West Great Plains Ocean.

Near the first island chain of the Dragon Kingdom Sea Line.

The Bald-Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine, which has been diving for two months, has just finished resupplying at Bingfifi.

Rear Admiral Mentle was setting up a chair on the bridge just to watch the moon.

On the other side was Major General Kandal of Binfifi.

Maj. Gen. Kandal handed Maj. Gen. Mentel a cigarette and looked in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom.

“Major General Mentel, we have been swinging in front of the Dragon Kingdom Sea Boundary for two months.

But so far there has been no movement in the Dragon Kingdom.

Like a shrunken-headed turtle…

Is it useless for us to show our muscles in this way…”

Major General Mentel spat out a circle of eyes and laughed:

“My bald eagle has not crossed the sea line.

It’s just a purely Virginia-class nuclear submarine cruiser.

Why does the Dragon Kingdom make a sound?

The Dragon Kingdom has always flaunted itself as not interfering with other countries.

As long as we don’t cross the sea line, we will say anything.

Forcing us to pretend, Long Guo’s face was also beaten, why not ??? ”

Major General Kandal coughed softly and said:

“Rear Admiral Namentel, you see that you bald eagles should have had enough now, when will you return?”

The reason why he brought it up was certainly not to make Maj. Gen. Mentel pretend.

Because the cruise route of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine has always been the first island chain between Binfifi and Sakura Crane.

Several of their countries have long been panicked…

After all, it was the world’s first and only fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Although there is only one.

But Kandal had no doubt that just one ship could defeat their imperial capital of Binfifi…

If only I could send this god out quickly.

That would be the best…

Mentel couldn’t hear Kandal’s implication, and smiled and patted Kandal’s shoulder and smiled:

“Rest assured, as long as you and we Bald Eagle are one heart.”

We will not do anything to you.

Follow us to mix, only the benefits, no harms!

As for when to return to the voyage, it was not up to me to decide, but I was about two months old when I received the mission.

Presumably it should be time to go.

After all, Long Guo had been ignoring it this time, even if he showed his muscles again, the National Defense Department should be tired???

After all, Europa has also been quite turbulent lately, and our Bald Eagle Overlord will definitely come forward…”

Kandal breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Mentel’s words.

That’s good, that’s good…

The god of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine should finally go…

Just when Kandal was relieved.

Mentelle’s lieutenant rushed to Mentelle.

“General Mentel, the telephone of Director Brullo of the Department of Defence!”

Mentel answered the phone and smiled at Major General Kandal:

“You see, isn’t this coming?”

Then I pressed the answer button.

“Director Brulo, here is Rear Admiral Mentel, a Virginia-class nuclear submarine, please!”

When Director Brulo on the other end of the phone explained the current situation.

Maj. Gen. Mentel directly did not hold back his shouting:


Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is here?

Testing dives and military exercises are to be conducted tomorrow???

Director Brulo, are you sure you’re not kidding me?

Isn’t Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine program just over a year old? Is this already made? ”

Mentel was surprised to be surprised, and he called out.

The soldiers around him and Major General Kandal also heard it.

The faces of the people became strange…

What the heck???

The fifth generation of nuclear submarines in the Dragon Kingdom has come out???

Director Brulo, a defense student here, had already anticipated Major General Mentel’s reaction, and said with a smile:

“Maj. Gen. Mentel, you don’t have to worry.

I have asked the research and development team of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine to analyze the information from the press conference of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines in the Dragon Kingdom.

That’s basically impossible!

That is to say, this is the Dragon Kingdom’s countermeasure to the fact that we have been cruising around the first island chain.

Thinking of using bluffs to scare us off! ”

Maj. Gen. Mentel breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

You must know that the bravery of the six generations of fighters in the Dragon Kingdom before still has an impression in his heart.

Even if it wasn’t him who was punched in the face…

If the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom is true, it will be worth it???

Director Brulo’s laughter came out of the telephone handset again.

“Major General Mentel.

Now teach you a glorious and difficult task.

Driving a Virginia-class nuclear submarine and carrying Binfifi’s fleet in ambush near the first island chain.

Wait until the fifth-generation nuclear submarine drill of the Dragon Kingdom begins.

Let’s catch him off guard!

Didn’t they all shrink before?

The international community also has no intuitive feeling about our cruise, and this time we punched him in the face!

Show the majesty of my bald eagle overlord! ”

Major General Mentel heard that he was free to make up for the good moment when he could return to the country to promote himself to lieutenant general after punching the face of the Dragon Kingdom.

Rao was not in front of Director Brulo.

Major General Mentel also stood up straight with excitement and experienced:

“Director Brulo, Rear Admiral Mentel, a Virginia-class nuclear submarine, promises to complete the mission!”

“Received, Maj. Gen. Mentel, look forward to your performance!”

The moment the phone hangs up.

Everyone wondered what the Director of Defence had talked to Maj. Gen. Mentel.

It was very nervous to watch Major General Mentel’s instructions.

After all, Rear Admiral Mentel’s excited look just now didn’t look like he was playing soy sauce…

They could roughly guess that it was related to the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom.

But they don’t know what the mission of the Defense Department is over there!

Rear Admiral Mentel looked at Rear Admiral Binfifi in front of him, the remains of the Bald Eagle Admiral.

“Folks, we started when we came to the Western Pingyang two months ago.

Although it highlights the strength of our Bald Eagle Virginia-class nuclear submarine.

But the recognition of the international community has not been high!

Because they think we’re just just re-muscular.

You should all know why all this is, that is, because we don’t have a strong opponent!

And just now, our adversaries released the news of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine exercise.


Right on the first island chain!

Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarines will be submerged and exercised.

We are just using the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom as a stepping stone to show the world the strategic supremacy of our Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine! ”

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