Ninghai City.

Changning District.

Many students of Ninghai Jiaotong University are reading at night before the final exam.

Sang Fukugawa is one of them.

Reviewing the professional course, Sang Fuchuan, who really wanted to sleep, decided to go out of the window to breathe.

He had just stepped out of the window and was greeted by more than just the heat that remained warm.

There was also a loud bang that lasted for five minutes!

He has been studying in Ninghai for the third year, and this strange phenomenon is the first time he has seen it!

His intuition told him.

This is a loud noise.

Not simple!

In the spirit of not panicking when encountering things, first shoot down and make a fighting sound and a neck.

Sang Fuchuan took out his mobile phone, included the night scene and the loud noise into the mobile phone, and posted it on the social platform.

Who knew that in less than ten minutes, it successfully appeared on Weibo’s hot search.

Because not only Sangfuchuan, many people living in Changning District have heard these three long sounds!

The bib has already burst into flowers.

“Sleeper, what’s the sound?” Could it be that aliens have descended on the blue star? ”

“I also think that this sound sounds a bit like the voice of the monster inside Diga Ultraman… It’s over, is the Azure Star going to be finished? Ultraman, come and save us to put! ”

“A group of middle two diseases, this voice is obviously not a monster, right?” I sound a bit like an engine…”

“Engine???? What engine is so bullish, I am in the south of Changning District, my classmates are in the north of Changning District, we can all hear it! ”

“The little doll living in the era of peace is really happy, I immediately heard the sound of a fighter engine, but this is more aggressive than what we heard before…”

“Sleeper, then, according to what you say, is there a fighter plane coming?” Impossible, next to us is the Ning Naval District! ”

“Are you stupid, have you forgotten that Ning Fei is in our Changning District, which is obviously the sound of Ning Fei’s engine test?”

“Fart, Ning Fei’s engine test sound can’t be so loud, and it is not so penetrating and shocking!”

“Hahaha, one by one only knows how to chase the stars all day long, and does not care about national events.” We Ning Fei has been selected into the development and production unit of the sixth-generation fighter, so blindly guessing that the engine test sound just now is the engine of the sixth-generation fighter! ”

“Sleeper, really fake?” Isn’t the sixth-generation fighter just over a year old? The engine is in the testing process? ”

“Manual @Longhang Industry, @Military Armed Forces, @NingNaval District … Is the engine of our Dragon Kingdom’s sixth-generation fighter already developed? ”


The Internet is buzzing.

The first to notice the network fishing vessel was, of course, the Ningxia Naval District, which is closest to Ning Fei.

Lu Wei is inspecting the air base.

The security guard Xiao Wang ran to Lü Wei with a hot search around his neck.

“General Lu, Ning Fei is on the hot search over there!”

The moment Lu Wei saw the hot search content, the whole person was confused.

Sleeper trough trough….

It had been exactly 15 days since he had returned from Ning Fei.

Jiang Chen said before that the 20 days are still 5 days away…

Variable cycle adaptive engine is entering the test link?

Listen to the sound in the video.

Good guys, the sound of the fifth-generation fighter is completely incomparable!

Although the aircraft engine and the car engine are not a grade, the reason is the same.

The quality of the engine.

Listen to the sound and you can hear it!

The sound wave of the 6.0t V12 engine and the 2.0t engine can be compared?

Listen to it and you can hear the gap!

The variable-cycle adaptive engine being tested is noticeably better than the engine of the fifth-generation fighter!

Lu Wei hurriedly and excitedly dialed Ning Fei’s phone.

What a joke, he has witnessed the development of the variable cycle adaptive engine to the approval, and now the variable cycle adaptive engine has entered the test link.

Doesn’t rounding up the same as the birth of his child?

He doesn’t care who cares?

Under the anxious waiting, Jiang Chen, who was working in Ning Fei, could be regarded as answering the phone.

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