At first, the people who had very mixed feelings were stunned when they heard Jiang Chen’s words.

Although Wu Kezhi and others had just experienced Jiang Chen’s achievements in academic achievements.

But when Jiang Chen said this.

They are still a little stupid…

The Dragon Kingdom dilemma can be broken at the snap of a finger?!!

What is a lithography machine?

The flower of the modern optical industry, the jewel in the crown of semiconductor materials!

This is the set of optics, materials science, electromagnetics … And many other science as one of the peak industrial products!

The Dragon Kingdom has been breaking the game since the last century!

And until now.

Canny and toothpaste factory have not been able to catch up with Sakura Crane!

Not to mention the coachman’s AWSL…

Now that Jiang Chen told them that they could break it, wasn’t he joking with them?

Jiang Chen is indeed young and promising.

They also admire it.

But a few scientific research papers to the top of the international journals and magazines does not mean that the person can develop a lithography machine!

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian sighed and smiled helplessly.

He knew that the war between Bald Eagle and Dragon Country without smoke had made many young people very concerned about the situation.

The whole Dragon Kingdom, whether it is above or below, everyone wants to develop the lithography machine as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen is indeed the capital of heaven.

But to say that it is a finger can be broken, it is indeed a bit excessive…

However, Mu Shijun, who had never spoken much, looked at Jiang Chen with a smiling look.

There was a whisper in my heart that it was not right!

Jiang Chen did bring them a very arrogant and arrogant image from the very beginning.

But now in her opinion, Jiang Chen’s words have never been empty, they must have their own confidence!

Just like just now…

Everyone thought that Jiang Chen was bragging, but in the end everyone’s face was very painful…

Genius and madman are often only in the difference between one thought.

There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom, don’t go crazy, don’t live!

As for why she was willing to believe that Jiang Chen was such a person?

Because Mu Shijun felt that he and Jiang Chen were the same kind of people!

Listening to Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s comfort to Jiang Chen, they shook their heads and looked at Jiang Chen with certainty:

“Elder Li, Elder Wei.”

Although I knew that Jiang Chen’s words might be outrageous, my intuition told me that Jiang Chen must have a certain degree of certainty before he dared to say that! ”

As soon as Mu Shijun said this, a group of people looked at Mu Shijun in amazement.

This little girl has just been a little bit uncomfortable with Jiang Chen, how come she has spoken for Jiang Chen now?

A small light rain curled up in the corner also raised his hand.

“I also believe that Jiang Chen…”

She didn’t have Mu Shijun so much to analyze the process.

She just didn’t want to be punched in the face by Jiang Chen anymore, and the taste of her face hurt was very uncomfortable…

The corners of Jiang Chen’s mouth, which were supported by Mu Shijun and Yi Xiaoyu, drew a touch of curvature.

This was the first time his words had been trusted from the beginning!

It’s a good feeling!

Now it seems that this goddess mentor he chose may give him more surprises in the future!

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian, you look at me, I look at you.

Finally sighed helplessly.

Looking at Jiang Chen with a smile:

“Xiao Jiang, don’t mind the words.

Tell us about your blinking plan, right? ”

The other three also looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

If according to Mu Shijun’s statement, Jiang Chen must have a certain degree of certainty.

That’s why he dares to say that he can solve the Dragon Kingdom’s troubles, right?

Jiang Chen laughed and said:

“The plan is nothing special.

It is to develop the lithography machine before the World Semiconductor Congress.

Then use our self-developed lithography machine to create the core of Longguo to participate in the World Semiconductor Conference, stunning the whole world!

Let all the countries of the Wassener Agreement know that even if our country does not import, it can build its own lithography machine! ”

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

A group of people listened to Jiang Chen’s words and burst into tears.

If you can really show your lithography machine and Dragon Kingdom Core at the World Semiconductor Congress, it is indeed a game-breaking battle.

The Dragon Kingdom dilemma will surely be solved!

Of course, there are also people who have found something wrong.

Wei Fengxian coughed softly and said:

“If I remember correctly, the World Semiconductor Congress seems to be a month later…”

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Chen with a strange face.

“Xiao Jiang, you won’t tell me that you are going to develop a lithography machine within a month…”

Wei Fengxian uttered these words.

All the people realized that Jiang Chen’s so-called “simple” plan was not simple at all!

The new students who had not yet dispersed in the conference hall naturally heard Jiang Chen’s plan.

“Sleeper, am I hearing repeatedly today?”

How long did Brother Chen say to develop a lithography machine? ”


If I heard it right, it seems to be at the World Semiconductor Expo.

And I remember that the World Semiconductor Expo Conference was held a month later, rounding up means that Chen Ge will develop a lithography machine within a month! ”

“In one month, the lithography machine was developed???

This Nyima is also too good to blow, right? Isn’t this a blatant challenge to the Dragon Kingdom’s efforts over the past decade or so? ”

“This can’t be said to be so, the chip field of Longguo in the past ten years has mainly focused on military chips, and civilian lithography machines have indeed begun to pay attention to from the “Longxing” incident two years ago…”

“So you mean that so many academicians of our Dragon Kingdom have studied for two years, which is less than a month for Jiang Chen?”

“How to say this, people are geniuses, and I can’t guess what people think…

Maybe people can develop a lithography machine in a month? ”

“I don’t care, I just think Jiang Chen can do it!”

“Big sister, everyone now has a goddess Mu, they won’t have children with you, you are a little more rational…”


These remnants of the new life can be analyzed.

The big guys on the stage can naturally understand.

Wei Fengxian suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

“So Xiao Jiang, your plan is to develop a lithography machine within a month???

Then take the core of Longguo produced by the lithography machine to participate in the World Semiconductor Expo Conference to justify the name of Longguo? ”

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, that’s what he meant!

This is not only about the task of the system, but also his own expectations.

He wants to let the whole world know that under his leadership, the semiconductor industry of Longguo will no longer be backward, or even far beyond the world level!

Wei Fengxian heard Jiang Chen nod and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

In one month, their ultraviolet lithography technology can push the research and development progress to 30%, and Jiang Chen actually plans to directly develop a lithography machine within a month.

That’s outrageous, isn’t it???

In fact, this was not only Wei Fengxian’s idea, but also the idea of everyone present.

The audience was in doubt.

But Li Yumin muttered to himself:

“Our lithography machine technology in the field of civil chips has been developed for more than two years, although it is only 22nm in the engraving level, behind the coachman’s AWS AWS 7nm more than a dozen eras…

But the level of craftsmanship other than the engraving accuracy should be almost the same as that of the coachman…

So as long as we solve the technical barriers to improving the engraving accuracy.

It is indeed possible within a month…”

Li Yumin muttered for half a day and then seemed to react to something, looking at Jiang Chen in shock:

“I get it!

Xiao Jiang you are not already on the lithography machine precision to improve the technical barrier of the overcoming direction! ”

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