All those who have looked at the final test data of the transpersonic maneuver mode, the supersonic cruise mode, have looked silly at this point.

“Soar to 20,000 kg of maximum thrust on the ground bench!

The FLY-35 series engine that directly crushed Baldeagle, to be precise, even the Baldeagle’s fourth- and fifth-generation fighters are not as good as the data of this variable-cycle adaptive engine…”

“Good guys!

The high-altitude cruise thrust directly exceeded 6,000 kg, which is more than twice that of the Bald Eagle FLY-35, which is Nyima…

I’m a little skeptical about life now! ”

“Whether it is the thrust-to-weight ratio, or the bypass ratio, the compressor boost ratio, the fan boost ratio, the data all-round crushing the data of the fifth-generation fighter series engine!”

Is this the maneuvering power of the legendary sixth-generation fighter? ”

“The most important thing is that the maximum thrust fuel consumption is only increased to 0.645 kg/h!

Reasoning increased by 100%.

Fuel consumption is almost flat….

This means almost doubling the range!

This is still supersonic cruise mode, if you change to the economic mode, I am afraid that it can increase the range by two to three times! ”

“Oh my God, is this the true strength of our Deputy Chief Designer Xiaojiang?”

This guy is horrible…”

“No wonder Bald Eagles say it will take 30 years to break through, this data is really terrible…”


The entire workshop staff marveled at the data obtained from the variable-cycle adaptive engine test.

Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi were already crying.

Cross-generational products are basically improved by 20%-30%.

The variable-cycle adaptive engine developed by Jiang Chen has almost increased the value of the fifth-generation fighter engine by 100%…

This is unprecedented in the entire history of fighter engines!

Most importantly.

All this.

It only took 15 days!

Fifteen days, completed the Bald Eagle 30-year goal.

Jiang Chen, this little guy, is really the hope and future of the Dragon Kingdom!

“The sky has eyes, and the revival of the Dragon Kingdom is promising!”

“Expert Xiaojiang, you must be the proud son of heaven sent by Heaven to revitalize the Dragon Kingdom!”

Jiang Chen looked at the excited looks of the two old academicians and smiled helplessly:

“Elder Song, Elder Liu.”

Don’t praise me so much.

In fact, I think this variable cycle adaptive engine still has a small flaw.

Through a degree of debugging and resolution.

The value should be increased by about 10%…”

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Good guys….

It turns out that such a cool engine is not perfect in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and after debugging, it can actually be increased by 10%….

They really didn’t know how to describe Jiang Chen, a little demon!

Chen Qian and Su Youwei, who were supporting the two directors, were already looking stupid.

Chen Qian’s originally cold face was now like ice had hatched.

The whole face was filled with excitement.

Although it was still cold and cold to outsiders, it was really a very exciting performance for Chen Qian!

From about a month ago, he first met Jiang Chen in the equipment room of Donghuang University.

She has always been neutral to Jiang Chen

But only a month.

Jiang Chen has completed plasma stealth technology and variable cycle adaptive engine….

Such a feat.

Not to mention the Dragon Kingdom, which has never been seen in the entire history of the world!

Jiang Chen this guy.

What a combination of madness and genius….

As for Su Youwei, looking at Jiang Chen’s gaze was already blind worship.

This little disciple of his own.

What a god…

Why didn’t she hug Jiang Chen’s thigh earlier when she was still in school?


Jiang Chen did not notice that a group of people doubted the appearance of life.

Groan for a moment.

Self-care went to the front of the variable cycle adaptive engine and began to debug and improve.

Since there are certain bugs, it must be fixed!

How could the variable-cycle adaptive engine, which he often develops, be allowed to be defective?

Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi could only put away the shock in their hearts.

Follow Jiang Chen to continue to participate in the work.

While Jiang Chen et al. continued to debug and improve the variable-cycle adaptive engine.

Ninghai City is also bustling.

Although Ningfei is a state-owned military factory, because it was established earlier, its location in the current Ninghai is not remote.

In recent years, the newly developed urban area is some distance away from Ningfei.

However, the sound emitted by the variable cycle adaptive engine just tested by Ningfei naturally attracted the attention of the citizens of Changning District of Ninghai District.

#Ninghai Changning District three loud #

Such a message instantly appeared on the hot search of the bib….

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