After Li Yumin finished speaking, he felt that his sudden thoughts were a bit inexplicable.

One is a graduate student with sparse undergraduate grades.

One is an expert in the field of quantum Hall effects…

No, it should be Dana to be precise!

How could these two people be one person?

Wei Fengxian suddenly thought of something, and quickly exclaimed:

“Old Li, do you remember the phone he took a few days ago in Lao Yu’s office?”

Li Yumin nodded.

He was a little impressed by this matter, and they went to hand in their work reports that day.

Then it happened that the deputy director of national defense was knocking on Lao Yu’s phone.

It seems to be to let the old man help take care of a junior.

Wei Fengxian patted the table.

“That’s right, that’s the phone!

If you think about it, what kind of junior can make the deputy director of the Department of National Defense personally call the old man to take care of ??? ”

At this time, Li Yumin was just stupid enough to guess the meaning of Wei Fengxian’s words.

Li Yumin looked at the “Science” in his hand…

Then I looked at Jiang Chen’s information sheet.

Is it difficult to believe that this new student who is useless except handsome is actually a genius scientist cultivated by the state?

But it’s outrageous.

You can’t publish such an outrageous scientific paper as “Pfaffian Pairing State of Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect” at the age of twenty-one!

This is a paper that has been on the cover of Science!

In his lifetime, Li Yumin has been on a “Science” ah…

Wei Fengxian looked at Li Yumin with an unbelievable look and smiled awkwardly.

“Say it you may not believe it.

Old Lee, I still have a conjecture…

Could this Jiang Chen be the mysterious deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter? ”

Wei Fengxian was not mistaken.

The test flight mission of the sixth-generation fighter is the mission of returning the remains of the God of War to the country to escort the Chinese Yuanjie.

This also proves that the deputy director of the Department of Defense has some connection with the sixth-generation fighter.

The deputy director of the Department of National Defense instructed the three customs officers to take a picture.

Is it possible that he is the genius deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter?

The moment Wei Fengxian spoke his thoughts.

Li Yumin almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Hurriedly stopped Wei Fengxian’s continued analysis…

“Old Wei, shut up.”

You said that this little guy is mad at “Semi-Integer Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Pfaffian Pairing State” I have recognized.

I was a gifted and knowledgeable person!

The deputy chief designer of these six generations of fighters, you also put it on his head too much…

Plasma stealth technology, variable cycle adaptive engine, airborne laser weapon system, which technology is not a great achievement that takes decades of accumulation to complete?

Are you telling me that a twenty-one-year-old is done?

Isn’t that a fantasy? ”

Wei Fengxian scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, as if it was also Ha…

“Then let’s leave aside the identity of the deputy chief designer of these six generations of fighters.”

But according to our current speculation, if this “Pfaffian pairing state of the quantum Hall effect of semi-integer fractions” is really Jiang Chen’s paper…

Then if Wu Kezhi or Xiao Mu adopted him as a graduate student.

This joke is a big deal!

Isn’t this a big knife in front of the gate? ”

Li Yumin quickly smiled bitterly and nodded, indeed…

The big guy who can write “Pfaffian pairing state of the quantum Hall effect of semi-integer fractions”…

It was more than enough to let him do his dean of the Physics School of Yanda.

He was also accepted by Wu Kezhi and Mu Shijun as graduate students.

Then they can really make a big joke…

“Then what are we doing?”

Go to the Mentor Double Election Meeting! ”

Li Yumin nodded hurriedly, carrying “Science” and running with Wei Fengxian to the Physics College’s tutor double selection meeting…


Yenching University.

Faculty of Physics.

A double selection meeting for graduate students and supervisors is taking place in the conference hall.

The mentor double selection meeting is actually very easy to understand.

This means a two-way choice between a supervisor and a graduate student.

Graduate students can choose a supervisor, and a supervisor can also choose a graduate student, a choice that best meets the wishes of both parties.

Of course, that’s just the ideal state of the rules.

In fact, only those with good grades and excellent undergraduate experience have the right to choose and be selected.

The remaining salted fish are simply randomly assigned…

Jiang Chen took a nap because of the reason for taking a nap.

Came late, naturally only the back row was left for him…

Of course, a group of new students could not reach Jiang Chen’s calm posture, and they were very nervous about the upcoming double election meeting.

“It’s over, I am a little panicked before I start, if I follow the wrong tutor, the graduate student will read in vain for three years!”

“That’s true, so who do you want to choose as a mentor?”

“I’m interested in optics, so I want to choose Professor Wu as a mentor!”

“Professor Wu Kezhi?

Professor Wu can only have one indicator this year, which is very difficult, I am afraid that only the double shape of the pen can enter Professor Wu’s team…”

“I heard that the genius goddess professor who has just returned from Bald Eagle has also been set a target by the school this year, who of you should not try?”

“I don’t dare to study under Professor Xiao Mu anyway, I’m afraid that the probability of depression will increase dozens of times, right?”

“What do you mean by that???”

“Big brother, with such a genius engaged in academics, you must not doubt life every day?”


The new students are talking about it.

The girl sitting next to Jiang Chen was also a little nervous.

Try to find someone to talk to to relieve the tension.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Chen’s calm and unflustered expression, he asked curiously:

“This classmate.

You don’t seem nervous at all.

Did you already contact your mentor? ”

Jiang Chen looked at his sister, and then looked at the list of several tutors on the projector on the platform and smiled angrily.

Even Song Guosheng Liu Runzhi is such an academician-level big man.

Will humbly ask him academic questions.

There wasn’t even an academician on the stage, who had the ability to teach him?

Choosing a tutor is also a pleasure, and it is up to you to really engage in scientific research!

Of course, Jiang Chen could not say this.

I could only helplessly “smile bitterly” and said:

“I’m not nervous because my pen is the penultimate first, where there is no choice, sit and wait to be assigned…”

Although it is a bit suspicious of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But it’s also true, he’s really the last one on the transcript…

The girl on the side said sorry awkwardly.

I didn’t have the embarrassment to talk to Jiang Chen anymore.

Jiang Chen was also happy to be clean.

After sitting for about three or four minutes, the double selection session finally officially began.

More than a dozen young mentors took to the podium.

Most of them were young mentors in their thirties and forties, so the only minority was particularly eye-catching when they stepped onto the stage.

Of course this minority does not refer to the older ones.

It refers to a younger age, even a year or two younger than some of the new graduate students in the audience…

Jiang Chen under the stage looked at the Qianying in the mentor group with a question mark.

How is she…???

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