The moment Jiang Chen blurted out the answer that he wanted to suppress.

The researchers in the whole laboratory have exploded!

They hadn’t personally witnessed Jiang Chen’s perversion in the conference hall, but had only listened to Li Yumin’s brief introduction of Jiang Chen.

Naturally, there was consternation.

“I just had a temporary deafness in my ears.

What did Professor Xiao Jiang just say?

He said that with his help, we can develop a lithography machine in a month? ”

“Brother, you’re not deaf, that’s what Professor Xiao Jiang said…”

“Big brother, even if Professor Xiao Jiang is a demon, it is impossible to develop it within a month, right?”

“That’s not why, isn’t this what a dream is?”

“The coachman spent decades to develop a 7nm lithography machine, we got it in a month?”

Then sooner or later, the world will be in chaos…”

“Although Professor Xiaojiang’s paper has been listed in top international journals, it is completely different from R&D. Isn’t it a paper talk about developing a lithography machine in one month?”

“I also think that high academic attainments may not necessarily have high research and development talent, and Professor Xiaojiang really takes it for granted…”


When the researchers fry the pan.

Li Yumin was preparing to call Su Jing, but Jiang Chen held out his hand to stop Li Yumin.

If he can’t even calm this scene.

What else can we do next?

Moreover, this can only be regarded as a small scene, what a joke, at the sixth generation of fighter work report meeting.

He said two months into the development of six generations of fighters.

That’s the elite scientific researcher of the entire project team, hundreds of people!

There are only a few researchers here…

Jiang Chen looked at the researchers of the frying pan without panic and smiled at the small white board used for deduction.

The negative hand smiled in front of the stage:

“I know everyone is skeptical of what I say!

I can understand this attitude.

And it’s also encouraged!

After all, this is the valuable attitude required for scientific research, that is, to dare to question everything, scientific research can progress step by step!

But, remember what I said next.

The reason why I say that I can develop a lithography machine in one month is because I have overcome the technical barriers of the lithography machine!

You may still question and dismiss.


You give me a few hours.

I will bring you all a future about Dragon Country Lithography Machine that you can touch with your hands! ”

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

Everyone closed their mouths, not because they completely trusted Jiang Chen.

Rationally speaking, they could not trust Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen’s confident personality charm conquered them emotionally…

But they also want to see what kind of lithography machine this young professor can give them that can be touched by hand!

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian on the side looked at the momentary quiet crowd and nodded involuntarily.

Looking at Jiang Chen, his heart was full of praise.

Good boy, this personality charm is not small!

The confidence from the inside out infected everyone in the audience, and then we watched Jiang Chen’s performance!

Jiang Chen smiled and erased the “1” word on the small white board just now.

Then I wrote a few big words.

“Extreme UV light source”

The reason why the lithography machine is called the lithography machine.

In fact, it uses a technique similar to photo printing, and the fine graphics on the mask plate are printed on the silicon wafer through the exposure of light.

Among them, the most important thing about domestic lithography machines is the exposure system and the alignment system.

The core technical barrier of the first technical barrier exposure system is naturally how to obtain a very ultraviolet light source with sufficient wavelength, enough uniformity and sufficient energy!

From the perspective of nature.

Only the corona can produce extremely ultraviolet light sources!

Wanting to apply the ultraviolet light source from the sun to the lithography machine is nothing more than a fool’s dream for the current human technology.

Because it needs to be artificially made into a very ultraviolet light source!

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the scientific researchers present and asked:

“First of all, I would like to ask you a very simple question, how is the artificial polar ultraviolet light source made?”

The girl who had just been named by Jiang Chen stood up.

“Artificial EUVs are generally obtained from plasma sources and synchrotron radiation sources…”

Jiang Chen applauded his sister.

“The answer is good, then next.

Get your little book and voice recorder ready, Professor Ben is going to take you flying!

The next thing I want to talk about is how to make a very ultraviolet light source that meets the wavelength of the lithography machine exposure system! ”

A group of people listened to Jiang Chen’s words and turned on the recording function of the mobile phone suspiciously, and pulled out the small book in their pockets.

People who are engaged in scientific research will basically carry a small book with them.

Used to record the whims of your mind.

After all, mobile phone typing does not have the feeling of writing!

The moment when the researchers in the audience pulled out the small book.

Jiang Chen began to share the solution of the technical barrier of the extreme ultraviolet light source.

“First of all, on the plasma source, I want you to clarify two concepts.

One is Landau damping, the other is the relaxation process, first of all, let’s talk about Landau damping.

In plasma, charged particles that are close to the phase velocity vp of the wave are called resonant particles of the wave.

The electric field of the wave perceived by the resonant particle is almost constant for a long time, so a stronger energy exchange occurs between the resonant particle and the wave.

Particles slightly below v are accelerated by the electric field of the wave, and the energy of the wave is absorbed by the particle.

Finally, there is the core question about synchrotron radiation sources.

If there is a resistance in the circuit in addition to the capacitor and inductor, that is, there is an energy loss, but there is no power supply, the amplitude of the current and charge gradually decays to zero, and the electromagnetic field stored at the beginning can be continuously lost through the Joule heat emitted on the resistance.

This electromagnetic oscillation is called damping oscillation…”

A more silky narration process than Dove.

Jiang Chen’s explanation of the wall-breaking scheme of the technical barrier of the lithography machine lasted for nearly five hours!

At 18:00 in the evening, it was directly until 23:00 midnight!

The content on the small white board is page after page, and the accumulated A0 paper is 70 or 80 pages!

If the institute used to work overtime until 11 p.m.

Many researchers here have begun to complain.

But today…

They don’t dare, and they don’t deserve it!

If at first they thought that Jiang Chen was whimsical, now they feel that they are simply a dirt dog who does not understand anything…

And it is.

Jiang Chen talked so much, the knowledge they could absorb was less than 10%…

Before they dared to whisper.

And now.

They didn’t even dare to take a big breath…

Afraid of interrupting the thinking of Jiang Chen, Li Yumin, Mu Shijun and other big guys…

At this time, Li Yumin, who was next to him, wrote quickly with his pen.

At the moment when Jiang Chen finished speaking, the scratch paper in Li Yumin’s hand also calculated dozens of pages.

The entire laboratory air solidified for 3 minutes after …

Li Yumin stood up excitedly and looked at Jiang Chen:

“Professor Xiaojiang, according to your research and development plan, the wavelength of the extremely ultraviolet light source that we can artificially make can reach the limit wavelength of 124nm…

The engraving accuracy after using the exposure system can be achieved…


It’s 6 times ahead of the latest generation of Coachman’s AWS 7nm! ”

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