Jiang Chen’s voice was not loud, but the moment the voice came out of his mouth.

The whole venue sounded like the voice of Huang Zhong Da Lu!

Circle after circle hit everyone’s fragile and young hearts…

Although Jiang Chen’s “Pfaffian Pairing State of Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect” is indeed the top of “Science”…

Jiang Chen’s surprise was also beyond reproach.

They thought Jiang Chen was a genius…

However, Jiang Chen actually said that the level of this kind of paper is not high, and the paper he submitted should have been published in “Nature”, “Cell”… Something like that?

Isn’t that a bit outrageous?

“I don’t know if I’m deaf or if Brother Tatsumi is wrong…

Now “SCIENCE”, “Nature”, “CELL” and other international magazines can be listed on the first thought? ”

Jiang Chen can write a paper like “Pfaffian Pairing State of Semi-integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect” is really great.

But the back is also too loaded, sleeper! ”

“If I remember correctly, Nature is known as the Gemini of the scientific journal on a par with Science.

As for “cell”, it is even more incredible, it is said to be the hegemonic journal of the biosphere!

Nobel biologists have basically selected scientific research results from this journal…”

“It seems to be said that Ha, this is all interdisciplinary, physics, chemistry, biology…

If Brother Chen could really include so many disciplines, it would be too perverted…”


When the new students and the tutor group were talking about each other.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian did not doubt Jiang Chen’s meaning in the slightest.

Because they know.

Geniuses who can write papers like “Pfaffian Pairing States of Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect” have no need to deceive them!

Perhaps Jiang Chen’s words are just pretending to be forced by most people.

But in the eyes of Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian.

Jiang Chen is just stating a fact…

Not only that, Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian even immediately dialed the phones of the College of Biology and the College of Chemistry of Yanda University.

As far as they know, the old guys of these colleges should also have the habit of ordering international journals!

“Hey, Lao Luo, is there a paper written by a Longguo student named Jiang Chen in the latest issue of NATURE?”


Old Li, do you know this Jiang Chen???

I want to explode my head and didn’t know that there was one in China that could be on the cover of “NATURE” in the field of heat conduction gel!

Now the entire Longguo chemical circle should be discussing this scientific researcher named Jiang Chen…

Wait, what did you just say?

Longguo Student ???

You mean this Jiang Chen is a student??? ”

The moment the voice of the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering came out of the microphone.

Li Yumin looked at Jiang Chen on the side with a bitter smile.

“Not just a student, but also a new graduate student who has just entered our college!”

“Old Lee, this joke is unbeatable.”

New graduate students, you tell me about the thesis to reach the top of “NATURE”!

Aren’t you kidding me? ”

“I’m really not kidding you, I’m at the double selection meeting of graduate tutors in the School of Physics, don’t hide from you, I booked “SCIENCE” this morning and also got the cover of this little guy’s paper…”


Don’t run, I’ll come right away!”

Don’t let that god run away! ”


Except for Li Yumin’s inquiry about the College of Chemistry.

Wei Fengxian also inquired about the School of Biology.

Without exception, Jiang Chen’s papers have been featured on the covers of these international journals.

No matter how big it is, it is completely entrenched in the first few pages!

The moment Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s phone hung up.

The whole site was petrified in an instant.

“My mother-in-law!

Really on “NATURE” and “CELL”… Finish???

This is all international top journals! ”

“Yes, ordinary scientific researchers may not be able to publish papers on it in their lifetime, and this Jiang Chen has published several …

Grandpa really threw up…”

“Pure passerby, is this a Xueba?”

“I take back my own shallow ignorance, and compared with Brother Chen, I am a waste!”

“I suddenly felt that the first thing I could compare with Brother Chen was completely incomparable.

In the future, if anyone dares to mention that I am the first of the same class of Brother Chen, will I cut off friendship on the spot! ”

“Can’t afford it, can’t afford it, slipped away…”


When the new students were amazed, many of the instructors in the audience were also stupid.

Especially Mu Shijun, who did not have much hope for Jiang Chen at the beginning.

At this moment, a pair of watery eyes looked at Jiang Chen’s unfazed look and was almost stunned.

She studied at the age of 15 at Bald Eagle and returned from six years of study to serve as an important project for lithography machines.

Already known as a genius of geniuses!

But her scientific research results are only just enough to reach the threshold of international top journals such as “SCIENCE” and “NATURE”…

No way to dominate the screen cover!

And now…

She actually competed for the god-level academic bully who simultaneously dominated the top international journals at the double selection site of graduate students!

Make a stroke with Jiang Chen.

What a genius she is…

It’s not an order of magnitude at all!

As soon as he thought that he had no connection with Jiang Chen before, Mu Shijun blushed tightly.

It is indeed about to have nothing to do with it.

It’s just that it is not Jiang Chen who has nothing to do with it, but she Mu Shijun…

When Mu Shijun was sad again, the dozen or so instructors who had just fought over Jiang Chen’s ears were red at this time, and the hands holding the table were all red with bruises.

Professor Wang Xiaogang of the Institute of High Energy Physics coughed softly and said:

“Professor Wu, I just thought about it carefully, Xiao Jiang’s classmates still don’t want our research institute…

We seem to be full…”

Professor Chen Dahua of the Particle Physics Research Laboratory also hurriedly waved his hand:

“The people in our research room seem to be enough, although Xiaojiang is excellent, it is a pity that our students have enough, ah, what a pity…”

Wu Kezhi looked at the group of professors who were momentarily provoked by the moment, and also reflected on it, and coughed hurriedly:

“With my qualifications, I guess I can’t apply for the indicators, and I seem to have exceeded the standard for research funds, I’m afraid I can’t open a laboratory for Xiaojiang, it’s a pity…”

The look on the faces of a group of professors who had just been robbing was already condensed into a line of large characters.

That is, they are not worthy to be Jiang Chen’s teachers!

If they could, they even wanted to worship Jiang Chen as an apprentice…

One after the other, at the beginning, the remaining freshmen were divided up by more than ten teachers in an instant.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen would have to be randomly assigned to their name by the school!

At their level.

Can you teach Jiang Chen?

Isn’t that self-inflicted!

Everyone immediately felt that it was good to take the initiative to recruit a not-so-good graduate student into their own team.

At least don’t have to be hit by such a pervert as Jiang Chen’s doubtful life!

Finally, Wu Kezhi and other professors of the older generation looked at Mu Shijun who was still in a daze with some subtlety…

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