Ninghai 406 institutes.

Single-rotor and multi-rotor research department on the top floor.

On the tarmac marked with a large “H” logo, a gunship full of live ammunition is landing.

A fierce wind formed by the propeller swept through the entire roof.

Several scientific researchers from Ninghai 406 Institute, headed by Jiang Chen, were waiting on the tarmac.

The helicopter has not yet stopped.

Lü Wei had already jumped out of the helicopter and rushed towards Song Guosheng and Jiang Chen and others.

Rushing to Jiang Chen, he excitedly shook Jiang Chen’s hand:

“Vice President Xiaojiang!

You really don’t know what to say about you….

Lao Feng said that he believed you unconditionally, and we made fun of him.

Now it seems that we are on the first floor, and he is in the atmosphere!

When I think of my twenty-one years old still throwing sand in the desert, and then look at Xiao Jiang’s vice president your twenty-one years old, it is simply that people are more popular than dead! ”

Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi laughed at the side:

“General Lu, don’t talk about you, we are the most seriously injured, right?”

At least you are in the military, and you are not the same major as Xiao Jiang.

And we are all engaged in scientific research.

The gap in the heart is really big! ”

The true feelings of Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi made Su Youwei and Chen Qian on the side really feel empathy.

Staying with Jiang Chen is a kind of enjoyment.

Because Jiang Chen will break almost 99% of the technical barriers in scientific research.

But their seemingly easy work actually has more psychological pressure…

Over the Wuzhi-11, the two Arrow-20s were in a spiral escort state.

Cast over the cabin glass.

Chen Shan Chen He finally saw his idol.


This mysterious big guy is also too young, right?

Looks younger than us??? ”

“I am afraid that I have just graduated from college…”

“I have probably guessed what the top-secret information we are escorting is…”


“If I remember correctly, the Ninghai 406 lost engine research in the sixth-generation fighter, before listening to the predecessors they said that the deputy chief designer said that they would develop a variable-cycle adaptive engine in 20 days?

I think that top secret information should be a variable cycle adaptive engine! ”

“But the work arrangement meeting ended in the morning!”

It was already afternoon when the mysterious big man returned to Ninghai from Yanjing, and it was less than three hours before we met.

Variable-cycle adaptive engine developed? This…”

“Brother, don’t do this, such a person can be called a genius, and the future of the Dragon Kingdom can make us look forward to it!”


The pilots in the two Arrow-20 did not hear Jiang Chen’s words.

But the words of General Lü and Xiao Wang, the guardsman below, and the people around him who complained about it, he heard it

“General Lü, Elder Song, Elder Liu…

Don’t be poor here, or hurry up and send the information to Yanjing.

You don’t really want me to quit my job in two months, do you? ”

Jiang Chen’s words were lost, and Lu Wei’s old face turned red and laughed:

“Xiao Jiang, you can rest assured, I will personally go out on the horse!”

I’m sure I’ll send you this top-secret information!

You and Old Song, Old Liu, they are going back to rest and waiting for the approval of the Military Armed Forces Department tomorrow! ”

Song Guosheng looked at Jiang Chen and handed over the thick stack of information in his hand to Lu Wei.

“General Lu, it’s up to you!”

Lu Weibi made an OK gesture and then got on the Wuzhi-11.

The helicopter gunship, escorted by two Arrow-20s, headed straight for Yanjing.

Jiang Chen, Song Guosheng, Liu Runzhi and others watched the three planes leave and took a deep breath.

Although from Yanjing back to the sea for half a day.

But it feels like a century has passed.

This kind of feeling, whether it is Jiang Chen, Liu Runzhi, Song Guosheng and others, has never felt it before!

“Go back and rest and wait for the approval from above!”


Yen Ching Restaurant.

Ministry of Military Forces.

Mainly responsible for Longguo military research and development, manufacturing, development and other work.

The department, which is usually very low-key, is annoyed today.

The landing of two warplanes and a Wuzhi immediately attracted the attention of many department staff.


What’s the situation? Fighters and Wu Zhi drove directly to the military department? ”

“Chun Meng Xin, may I ask if the Military Armed Forces Department is usually so vigorous?”

“I have been in the Military Armed Forces Department for more than ten years, and this situation has only appeared once during the development of the Arrow-20 ten years ago because of a top-secret information…

I haven’t seen much in ten years! ”

“Wo Trough, so what is the top-secret information about the Dragon Kingdom’s military weapons?”

“It’s really possible that you said that.

I look at this as if it were a fighter from the Ning Naval District and Wu Zhi, let me think about it…


Could it be the moth made by the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter who just took office today? ”

“Why do you say that?”

“Are you stupid, the first job that big guy participated in was the engine development of the sixth-generation fighter.”

The department responsible for the research and development of the sixth-generation fighter engine is in Ninghai, why do you say? ”

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