The reason why Qin Hao laughed out loud was not that he thought of something funny.

Because Jiang Chen’s digging is very important!

When I was in the development team of the sixth-generation fighter.

Plasma stealth technology, variable-cycle adaptive engine, airborne laser weapon system …

A series of feats that take decades to complete.

All of them were conquered by Jiang Chen alone!

Therefore, Jiang Chen was also given a nickname by everyone.

【Wallbreaker Jiang Chen! 】

Different from the wall-breaker in “The Four Bodies”, the meaning of Jiang Chen’s wall-breaker is very simple.

That is to break down technical barriers!

Jiang Chen, who overcame a technical barrier in an average of 20 days, fully deserved this title!

The reason why Qin Hao laughed out loud was because he combined it with Jiang Chen’s words just to analyze the words.

Two months to complete the nuclear submarine.

It’s not impossible!

“Old Huang, Lao Luo!

Although for some reason I can’t tell you about Jiang Chen’s past.

But Jiang Chen just had a nickname that I felt necessary to tell you.

He was known as the “Wallbreaker”.

The technical barriers that have been overcome so far at his hands are far more than you think!

So I unconditionally believe that Jiang Chen can let the fifth generation nuclear submarine of our Dragon Kingdom dive in two months! ”

Qin Hao uttered these words.

Everyone was shocked!


The deputy director of the Military Affairs Department personally packed the ticket for Professor Xiaojiang!

Oh! ”

“I understand the reasoning, but it is completely impossible to complete the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in two months…”

“Didn’t you hear the nickname of Professor Xiao Jiang, the head of the Qin Department just now?”

O Wallbreaker!

As the name suggests, it must be that Professor Xiaojiang is very good at breaking down technical barriers!

If you think about it carefully, the high-temperature gas-cooled pile that we have been engaged in for so long has not moved.

Professor Xiaojiang’s data continued.

This high-temperature gas-cooled pile has made great progress!

This is not a wall breakerWhat is a wall breaker? ”

“You don’t have to say it’s true, even if you don’t look at the high temperature gas cooling.”

Professor Xiaojiang is also a well-deserved pioneer in the field of lithography machines!

What a joke, even the 1nm lithography machine that AWS can’t conquer is still developed by Professor Xiaojiang?? ”

“Since you said that, then trust Professor Xiao Jiang!”

“I look forward to Professor Xiaojiang taking us to complete the research and development of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in two months!”


Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin listened to the heated discussion of the surrounding researchers.

Coupled with Qin Hao’s assurance just now.

The two also smiled helplessly, although they still felt very confused in their hearts.

But in the end, he chose to believe Jiang Chen.

Anyway, believe it or not, Professor Xiao Jiang’s academic attainments are higher than theirs.

Anyway, Professor Xiaojiang has already come to the Dragon Ship 612, is it difficult to complete the research and development and he still ran?

This is obviously unlikely…

“Professor Xiaojiang, since that’s the case!”

Then we two old men will lose you crazy!

Now Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is also pressed on our heads, it is better to fight directly against the water and come to a wave of desperate counterattack! ”

Everyone’s eyes looked at Jiang Chen passionately.

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

“Everyone, rest assured, I Jiang Chen never fight an unprepared battle, so let’s give you a little vacation today.”

Because two months from tomorrow.

The zombies you face day and night dedicate their blood and struggle for the Dragon Kingdom day and night.

Got it??? ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin took the lead and nodded their heads to give feedback.

One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and they all nod.

“Listen to Professor Xiao Jiang!”

“Yes! As long as the fifth generation of nuclear submarines can be developed within two months, let alone night and night, I am happy to stay up all night! ”

“That’s right! Me too! ”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”


I look at the institute that is completely different from the past, full of enthusiasm and struggle.

Qin Hao gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.

“Xiao Jiang, I want to talk about mobilizing the atmosphere.”

Or are you doing it!

The research institute, which was still lifeless before, exploded in an instant! ”

Jiang Chen was not happy, and helplessly smiled:

“It’s not all my fault.

To be precise, it is all thanks to the Bald Eagle fifth-generation nuclear submarine that is about to cruise in the Western Plain Ocean for three months…”

Just after the end of the military exercises.

Bald Eagle announced the important message that within the next three months, it will cruise in the Western Plain Ocean.

Isn’t this equivalent to the feeling of jumping on the grave of the Dragon Kingdom…

It’s intolerable.

Don’t say it’s a researcher, even if he is in such a good mood, he is not serious…

Qin Hao patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder:

“You don’t have to worry about the tranquility of the Dragon Kingdom’s sea, I’ll take care of it!”

You just have to develop the fifth-generation nuclear submarine as soon as possible.

Xiao Jiang!

Appointed to the time of defeat of the army, ordered in the midst of danger.

Although our Dragon Kingdom has not been defeated, you should also see the criticality of today’s situation.

Dragon Ship 612 and the fifth generation nuclear submarine project, I will hand it over to you! ”

Jiang Chen nodded solemnly.

“Director Qin, you can rest assured, you will not dishonor your life!”

After watching Qin Hao leave.

The entire institute also ushered in the calm before the storm.

Anza Jiangchen’s arrangement, today is a day of rest.

Everyone is on the hook and mind model, after all, from tomorrow it will be a battle!

Instead, someone found that Professor Xiaojiang’s dormitory was brightly lit.

Because Jiang Chen needs to prepare materials before the plan begins, it is impossible to rest as well.

Everyone looked at the lights in Jiang Chen’s room with great admiration.

“It’s already 12 o’clock, and the lights in Professor Xiaojiang’s room haven’t gone out yet…

We relaxed all day and felt guilty…”

“Guilt is useless, tomorrow I am ready to report on Professor Xiao Jiang’s efforts…”

“I wonder if you paid any attention to the World Semiconductor Congress?

Why do you think Professor Xiao Jiang gave up his place at the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ryerdianke? ”

“Yes, if I had said yes, I would have agreed…”

“That’s why you can’t become Professor Xiaojiang!”


“To tell the truth, although Professor Xiaojiang has such a lofty belief that science has no borders and that scientists are, I don’t think this is the only reason…”

“Then what do you think is any reason?”

“I think it is very likely that Professor Xiao Jiang thinks that even without the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ryerdianke, he will become a brilliant scientist in the future…”

“The future? I think Professor Xiaojiang is now extinct…”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip God…”

“Don’t put this talk aside, hurry up and go to sleep, and wait for Professor Ming’er Xiaojiang to instruct me to work!”

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