Because of the sudden change, the double selection of tutors and graduate students originally had to wait until the new students randomly assigned by the school had just been actively recruited into the team by the tutors.

Now there is only one freshman graduate student left on the field.

There is also a mastermind.

The new student is undoubtedly the immortal new student Jiang Chen on the stage.

The remaining Shuo Dao was naturally Mu Shijun, who was still in a daze.

Wu Kezhi coughed softly and laughed:

“Professor Xiao Mu, congratulations, Xiao Jiang is your first student!”

A group of tutors also began to congratulate Mu Shijun.

“Congratulations to Professor Xiao Mu for winning the genius students!”

“Genius mentor with genius student, hahaha, it’s a perfect match!”

“Professor Xiao Mu, I really envy you, Xiao Jiang, such an excellent freshman actually entered your team!”


Mu Shijun was awakened by the inexplicable congratulations of a group of people.

The whole person was instantly stupid.

Wait a minute……

What congratulations?

What did she receive from the first student?

She almost collapsed when she looked at the list of students in her hand.

On the list, there was only one lonely Jiang Chen left.

The mentor was left with only a lonely her…

Mu Shijun looked at a group of students who were looking around, and their small faces were almost green.

These seniors pit her!

How did she teach Jiang Chen…

Isn’t that bullying?

When Mu Shijun was in a hurry, several deans who had just been shocked by Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian knocking on the phone were also present.


The conference hall, which was originally a double choice for graduate students and supervisors, suddenly became the location of the academician cluster.

One by one, the academicians basically carry the top international scientific research journals in their hands.

Published in journals.

Formal Jiang Chen’s thesis!

“The much-discussed god Jiang Chen in the chemical world is so young???”

“Is this the legendary genius?”

“Xiaojiang expert, our college has a bad vice dean, you see…”

“Xiaojiang expert, I don’t understand your paper very well, do you see if you have time to tell me about it…”


One by one, the deans who were high up in the sky instantly turned into curious babies and gathered around Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also smiled helplessly at the arrival of many deans.

It was also the beginning of the traditional skill of preaching and being deceived by karma.

Basically, the president of Yanda University and the existence of academicians of the Longguo Academy of Sciences have humbly asked questions.

Can he still hold it?

Of course not!

Jiang Chen also smiled and took the paper in the journal and began to explain:

“The preparation of aerogels typically consists of a sol-gel process and a supercritical drying process.

In the sol gel process, by controlling the hydrolysis and polycondensation reaction conditions of the solution, nanoclusters of different structures are formed in the dissolution, and the mutual adhesion between the clusters forms a gel, while around the solid skeleton of the gel is filled with liquid reagents remaining after chemical reaction.

In order to prevent the surface tension in the micropores during the drying of the gel from causing the destruction of the material structure, the supercritical drying process is used to place the gel in a pressure vessel to heat up the pressure…”


Many academicians surrounded Jiang Chen when he was shocked.

The people in the entire conference hall did not dare to move at all, and all the people were already collectively petrified when they looked at Jiang Chen and several academicians on the stage to discuss academic issues.

“Did I split it directly on the spot, the dean of several colleges of Yanda University actually surrounded a graduate student to ask questions, if this is passed out, the absolute time is to be searched according to the hegemonic list!”

“No way, Brother Chen is such a cowhide…”

“To be reasonable, the topic discussed between Brother Chen and the deans is too advanced and profound, and I can’t understand a word…”

“Is this the scene of academic discussion at the academician level?”

Love love! ”

“Pure passers-by, is this an academic paradise?”


To say that the most stupid of these is Mu Shijun.

Inexplicably, becoming Jiang Chen’s mentor was already very incomprehensible.

Now their first student.

He was discussing academic issues with a group of academicians.

And one of her mentors was playing soy sauce on the side…

This picture is so joyful!

Mu Shijun could even predict that he would live with Jiang Chen’s “teachers and students” in the future…

Oh my God, how can she straighten out this awkward relationship?

When Mu Shijun scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

The academician group here has also progressed to the final stage, and a group of academicians watched Jiang Chen start to shoot a rainbow fart!

“Classmate Xiao Jiang, your method is simply unprecedented and unprecedented!”

“Classmate Xiaojiang, thank you for your solution, I can understand it as soon as you talk about it!”

“Classmate Xiaojiang, I see that you still don’t want to enroll, in fact, our School of Chemical Engineering still lacks a vice dean, I will help you apply!”

“I also think Xiao Jiang can…!”

“Classmate Xiaojiang, always drip God!”


A group of old academicians gathered around to pat the horse’s ass a few times.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian sighed happily.

“The problem of your group of old guys, Xiao Jiang, was easily solved.”

If only our lithography machine development was that simple!

Now even the most basic electromagnetic radiation can not be determined…

How many years will it take for this extreme ultraviolet lithography to develop it…”

Wei Fengxian also sighed, Li Yumin’s extreme ultraviolet lithography was not good.

How easy it is for their energy controllers!

The two were sighing.

Jiang Chen smiled meaningfully and said:

“Lithography machine?

Coincidentally, I just said at the time of the double selection meeting, my recent research and development goal is lithography machine! ”

Jiang Chen said this.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian were stunned!

Really fake?!!

Although Jiang Chen’s academic discussion across several universities had just shocked them.

But Jiang Chen said that his short-term goal was the lithography machine.

The two were confused.

You must know that there is an essential difference between engaging in scientific research and engaging in academia, one is theory, and the other is application and practice!

It’s not easy to make the leap between them!

Most importantly, what they are now developing is still known as the pearl in the history of the semiconductor industry, the lithography machine!

Jiang Chen wasn’t joking with them, right?

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Wu Kezhi under the stage:

“I think Professor Wu has the most say in this question, right?”

Several academicians turned their heads to look at Wu Kezhi.

Wu Kezhi’s old face turned red and he quickly nodded.

“Xiao Jiang’s short-term goal is indeed a lithography machine.

Just did not know the identity of Xiao Jiang’s classmates, I was also very arrogant to ask Xiao Jiang a question about Maxwell’s equations…

Now I am kneeling to watch Xiao Jiang’s deduction, and I think Xiao Jiang must have his own understanding of the lithography machine! ”

A group of academicians heard this and quickly looked at the blackboard behind them.


That’s how Maxwell’s equations are derived!

The academicians of the rest of the academy had no other feelings when they looked at the living blood except admiration.

But the moment Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian saw the contents on the blackboard, their feet were weak, and they almost fell to their knees…

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