Originally, the scene where the tutor frantically robbed Jiang Chen was already chaotic enough.

Wu Kezhi’s words came out again.

The atmosphere of the whole field exploded at once.


Professor Wu is also too fierce, right?

Directly give Jiang Chen the right to set up a laboratory for a new graduate student! ”

“Obediently, the laboratory is a small matter, every month subsidies fifty thousand yuan, plus five million a year of scientific research funds …

I wonder if many masters don’t have this funding standard! ”

“This is the bottom line, Wu Kezhi is studying under Li Yumin, people are now responsible for the research and development of lithography machines, and the most important thing is funding…”

“a chicken, so sour, people participate in the double election will be robbed by the teacher.”

We are Grandma who doesn’t hurt, Grandpa who doesn’t love…”

“How else can we say that there is a gap between people?”

“So who do you think Brother Chen will choose?”

“I think that at present, Professor Wu’s winning margin is greater, after all, this condition is open to everyone who will be moved, right?”


When the new students in the audience were talking about it.

The mentors also looked at each other with swords and eyes, and finally looked at Jiang Chen with their eyes.

Waiting for Jiang Chen’s answer.

Jiang Chen looked at a pair of expectant eyes with a little embarrassment.

He couldn’t tell these teachers in front of so many new students that they didn’t deserve it, could he?

When I was thinking about how to refuse.

The door of the double election meeting was kicked open.

Entering the door were two old men with white sideburns.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of the School of Physics of Yenching University, Li Yumin.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of the School of Mathematics of Yenching University, Wei Fengxian.

The crowd looked at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian, who were sweating profusely as they entered the door, and were a little stunned.

What’s going on here?


Isn’t this Dean Li and Dean Wei?

How did they get here? This is an academician-level big guy! ”

“I was sweating profusely, and it seemed like there was something urgent…”

“Didn’t you hear about our brother Chen’s genius and run over to prepare to close the disciples?”

“Wow, if that’s the case, then Brother Tatsumi is really developed!”

This is an academician!

If you can become an academician disciple, then you can really stand firm in the Dragon Kingdom scientific research circle! ”


Mu Shijun also looked curiously at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian.

These two are not engaged in scientific research at the research institute.

What will I do when I run to the graduate tutor double selection?

Wu Kezhi looked at his teacher Li Yumin and his teacher’s old friend Wei Fengxian and was also a little puzzled.

What is the situation?

In the case of everyone’s doubts.

Li Yumin gasped and walked to the sky, handed the Science in his hand to Jiang Chen, pointed to the cover and asked with a rapid heartbeat:

“Xiao Jiang, did you write this article ‘Pfaffian Pairing State of Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect’?”

Wei Fengxian on the side also looked at Jiang Chen with great anticipation and nervousness.

Desperate to know the answer.

Li Yumin’s question was exported.

Many people in the audience looked at “Science” in Li Yumin’s hands with curiosity.

“Isn’t that the latest issue of Science in Dean Lee’s hands?”

“Well, I also have a subscription to this magazine, but what does Science have to do with Jiang Chen?”

“Listening to the meaning of Professor Li’s words, it seems to be asking whether the paper on the cover of this issue of Science was written by Jiang Chen?”

“No, the gold content of Science is not comparable to that of a miscellaneous card like SCI…

Not to mention that it is a graduate student, that is, Professor Li’s kind of want to publish is estimated to be difficult…”

“But isn’t it, how can Jiang Chen be?”

It must be Professor Lee that they are mistaken, right? ”


A pair of eyes when looking at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the “Pfaffian Pairing State of the Semi-Integer Fraction Quantum Hall Effect” on the cover of “Science” and frowned slightly.

Isn’t this the physics thesis he got when he upgraded his discipline?

Think about it.

Finally remembered!

At that time, he asked Chen Xixi to help him cast “Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem” + “Theoretical Properties of Certain Heck Algebras” to the “Annals of Mathematics”.

Incidentally, the papers obtained from the upgrading of the previous disciplines were submitted to international scientific journals such as Science, Nature, Cell, etc.

More than a month has passed, and he is busy with the research and development of six-generation fighters every day.

Almost forgot about it…

I didn’t expect that the physics paper actually appeared on the cover of “Science”, which was a bonus.

“Well, yes!

I wrote it, what’s wrong? ”

Jiang Chen downplayed and did not care about a single answer.

Both Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s feet were almost soft.

Although at the beginning I was speculating about the connection between Jiang Chen and this “Pfaffian pairing state of the semi-integer fraction quantum Hall effect”…

But now they were shocked to see Jiang Chen nodding their heads.


Jiang Chen is still just a college student who has just graduated…

But the paper is already on the cover of Science.

How can they not be stunned!

This is even if it is so, why can Jiang Chen still be so understated?

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian were shocked.

Everyone in the audience listened to Jiang Chen’s words and was instantly petrified.

“I felt as if my ears were nothing but a problem…

Why did I hear Jiang Chen say that the “Pfaffian Pairing State of the Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect” was written by him? ”

“Jiang Chen is joking, that’s SCIENCE!”

International researchers dream of publishing journals!

Jiang Chen, a freshman who has just entered graduate school, can be published in SCIENCE??? ”

“Big brother, Professor Li Yumin and Professor Wei Fengxian personally brought up the journal to ask, do you think it is empty?”

“Shock mom decades, more than a month ago.

Jiang Chen has not yet enrolled in graduate school, that is to say, the undergraduate thesis has reached the top of “SCIENCE”…

What the hell is going on in this world??? ”

“Most importantly, when you look at Brother Chen’s face, it seems that he still doesn’t care, and I finally know why Jiang Chen didn’t panic at all in the face of these professors at first…

People are more awesome than Professor Wu! ”

“This is not without reason, Professor Wu’s scientific research results have not been published in “SCIENCE” …”

“Helplessly I have no culture, a sentence I hastily walk the world …”


The audience shocked the mother for thirty years.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian also gradually recovered from the shock

Curious to look at Jiang Chen, who was calm and self-assured.

Isn’t that something that should jump up with joy?

“Classmate Xiaojiang, your paper is on the cover of Science!”

Why don’t you look excited at all…? ”

This was not just the doubts of Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian.

It is also the doubt of everyone here.

Jiang Chen looked at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s excited and helpless smile.

Isn’t the paper on the cover of Science?

What’s so exciting about that?

If only this could jump up with excitement.

Wouldn’t he have to fly when he won this year’s Abel Prize for “Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem” + “Theoretical Properties of Certain Heck Algebras” submitted to the Annals of Mathematics?

Of course, I haven’t gotten it yet.

Therefore, Jiang Chen did not want to pretend to be forced and decided to keep a low profile.

“As expected, there’s nothing to be excited about…

During the summer vacation, I submitted several papers at this level.

Like what “Nature” and “Cell” ah, should have been published by now, right? ”

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