After six generations of fighter development.

Jiang Chen knew what it meant to be learning the sea without end, although he had previously promoted all disciplines to LV.2.

It has also reached a level that many doctors cannot reach.

But if you want to compare with the real bearers in this field, it is still slightly inferior!

So much so that there are already sixth-generation fighters whose technology can be completed at the beginning of nine to five in the morning.

Every day, I have to work overtime to complete it!

If Song Guosheng was victorious, Liu Runzhi and the two heard this in front of Jiang Chen.

It is estimated that the old blood will have to be squirted out!

Two months to build six generations of fighters, Jiang Chen actually did not want to add …

Just thinking about it.

Jiang Chen is very urgent for the upgrading of subject knowledge.

Continuous exploration in the ocean of knowledge has been deeply engraved in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Look at the 3000 scientific points in hand.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to load a certain discipline.

He was about to go to Yan University for graduate school.

For the average graduate student.

Studying their own direction has been tired.

But for Jiang Chen, who was bound to the god-level scientist system, it was all just a basic operation!

Although his admission major was physics.

But it doesn’t prevent him from studying other disciplines when he has spare time!

Wait until Yanda to see what discipline you are more interested in and then decide what discipline to do.

Jiang Chen, who put away the scientific point, looked at the blind box and smiled.

The scientific point is dessert before meals.

This scientific research blind box is the main dish!

The last time he fired the sixth-generation fighter series technology in a blind box.

It also triggered the main quest, bringing the Dragon Kingdom a six-generation fighter Arrow-30 that had never been seen before!

What interesting scientific and technological achievements will be made this time?

Rubbed my hands.

Directly opened the scientific research blind box.

【The blind box has been disassembled!】 】

[Congratulations to the host for its success: 1nmEUV lithography machine series technology: extreme ultraviolet light source (euv), ultra-high precision alignment system, energy controller, mask version, vibration damping system…]

The moment the scientific blind box was opened.

The anticipation on Jiang Chen’s face gradually turned into a heartbroken wild laugh.

“Sleeper a groove!

It turned out to be an EUV lithography machine, and it was 1nm! ”

This is no wonder Jiang Chen is excited!

What is a lithography machine?

The high-end lithography machine is known as the world’s most sophisticated instrument!

The high-end lithography machine can be called the flower of the modern optical industry, and it is known as the crown jewel of semiconductor materials!

It is so difficult to manufacture that only a few companies in the world can manufacture it.

The real can be called high-end lithography machine is only three can do.

Coachman AWSL, Sakura Crane of Connie and toothpaste factory.

AWS among the three is even more unique.

More than 70% of the global market for high-end lithography machines with sub-45nm (nanometer) processes is monopolized by the company.

AWSL’s state-of-the-art EUV lithography machine enables the chip’s 7nm linewidth process to be realized, and each unit costs 120 million bald eagle yuan, which is equivalent to a wave wave 737.

Even Bald Eagle, as the overlord of Azure Star Technology, only owns the equity of AWS and the right to use lithography machines.

Not even qualified to spy on its core technology!

In today’s world, it is often the difficulty of developing lithography machines that are compared to nuclear bombs.

The results are clear.

One side believes that the difficulty of developing lithography machines is much higher than that of nuclear bombs!

Of course, none of this was the reason for Jiang Chen’s frenzied laughter.

Just like the previous six-generation fighter technology.

There are also few people in the world who can develop it.

But Jiang Chen had never laughed so heartily.

Why is he so happy and happy to be fired from lithography today?

Because the lithography machine can be described as an insurmountable mountain that plagues the optical technology and chip industry in Longguo today!

In 1996, 33 countries in the West, including bald eagles, kangaroos, Gallic chickens, and coachmen.

The Wassener Agreement was signed and implemented, the full name of which is the Wassener Agreement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies.

This agreement has become the main “guiding document” for Longguo’s high-tech export controls.

The Wassener Agreement stipulates nine categories of equipment and commodities, including military products, nuclear materials, electronic devices, telecommunications and information security, sensing and lasers, navigation and avionics instruments, ships and maritime equipment, and implements export controls on Dragon Country.

The coachman’s AWS is in the Wassener Agreement export control enterprise.

If AWS wants to export to Longguo chip enterprise 7nmEUV lithography machine, it needs the consent of Bald Eagle to be…

The impact of the Wasselner Agreement on Dragon Nation High Tech is clear.

That is, while Longguo has become the world’s largest chip market, it must rely on imports for a long time.

As far as Jiang Chen knew, the key core technologies of Longguo are now highly dependent on foreign countries.

80% of high-end chips are imported, and the self-sufficiency rate is less than 10%…

It is under such a desperate situation that both Longguo state-owned enterprises and national enterprises are actively seeking the way to break the ice!

One of the most representative is Amber, a subsidiary of the national enterprise Huawei.

Amber released the first self-produced smartphone chip K3V1 in 2009, and then the later Amber 970, 980, 990…

The self-development of mobile phone chips has made Huawei’s smart phone devices go to the world.

Once the king of the global market and smart devices in the field of fruit broke the wrist…

But with Huawei’s overall leadership in the field of 5G technology, Bald Eagle realized that Huawei could no longer be allowed to develop like this.

Comprehensive sanctions against Huawei immediately began.

The most lethal thing about flowers in sanctions is the lithography machine!

The amber that lost the lithography machine OEM seems to be stuck in the neck, because without the OEM of the high-end lithography machine, their amber chip cannot be built!

It was Hana’s experience that made Ryukuni realize from the trap of boiling frogs in warm water.

The independent research and development of lithography machine!

Must be done as soon as possible!

Longguo’s domestic optical enterprises, Longguo Academy of Sciences, have increased their investment in the field of optical technology research and development.

Although the development of lithography machines began a long time ago.

And recently increased manpower and material resources.

But I have to admit that the reason why the lithography machine is known as the flower of the modern optical industry and the crown jewel of semiconductor materials is for a reason!

Rao is the Institute of Optoelectronic Technology of the Longguo Academy of Sciences, which integrates the strength of the entire Longguo Optical Experts.

Super-resolution lithography machine that took more than ten years to develop.

The optical resolution is only 22 nanometers…

It’s 15 eras away from the coachman’s AWS 7nm…

Whether it is civilian or military, there is still a huge gap from AWSL…

And it is in such a desperate situation.

He Jiang Chen actually opened the blind box and opened the lithography machine technology!

The most thing is that he still got 1nm lithography machine technology!

6 times ahead of the coachman’s AWSL!

Jiang Chen almost cried out when he saw these technical excitement, could he not laugh out loud?

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