jiang Chen, a genius scientist…

Soon Jiang Chen and his party arrived at the conference room of the Military Armed Forces Department.

Most of the people sitting in the conference room were familiar to Jiang Chen, after all, counting the meetings and his personal visits to the major military regions.

These people have seen these people more or less.

But a lot of strange faces….

For example, many young faces of military regions also participated in this meeting.

It seems to have something to do with the Zhongyuan Festival battle soul skeleton return escort mission that Qin Hao said before…

Then there is the big man in the stands who does not show his face but looks azure!

Jiang Chen just thought with his toes that that was Qin Hao, deputy director of the Department of National Defense!

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