Yen Ching Restaurant.

Ministry of Military Forces.

Office of the Minister.

Minister Lin Qingshu, who had just returned to China, was very depressed.

Half of the face is happy, half of the face is sad.

Happily, the sixth-generation fighter finally made a welcome progress.

That is the technical barrier of plasma stealth technology to overcome.

What was worrying was that he had just followed the giant guy abroad for a visit, and when he returned to the Dragon Kingdom, the sixth-generation fighter project that their military military department was responsible for had such a big basket!

As a vice minister, Lu Yushan actually let a little guy who had just graduated from an undergraduate degree sit in the position of deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter!

If only people in other departments knew that.

I’m afraid I really have to laugh at the fact that their military department has no one!

Although he and Lu Yushan did say at the meeting before, whoever conquered the key technology first would become the deputy chief designer.

But it’s outrageous for a 21-year-old to be a deputy chief designer!

Most importantly.

And that’s not even the outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is that the newly appointed deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter actually threatened to make the sixth-generation fighter take off in two months!

Isn’t this dreaming?

“Old way, you you!

I really don’t know what to say about you!

We did say that whoever tackles the key technologies first will be the deputy chief designer.

That little guy really did contribute a lot to the country!

But you give me an entire 21-year-old undergraduate student to sit in this position, where do the old faces of our military department and Longhang Industry rest?

Also, he actually tried to develop a variable-cycle adaptive engine….

That’s a technology that bald eagles are afraid of!

Isn’t that a waste of money? ”

Even if you don’t talk about Jiang Chen’s education and age and the two-month six-generation fighter takeoff plan.

This variable-cycle adaptive engine should not be!

Before they set up the project, they did not think about changing the cycle adaptive engine.

But in the end it was vetoed.

Since the cost is too high, it is too difficult to overcome the technical barrier.

Even the Bald Eagle had put it on the seventh generation of fighters, was this Jiang Chen really when the scientific research level of their Dragon Kingdom had completely surpassed the Bald Eagle?

Lin Qingshu wanted to get angry.

The whole person was even a little crazy.

Lu Yushan saw Lin Qingshu’s angry and frustrated look and explained with a smile:

“Old Lin, don’t worry!

Don’t I still have good news to tell you, Vice President Xiaojiang was on his first day in office…”

The good news of Lu Yushan has not yet been said.

The secretary suddenly knocked on the minister’s office!

“Minister Lin, Minister Lu!

General Lu of the Ning Naval District called to say that Vice President Xiaojiang’s variable-cycle adaptive engine has made a major breakthrough!

The first test data is out.

At the same time, you are also reminded of the news that is spreading around the bib and help deal with it…”

The secretary handed Lin Qingshu and Lu Yushan the experimental data that had just been recorded by Lü Wei.

Then he stepped aside.

Lu Yushan looked at the data handed by the secretary and the instructions about Lu Wei with a confused face.


What news is spreading?

The moment Lu Yushan opened the bib.

Three loud noises about Ninghai Changning have rushed to the top three of the hot search!

The whole network is in the relevant departments of @ with six teams of fighters.

Ask if the engines of the sixth-generation fighters have made key progress!

Lu Yushan looked at the mobile phone hot search and coughed softly.

“Hurry up and put the news down for me.”

Deal with it according to the opinions of Vice President Xiaojiang! ”

The secretary heard that he had gone out to deal with the information about the hot search of the bib.

Lin Qingshu and Lu Yushan, who stayed in the office, looked at the data and were stunned.

Although Lu Yushan said that he was prepared in advance.

But when I saw the first test data about the variable cycle adaptive engine, it was still silly….

15 days to develop a variable cycle adaptive engine is enough.

My mother-in-law.

This test result is also too good, right?

Good guys….

If these experimental data were to be put on the international military forum now, the whole world would definitely be shaken!

Lu Yushan’s heart was shocked.

Lin Qingshu, who was still angry at first, was already stunned from the moment the secretary entered the door.

Significant progress in variable-cycle adaptive engines?

Bib neck hot search??

Test data???

What happened to him this month when he was not in the country?!!

And what is the matter with the variable-cycle adaptive engine that completely crushes the Bald Eagle fifth-generation engine?

Does this mean that he just said that the impossible variable-cycle adaptive engine has been successfully developed?

Lin Qingshu, who was unable to breathe, looked at the data in his hand.

Then he looked at Lu Yushan on the side and swallowed his saliva and asked:

“Old road, this is the good news you want to tell me?”

Lu Yushan smiled awkwardly.

“The good news I want to tell you is that Vice President Xiaojiang has overcome the technical barriers of the variable cycle adaptive engine on the first day of office.

As for the variable cycle adaptive engine landing and obtaining such superior experimental data.

I also just found out…”

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