Lieutenant Yar looked at Clyde’s angry look and silently took a step back.

He was afraid that Clyde would be angry but slapped him on the other side of the face.

Hasty advice and advice:

“General Clyde, our pure firepower to suppress the Arrow-30 and transport aircraft is too ostentatious.

I suggest that we can block the route by means of military exercises and mutual bombardment.

As for the Arrow-30, if it accidentally dies between our firepower zones, then no wonder who’s right? ”

Lieutenant Yar made this suggestion as soon as he spoke.

The originally angry Clyde suddenly smiled!

That’s right!

This was originally a military exercise of their bald eagle and black stick stick, if some firepower accidentally injured the Dragon Kingdom’s fighter or transport plane, it would be no way to do it!

At that time, it is not a big deal to lose money to Dragon Kingdom.

Money is nothing to today’s Bald Eagle.

But force them to dress up as bald eagles!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Clyde directly dialed General Kim Se-eun, who commanded the Black Lollipop Air Force.

“General King!

Quick, now, immediately bombard us with the missiles on your fighters! ”

Kim Se-eun listened to Admiral Clyde’s request with a confused face.

What the is this weird request?

In recent years, some people have demanded that missiles be taken the initiative to bombard people?

I crash your fighter.

I’ll have to pay you for the explosion…

“No, no, General Clyde.

I think it’s good for us to practice the formation like this, but the actual battle is still over…”

Clyde knew that Kim had misunderstood himself.

The man who hates iron not steel explains:

“We have a missile target modification program on the FLY-22, and we are not fake when your target is locked.”

But the missile targets after I modified them are not easy to say.

If the missile that I modified the program exploded to the Arrow-30 that was not within the scope of our military exercises, then we would not be able to complain about it! ”

Clyde said this.

More and more he felt that his subordinate Lieutenant Yar was a very clever guy.

Admiral Kim Se-eun listened to Clyde’s words and fell into deep thought.

Does General Clyde think he’s stupid?

The fighters that blew up the Bald Eagle were counted as theirs.

The target that was lost by the Bald Eagle sabotage program blew up the Arrow-30 also counted as theirs.

The bald eagle patted his ass and left after the military exercise.

Their black stick was a white stick right next to the Dragon Kingdom.

When the time comes, it will be their black sticks that will be stubbled!

This business he must have an IQ of many drops to be willing to do it?

“General Clyde, forget it!

Our black sticks are very poor, missiles can not be so wasted! ”

This came and went, how could Clyde not hear that Kim Se-eun was prevaricating!

With a wave of anger, he threatened:

“General King, you can think clearly!

If you don’t cooperate with our Bald Eagle Air Force exercise this time.

In the future, if you want to import any armaments from our Bald Eagle, then we will have to think about it a little more.

In addition, what enterprises in your country are probably developing in our bald eagle…”

Clyde uttered this.

Kim Se-eun’s face changed instantly.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped through my heart.

How could this Bald Eagle General be so faceless!

Mom sells batches!

Think about it.

Kim Se-eun still compromised…

Although this trip is suspected of offending the Dragon Kingdom.

But Kim Se-eun faces the threat of the world’s overlord Bald Eagle.

Still had to agree to cooperate with Clyde.

Who made Bald Eagle the overlord of the world now?

“General Clyde …

I only hope that when the Dragon Kingdom settles the account after the autumn, you can rescue it! ”

Clyde heard Kim Se-eun compromise and changed his tone of voice.

Patting his chest and laughing:

“Rest assured!

My bald eagle has always been a ball to my little brother! ”

After saying that, he began to command the fighter with the black stick and began to suppress the air-to-air fire of the Bald Eagle fighter!

The moment when the Black Rod B-side combat missile is exposed in the air.

Millions of viewers in the live broadcast room of the entire Dragon Live were dumbfounded.

“There is a groove in the groove, this is going to be a live-fire exercise???”

“Is this a fight in terms of speed, but the Dragon Kingdom is in a hurry to prepare for firepower trouble?”

“Can’t put it, how dare he directly slash the Arrow-30 to lock the fire?”

“No, if you look closely, their target is not actually the Dragon Kingdom’s Arrow-30…

I guessed that the Bald Eagle was aiming to have the Black Rod suppress the fire.

If I remember correctly, the FLY-22 and FLY-35 have air-to-air target modification programs, and once the bombs enter their radar scanning range, they are modified before the internal navigation program is reached.

And now Bald Eagle’s fighter jet is very close to the transport plane and the Arrow-30, which is to strike east and west! ”

“The big analyst upstairs!”

“Sleeper, it’s fun to see it this way…”


The melon-eating masses in the live broadcast room can see it.

All of you at the East Emperor Test Flight Center can naturally see it.

Su Youwei looked at Jiang Chen anxiously:

“Little Master, what can I do about this?”

What if these guys really aim at the Arrow-30 after a frenzied revision of the program? ”

Lin Qingshu, Lu Yushan and the others on the side also looked at Jiang Chen anxiously.

If anyone here can think of a way to deal with the current dilemma, it is probably only Jiang Chen, who is the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter!

Jiang Chen looked at a pair of expectant eyes and smiled:

“I’m not in a hurry for you to be in a hurry!”

Have you heard two majors Chen Shan and Chen He ask our command room for help?

It shows that neither of them is panicking!

You must believe in the stealth technology on our sixth-generation fighters!

Not to mention the secondary fire threat they carried out by modifying the program, even if it was a direct target.

IMHO, it is impossible to lock on to the Arrow-30! ”

Liu Runzhi, who had the most right to speak, also nodded.

“The plasma stealth technology developed by Vice President Xiaojiang has stealth performance that is almost a hundred times that of now.

That is to say, unless Bald Eagle’s radar can achieve 100 times the accuracy it is now. Otherwise, it would be impossible to aim at the Arrow-30! ”

Everyone heard Jiang Chen and Liu Runzhi say this.

Although there is still some worry in my heart.

But it was already much better than just now, and I could only cheer for the Arrow-30 in my heart and set my sights on the live screen.

Over the Yellow Dragon Sea high seas under the attention of tens of millions of people.

Dozens of air-to-air missiles of the Black Rod Fighter Group were fired with a single brush.

According to the previous discussion, the target is naturally Bald Eagle’s FLY-22 and FLY-35 fleets.

The air-to-air missiles have not yet reached a ten-kilometer range of the Bald Eagle fleet.

The target has been modified by Bald Hawk’s fighter missile modification program.

Logically, these missiles should turn a corner and fly to the Arrow-30!

But the next scene left everyone in a daze.

Because those dozens of air-to-air missiles began to swing in the air like ecstasy…

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