The development of six-generation fighters is limited to one work report meeting a month.

Naturally, there will be another work organization meeting.

This is due to the organization of work for the various research departments after summarizing the work report.

It is usually held on the day after the work report meeting.

In the past, work arrangement meetings were held under the auspices of the chief designer.

However, Yang Xinning, the chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, is not in China now, and originally this work arrangement was prepared to be held by Lu Yushan.

But now the deputy chief designers of the six generations of fighters have been selected.

Naturally, it is better to hold the meeting with Jiang Chen, the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter within the research department!

However, the actual situation is that Jiang Chen’s new official took office with three fires, which may be even more blind than Lu Yushan…

In addition, Jiang Chen’s big words at today’s report meeting said that he could get the sixth-generation fighter plane to take off within two months…

This is the reason why Liu Runzhi is worried.

However, Jiang Chen did not panic in the slightest.

Smile and look at Liu Runzhi:

“Elder Liu, you put ten thousand hearts, a work arrangement, small things!”

Liu Runzhi saw that Jiang Chen had said so, and it was not good to say more.

You can only choose to believe Jiang Chen.

Anyway, now Jiang Chen is also a road to black, there is no need to change.

They are such old antiques, and they can only silently support Jiang Chen behind their backs….

After bidding farewell to Liu Runzhi and Song Guosheng.

Su Youwei let out a long breath and looked at Jiang Chen with some concern.

“Little Master, you have boasted about the Haikou that took off in two months, how exactly did this work arrangement unfold…”

She is said to be an intern at Longhang Industrial Headquarters.

But the work of peacetime contact is basically about six-generation fighters.

Therefore, she may know a lot more information than Jiang Chen.

It is precisely because I understand that I am worried.

Two months of fighter take-off in his opinion, it is really too strange …

Jiang Chen looked at Su Youwei with a mysterious smile:

“Little Master Sister, you are ready to watch a good play!”

Su Youwei looked at Jiang Chen’s confident appearance and felt as if he had been scratched by a kitten.

If it weren’t for Jiang Chen, he is now the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter.

It was her direct superior.

She must have been scratching him uncontrollably!



The same conference hall.

The 17th Sixth-Generation Fighter Work Arrangement Meeting was held.

All look forward to the convening of this work organization meeting.

Get ready to see how the new sixth-generation deputy chief designer is ready to get to work!

In particular, Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin laughed at the look of being lively and not too big:

“Why hasn’t Deputy Chief Designer Xiaojiang come yet, do you think the work can’t be carried out?”

“Yes, if it can’t be carried out, or will you resign now?”

Or yesterday’s sentence, Xiaojiang experts if you think, we Changji 231 Institute at any time open arms to you! ”

As soon as these two opened their mouths, many people in the venue laughed and laughed.

However, there are also many people who are full of expectations for Jiang Chen.

At a time of discussion.

Jiang Chen entered the scene with Su Youwei, and Lao Yuan heard Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin’s mockery.

Jiang Chenren arrived before he arrived.

“The emperor is not in a hurry for eunuchs!”

Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood when they heard Jiang Chen’s words.

They spent thirty or forty years at the institute.

Only Jiang Chen dared to talk to them like this!

Just as he was about to speak out, Jiang Chen slapped the table with a slap.


The 17th Work Organization Meeting begins! ”

A slap suddenly blocked the mouths of Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin, and the two looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer.

They wanted to see how Jiang Chen was going to hold the work!

2 months to develop six generations of fighters?

It’s simply not possible!

Then, in the doubtful eyes of everyone, Jiang Chen’s prepared work arrangement PPT was projected onto the screen.

Not so much bells and whistles.

Simple black characters on a white background.

[Variable cycle adaptive engine: 20 days].

[Airborne laser weapon system: 20 days].

[Intelligent flight control system: 5 days].

[Integrated air defense system: 5 days].

[Passive detection equipment, integrated self-defense equipment: 5 days].

[Network electromagnetic system: 4 days].

[Test flight: 1 day].


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