General Clyde, hearing this, turned around and slapped Lieutenant Yar on the other side of the face.

“You dog thing fucking didn’t just tell me that!”

If not Clyde held back.

He really wanted to shoot this dog thing with a bad stomach!

Think back to this military exercise.

They Bald Eagle were first punched in the face by the Arrow-30’s variable-cycle adaptive engine.

Try to be teased by plasma stealth technology again.

And then finally by the onboard laser weapon system to punch the face hard.

The results of his military exercises would have been transmitted back to China.

His admiral’s seat is only afraid that he will not want to sit down…

Clyde was here to feel sad.

Over there, the grief-stricken Kim Se-eun had already started shouting two arrow-30s directly through the remaining fighter jets:

“I’m Black Baseball Air Force General Kim Se-eun.

We conduct air force military exercises in public airspace, but your country’s laser weapons directly swept through our black stick and more than a dozen fighters!

I hope your country has a say! ”

When there is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Bong Chang’an also spoke directly to Kim Se-eun of the Black Stick Country through the Arrow-30 Mai.


It turned out to be the gold admiral of the Black Baseball Country!

I thought it was a high-risk person somewhere…”

Feng Chang’an’s teasing, Clyde and Kim Se-eun’s old faces turned green.

It’s been mediating in the air for so long.

You tell me we’re high-risk elements???

Kim Se-eun waved his arms and shouted directly angrily:

“General Feng.

High-risk molecules are now also distinguished!

So how is your country prepared to compensate for damage to our warplanes? ”

As soon as Kim Se-eun shouted these words, the audience in the entire live broadcast room naturally heard it.

They began to complain.

“This Admiral of the Black Baseball Country is also too unfaced…

Obviously they launched air-to-air missiles, and the Arrow-30 was forced to destroy dozens of air-to-air missiles.

Now instead of looking for the Dragon Kingdom to say? ”

“If you want to say that you don’t have a face, you have to look at our black stick country, this face is thicker than the city wall!”

“Laugh at me, he actually dared to ask the Dragon Kingdom what he wanted to say?”

What a gift it was for the Dragon Kingdom not to trouble him! ”

“Although I have seen many faceless politicians in my years as an international current affairs reporter, it is really the first time I have seen such a faceless politician…”


Feng Chang’an of the Eastern Emperor Test Flight Center also replied with a smile:

“General King, don’t kid me.

Fighter? What fighter?

The two arrow-30s of our Dragon Kingdom did nothing, and they thought of sending the remains of the God of War back to the country in peace and stability.

As a result, dozens of air-to-air missiles suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

In order to protect ourselves, we can only turn on the airborne laser weapon system.

The clouds are so thick that we didn’t see anything, so I’m sorry…

Besides, we have shouted before, no one answered, my door can not be not, it should be too far away you did not hear, right?


Admiral Kim is so close to us, it can’t be an air-to-air missile that you launch, right?

No way? No way?

Wouldn’t it really be you? ”

Feng Chang’an said this.

The originally hysterical Kim Se-eun suddenly closed his mouth.

Although Feng Chang’an’s reason for not seeing them because the clouds were too thick was indeed uglier than the stinky socks that had not been changed for dozens of days.

But they still dare not admit it!

If you directly say that the dozens of air-to-air missiles were deliberately fired by them.

Isn’t that self-defeating?

“General Feng is really joking.

We did launch air-to-air missiles at the Bald Eagle during our military exercise, but I don’t know where we flew after the final procedure was destroyed…”

When he said this.

Kim Se-eun’s heart was almost dripping blood…

Feng Chang’an heard this and laughed:

“I knew those dozens of air-to-air missiles were not launched by your black stick country.”

No matter how to say that we are also the leaders who watch over each other and look at each other across the sea.

Let me say that today would be an accident.

As for the losses of each family, let’s bear them individually…

Lest it really get into trouble with the International Military Tribunal, everyone will not look good…”

Feng Chang’an finished speaking and called out to Clyde.

“General Clyde, what do you think?”

Clyde was startled by Feng Chang’an’s sudden shouting.

However, when he thought of the horror of the sixth-generation fighter plane, he quickly laughed and said:

“Not really!

It’s all accidents, it’s all accidents…!

Go back to each house, find each mother…”

Clyde was almost crying when he nodded.

What an accident, a mistake, an unknowing…

Wasn’t this all the words he had prepared before, and now they were actually taken by the Dragon Kingdom.

The more Clyde thought about it, the angrier he became.

Forced not to pretend, but the face was beaten with a crackling sound…

Another kick was kicked in the ass of Lieutenant Yarr, who was touching his own face and was sad alone.

Kim Se-eun’s whole head on this side was about to explode.

It was an accident…???

It’s your mom selling batches!

Is the missile your dog day calling me to launch okay?

And the Dragon Kingdom has a fart loss…

One transport plane, two sixth-generation fighters are intact, and even installed a world of amazement!

What can be lost?

The only thing to lose is their black stick okay…

Clyde also knew that Kim Se-eun could not get any compensation from the Dragon Kingdom, and exhorted from the sidelines:

“General Jin, I don’t think you can blame General Bong.

If only my fighter plane had been attacked under inexplicable circumstances.

I’m sure I’ll defend myself too.

It’s just that General Feng’s defensive methods are a little shocking…”

Kim Se-eun looked at Clyde without tears.

a chicken.

Is it clear that the missile is that you threaten me to launch it?

Now I actually stand up and be a peacemaker, this is better than how funny???



Bald Eagle Country.

The Chiefs of Defence are participating in a conference on military security in the area surrounding the Great Ocean.

Qin Hao participated in this meeting as deputy director.

The meeting really should be on the way.

The secretaries of the Dragon Kingdom, the Bald Eagle and the Black Lollipop all ran in to report on the time that had just happened over the Yellow Dragon Sea.

Bald Eagle Defense Director Bruno screamed directly.


The six generations of Dragon Kingdom fighters are so bullish???

Didn’t you say it was a bluff before…? ”

The secretary awkwardly prompted Bruno to speak quietly, and then nodded.

It’s not just…

It’s amazing!

Many military websites now rate the Arrow-30, code-named “Suzaku”, as a fighter jet that no country can surpass in the world in the next fifty years!

And the defense director of the black stick country over there looked at the loss on his hand and reported that he almost died of myocardial infarction on the spot.

This Nyima cooperated with the Bald Eagle military exercise to force one hand.

As a result, I put myself in it!

How is this in this world???

While the director of the Black Lollipop National Defense Department was weeping bitterly, Qin Hao also listened to the secretary’s report with a smile.

The more I listened, the more I smiled.

He really didn’t misread Jiang Chen, this little guy!

The six generations of fighters created are not only perfect for performing escort tasks, but also installed a big force in front of the world!

It shows the great power style of the Dragon Kingdom!

When he returned to China, he must give Jiang Chen a few kind words in front of the chief!

Looking up, the three defense secretaries looked at each other with different faces.

“Director Brulo, Director Li Xuanbin, let’s talk alone?”

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