Several old academicians led by Yang Weigang began to calculate while reading the materials with paper and pencil.

The whole process lasted directly from the evening until midnight….

When the last page of “On the Conceptual Direction and R&D Scheme of Variable Cycle Adaptive Engine” was just turned over by Yang Wei.

The depression that had been brewing in everyone’s hearts for so long finally broke out at this moment!

“Three-rotor structure!

The fan, the high-pressure compressor and the low-pressure compressor all form their own rotor, and without a relatively fixed mechanical connection, the fan and the low-pressure rotor do not have to act on each other, so that they can each run at the most suitable speed….

This way of handling it is perfect!

How could we not have thought of it at the time!!! ”

“My obedience, the total booster ratio of the compressor’s 3-level fan and the 6-level high-pressure compressor has reached 25…

The average single-stage boost ratio is 1.43 …

Am I dreaming? ”

“The theoretical working life of the first-stage turbine blades that have been diffused and penetrated by aluminum and silicon is as high as 15,900 hours!

Oh my goodness…

Is this a variable-cycle adaptive engine??? ”


The admiration and shock of the old academician made Lu Yushan and Lü Wei on the side very confused.

It’s also heart-wrenching.

They stayed here with a few people for hours, didn’t they just wait for the proposal for a variable-cycle adaptive engine submitted by the Ninghai 406 to be feasible?

Now these big guys are saying something they don’t understand!

They can’t urge these people, they can only do it in a hurry….

Yang Wei just took off his reading glasses, and his eyes were full of tears.

“Minister of the Road, General Lui.

This information is just perfect!

I’ve never seen such a perfect R&D solution in my life!

I dare say that as long as the construction and production is carried out according to this information, the variable cycle adaptive engine will come out after all! ”

Several old academicians quickly followed and nodded.

This is the answer they all came up with!

Lu Yushan and Lü Wei listened to the words of Yang Weigang and the others and looked at each other, their eyes full of incredulity.

So say…

Jiang Chen’s variable-cycle adaptive engine has really become a ?!!!

This Nyima…

That’s awesome, isn’t it?

Lu Yushan and Lü Wei were shocked by this.

Yang Weigang looked excitedly at Lu Yushan.

“Minister Lu, dare I ask who is in charge of this plan?”

Yang Weigang said this.

Everyone’s eyes were on Lu Yushan.

They are also curious!

The person who can make such a plan will never be a nameless person!

Their hearts were now like a kitten scratching, and they were really curious about those who could come up with such a plan.

Lu Yushan looked at the expectant crowd with some embarrassment…

The identity of the key figures of the national key projects cannot be casually revealed.

Even these old academicians in front of them were gradually announced in the public eye many years after the completion of the Arrow-20!

But these people in front of them are all people who have made outstanding contributions to the country, and he has a bad refusal….

How is this good?

Yang Weigang finally reacted when he saw Lu Yushan’s embarrassment.

Patting his head with an embarrassed smile:

“It looks like we’re really old…

I forgot that the list of designers and research executives needs to be kept secret.

Minister of the road, we’re embarrassed for you, haha…”

The old academicians behind them also reacted, and they all blushed and apologized.

But I was sorry and everyone had some regrets.

Their average age is in their eighties….

The advent of the sixth-generation fighter jet will be a few years later, are they still there?

It’s hard to say what it would be like to lose sight of this secret and great scientist.

That may be their regret in this life…

Lu Yushan looked at a group of old academicians with an expression of imminent regret for the rest of his life and smiled helplessly.

“Elder Yang, Elder Wei, Elder Pan…

Although his identity cannot be revealed to you.

But there are some side notes I can tell you.

The first to develop a variable cycle adaptive engine.

Age may be much younger than you think….

Also, your imaginary missed encounter may probably not happen.

Because this person also said that within two months, the sixth generation of Dragon Kingdom fighters will take off.

A few of you just looked at the information….

In fact, he spent a few hours to make it….

Before, I didn’t believe his rhetoric, I thought it was a fantasy.

But now….

I seem to have to believe…”

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