Although Chen Qian is a scientific researcher in the field of engine rotor.

But she herself was interested in mathematics.

In advanced mathematics, which is an elective at the doctoral level, many mathematical papers published at the doctoral level have been included in the sci.

But recently Chen Qian is preparing to sprint for the Annals of Mathematics, which is known as one of the four crowns of international mathematical journals.

Of course, not the domestic edition of the journal.

Instead, it is annalsofmathematics, published by Princeton University at the World Center for Mathematics, and Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.

In general, mathematical papers can be published in several major journals such as the Annals of Mathematics.

Basically, it can enter the selection database of several major awards in the mathematical community.

This is also a basic requirement for international mathematical prizes such as the Fields Medal, the Abel Prize, and the Wolf Medal.

Chen Qian is only twenty-six years old now.

She is not yet confident that she has won the International Mathematics Prize.

Just hope that my paper can be published in the Annals of Mathematics.

But at the end of the paper on the structure of the extension.

Chen Qian encountered no small problem.

It was also during this period that she met Jiang Chen.

A madman who was very unoptimistic at first, but finally shocked her countless times… Talented!!!

During the development of a variable-cycle adaptive engine that covers multiple disciplines.

Jiang Chen’s mathematical skills can be described as brilliant!

After all, mathematics can be counted as the basic discipline of all sciences, and without learning mathematics, Jiang Chen could not be so proficient in other disciplines!

That’s why she thought about whether to ask Jiang Chen about cohomology algebra.


The moment Chen Qian asked this question, the moment it came out.

Su Youwei listened directly to the stupidity.

She also thought that Chen Qian wanted to confess something to Jiang Chen, and her feelings were to ask academic questions…

No, big sister, why are you blushing so much when you ask a math problem???

When Su Youwei was autistic.

Jiang Chen was interested in Chen Qian’s question.

Anyway, there is still a while before the dish is served, and it is good to discuss cohomology algebra.

Better than listening to these two discuss lipstick packets?

Chen Qian was also upright, and she really carried a book with her.

The puzzle about homology algebra she wrote in the book.

Jiang Chen took the book and frowned slightly, no wonder he could not stump Chen Qian, this homology algebra is indeed not simple!

But for him, who was bound to the god-level scientist system.

It’s not really a big deal!

Holding a small bench, he sat down in front of Chen Qian and gave a detailed speech:

“Sister Xi, Alexander proved in 1915 the topological invariance of the cohomology group of polyhedron, that is, if two polyhedras │k│, │l│ are isomorphomorphic, then this isomorphism induces their upper cohomology group, the isomorphism of the cohomology group.

You should be clear about this foundation, right? ”

Chen Qian nodded, this is the basis of the homology theory, she naturally knows.

Jiang Chen saw Chen Qian nodding his head and breathing a sigh of relief.

Now that the basics are known, the next explanation is simple!

“That’s easy to say, in fact, the problem you encounter is the easy mistake of the upper homology theory.


The δ in this theorem is called the upper edge operator , which has the property δδ=0.

Similar to the definition of a cohomology group, it is possible to define an uplocked chain group zn(k; g), upper edge chain group bn(k; g), the upper homology group hn(k; g)。 When g is an integer plus a group z, the symbol z is omitted, and it is simply denoted as cn(k), zn(k), bn(k), hn(k), and so on.

The construction of the upper cohomology group can be fully determined by the cohomology group …”

When Jiang Chen was talking to Chen Qian about the theory of homology.

Su Youwei on the side inhaled the cold air.

Although she has graduated with a master’s degree.

But unfortunately, Jiang Chen said so much.

She couldn’t understand anything except Chinese!

To be precise, even the only few Chinese she sounded sleepy….

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