Jiang Chen looked at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao naturally observed Jiang Chen as well.

Although Qin Hao had never seen Jiang Chen, he still recognized Jiang Chen at a glance.

Lin Qingshu, Lu Yushan and his party entered the conference room.

There were two young men inside.

A man and a woman.

Obviously, the young man who led the group was Jiang Chen, the deputy chief designer who developed the sixth-generation fighter!

It’s just that the moment I saw Jiang Chen was still a little silly…

Although at first he did guess that Jiang Chen was very young when he heard the voice.

I guess I guessed the age.

My heart has long been prepared.

But now when I actually see a real person, it is still a completely different feeling…

As for the other fresh faces in the audience who attended the meeting of the Ministry of Military Forces for the first time, they were still curious at this time.

“Who in this group is the legendary deputy chief designer who developed six generations of fighters in two months?”

“I guess it’s the white-haired old man!”

“You fart, that’s Dean Liu of our Donghuang University, he was from the sixth-generation fighter research and development department at the beginning!”

“That’s the old professor with the mustache?”

“He is our vice president…”

“Isn’t it hard to hear you mean that you are still one of those two young people???”

“Although I can’t bear to hit you, I still have to tell you that the 99.9% probability of that tall and handsome person is Vice President Xiaojiang…”



There was a lot of discussion on and off stage.

Jiang Chen and the others also walked to the stage of the conference hall.

Lu Yushan led Jiang Chen to Qin Hao and had not yet opened his mouth to introduce him.

Qin Hao had already held out his hand and smiled

“Vice President Xiaojiang, hello!

I am Qin Hao, deputy director of the Department of National Defense, who has been in the telecom before, and should not have forgotten me, right? ”

Jiang Chen quickly shook Qin Hao’s hand and smiled helplessly

“Director Qin, how dare I forget you, hahaha…”

Qin Hao held Jiang Chen’s hand in both hands and said excitedly:

“Two months to boost the Dragon Kingdom sixth-generation fighter to take off!”

Vice President Xiaojiang is even younger and more promising than I thought!

On behalf of the country and the people, I thank you for your outstanding contribution to the Dragon Kingdom!

Our Zhongyuan Festival God of War skeleton return escort task can be entrusted to the sixth generation of fighters you have developed! ”

Jiang Chen looked at Qin Hao’s solemn look and took a deep breath to promise.

“Director Qin is assured!

The six-generation fighter we have developed will not fail to live up to the newcomers of the country and the people.

The remains of the God of War of the Dragon Kingdom.

Be sure to arrive at the Mid-Yuan Festival Festival on time! ”

The conversation between Jiang Chen and Qin Hao ended.

Lu Yushan also opened the information just prepared by the secretary and prepared to start the discussion meeting on the code names of the six generations of fighters


The sixth-generation fighter project has gone through a total of one year and nine months since its establishment!

From the slow progress at the beginning to the last two months of green clouds!

Vice President Xiaojiang’s efforts and hard work I believe everyone can see in their eyes.

Two months ago.

Vice President Xiaojiang once made a military order on the stage.

If you can’t let the sixth-generation fighter take off within two months, you will resign from the position of deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter!

However, today, there is still 1 day left before the two-month period!

Our sixth-generation fighter has successfully rolled off the production line! ”

Lu Yushan clicked on the information.

What appeared on the projector was the photo relics of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft Arrow-30 just taken by Jiang Chen leading the team to overcome technical difficulties!

The audience saw that the shocking sixth-generation fighter plane burst into deafening applause!

This applause is both for the six generations of fighters downline.

More for Jiang Chen!

If not Jiang Chen.

The development cycle of the sixth-generation fighter is also at least ten years later!

This applause, Jiang Chen deserves!

All the big people present here also applauded Jiang Chen from the bottom of their hearts.

After the applause gradually subsided.

Lu Yushan continued:

“In accordance with the tradition of our warplanes.

Every time a new fighter comes out, we give it a code name.

Just like the name of the newborn.

So today we are bringing together the staff of all the sixth-generation fighters today.

Just to discuss a code name for the sixth generation of fighters!

According to the old rules, it should be brainstorming.

But today!

Because our vice president Xiaojiang has made great contributions to the sixth-generation fighter.

It has been decided above that the code name granting power of this sixth-generation fighter will be exercised by Vice President Xiaojiang! ”

Then he turned his head to look at Jiang Chen and squeezed his eyes.

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

Rounded to six generations of fighters is your child, the name has to think about it! ”

The moment Lu Yushan finished speaking.

All eyes were on Jiang Chen.

The code name is given the right to be right, which Jiang Chen deserves to deserve.

Not only did they have the slightest opinion.

I even look forward to what kind of name Jiang Chen will give his “child”?

The whole audience is in focus.

Jiang Chen smiled and picked up the microphone.

“First of all, I would like to thank the country and everyone for the trust they have placed in me.

Let me just tell you what I think.

Because the sixth-generation fighter is responsible for the task of escorting the national airspace, and tomorrow’s test flight also takes over the escort task of the return of the remains of the God of War on the Zhongyuan Festival.

So I want to give the code name of the sixth-generation fighter Suzaku!

“Huainanzi” astronomical training: “Southern, Huoye, its Emperor Yandi, its Zuo Zhu Ming, Zhi Heng and Zhi Xia; Its gods are the Silkworm, its beasts, its Sonic Signs, its Days. ”

Suzaku is one of the four spirits of heaven in the ancient mythology of the Dragon Kingdom.

Originating from the ancient star worship, it is the southern god who represents the Yan Emperor and the seven southern residences, and is separated from the Bagua and the main fire of the five elements.

In the pre-Qin Dynasty, it was believed that it could lead the soul of the deceased to ascend to the heavens.

I hope that the sixth-generation fighter with the name of Suzaku can soar for nine days, protect the Dragon Kingdom, and return home with the heroic soul of the lost Dragon Kingdom God of War! ”

Lu Yushan had already told him about the code name granting power before.

So he had already considered the code names of the sixth-generation fighters before the meeting began.

Whether it’s out of the best expectations for the sixth-generation fighter.

Or return home with the spirit of war.

He felt that the name Suzaku was the best choice!

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

All the scientific research personnel and military region personnel present here nodded in amazement.

“Vice President Xiaojiang’s code name is good!”

It not only gave him the hope of nine days of Tengyu, but also combined it with the Zhongyuan Festival Battle Soul Remains Escort Mission to be carried out tomorrow!

It was perfect! ”

“It’s a matter of time before the name gets good, and I’m surprised.

Isn’t Vice President Xiao Jiang a science genius?

Still proficient in the liberal arts? “Huainanzi” opens its mouth to come? My classmates who read Chinese language and literature have a hard time memorizing “Sleepwalking in Heaven and Leaving Goodbye”…”

“How to say that our deputy Xiaojiang is always a genius, not only proficient in science, but also proficient in Chinese history and culture!”

Worthy of being my idol! ”

“Vice President Xiaojiang, I want to give birth to you!”

“Elder sister, I suspect that you are here to make trouble, why every time you want to give birth to Vice President Xiaojiang?”

“You take care of the old lady!”


The conference hall is buzzing.

Qin Hao on this side also had a new understanding of Jiang Chen.

Generally speaking, these people who are engaged in science are basically very persistent and focused, and they did not expect that Xiao Jiang could even quote the scriptures to give the sixth generation of fighters such a code name with such a deep meaning!

He was really interested in Jiang Chen, the little guy!

He was more and more looking forward to what kind of changes this little guy would bring to the Dragon Kingdom!

Lu Yushan looked at the code name given by Jiang Chen’s sixth-generation fighter plane and applauded Lin Qingshu.

“Old Lin, do you see it?”

“I see the line! Deputy Xiao Jiang is always a ghost talent! ”

Finish the eye color.

Lu Yushan patted the microphone.

“So be it.

That’s it!

Sixth-generation Arrow-30, codename: Suzaku!

Test Flight Time: Mid-Yuan Festival!

Test Flight Mission: Escort the remains of the God of War back to China for the Mid-Yuan Festival Festival! ”

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