Huang Shuxu looked at Jiang Chen with a longing look.

Thinking that Jiang Chen was sorry that he could not participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he smiled and patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder and took a deep breath:

“Professor Xiaojiang, your name.

One day, it will resound above the land of God! ”

Luo Ganglin also comforted Jiang Chen.

He knew this feeling that he had obviously made a big country heavy weapon but could not cut the ribbon himself.

What does this feeling say?

It’s like your own child was taken away just after being born, and even the father didn’t have time to shout???

Huang Shiyao also said comfortingly:

“Professor Xiaojiang, we are not sad.

As short as three years, as long as ten years, once the 099 strategic nuclear submarine has been officially put into service.

That’s when your name will ring all over the world! ”

Jiang Chen looked at the group of people who comforted him and laughed without anger:

“I am only more touched by the history of the development of our nuclear submarines just talked about by Director Li about our Dragon Kingdom.

Where do you want to go…”

Then he turned his head and looked at Huang Shiyao and smiled unkindly:

“And you Shi Yao.”

Who told you that the military I built took so long to test?

At most, in one to two years, it will be officially in service! ”

What a joke, Jiang Chen’s production must be a fine product.

The sixth-generation fighter jets that were previously tested are already preparing to enter the service phase for final testing.

Whether it’s system stability, or engine level.

It’s all done.

Dragon Kingdom would have liked to serve earlier, or was it still hiding?

A group of people listened to Jiang Chen’s words and blushed, and their feelings made them guess wrong…

It turned out that Jiang Chen was feeling the difficulty of the development of the Longguo nuclear submarine…

This is the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain…

However, as for the issue of the length of service that Jiang Chen later said, they did hold the same time.

Indeed, in the military history of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is a big gap between experimentation and service time.

Simply because the stability of the military needs more tests to achieve military use.

And the 099 strategic nuclear submarine developed by Jiang Chen…

They have been tested countless times in the shipyard …

It’s a steady bunch!

Jiang Chen looked at the crowd with a complicated look on his face and smiled angrily:

“Today’s protagonist is not me, it is the 099 strategic nuclear submarine that we built together, watching him invincible in the ocean?”

A group of people you look at me, I look at you, and they all laugh in disgust.

Hurriedly, he continued to look at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on the big screen.

After Li Xuanbin finished talking about the past and present lives of the Longguo strategic nuclear submarine, he also officially cut the red banner.

After Li Xuanbin and others on the 099 strategic nuclear submarine disembarked.

The handrail slowly sank, dropping the entire 099 strategic nuclear submarine into the water.

Under the watchful eye.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor began to operate.

A low, beast-like groaning sound resounded throughout the Qingyu Shipyard.

Everyone was shocked…


This voice…

It’s kind of scary…”

“Damn, I don’t know, I thought the pioneer of the Great Pingyang had reappeared…”

“There is a saying that the sound of the ignition of this 099 strategic nuclear submarine is a bit bullish!”

Compared to Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine, I don’t know how many times better! ”

“I think the mechanical stuff is pretty much the same.

Just like the engine, you can hear the sound of a word, as if this high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor does sound a lot better? ”

“This is not easy to say, or look at the actual operation!”

“Yes, the sound just now is so terrible, if you can’t reduce the noise, I’m afraid it will have been heard a few kilometers away from the fleet…”


A group of people are discussing the sound of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine’s high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactor and engine.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine was launched in its entirety.

Accompanied by the moment of entering the water.

The low beast groan disappeared in an instant without a trace, as if everyone had never seen this thing before.

If they get a huge black shadow under the water, they may think that their ears are deaf.

“This noise reduction level is too good???”

“wdnmd, this is faster than my bose noise-canceling headphones, just no sound …”

“No, didn’t you find that the high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactor had disappeared in the last few seconds before the 099 strategic nuclear submarine entered the water?”

Then the engine seems to have entered the silent running session! ”

“Sleeper, that’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”

Completely silent operation…

This Nyima is better than the Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine and doesn’t know how much it has…”


As everyone marvels at the level of silence of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

099 strategic nuclear submarine.

Major General Li Yu is in contact with the main control room in the Qingyu Shipyard.

“Professor Xiaojiang, the noise reduction system has been successfully experimented!

The mother case has arrived at the destination of the dive, and then begins to dive, diving according to the stage.

The first stage: 280m.

Do you want to start executing? ”

At present, it is still in the test submarine stage of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

Of course, the command of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine is still in the hands of Jiang Chen.

When Major General Li Yu controlled the 099 strategic nuclear submarine to reach the experimental level of the test and began to conduct military exercises.

Of course, the command was still on the body of General Lü Wei and Major General Li Yu beside him.

Jiang Chen looked at the data fed back by the sensors on the side of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine and nodded with satisfaction.

“General Lee, start diving!”


Under the watchful eye.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine began to dive.

Everyone sweated for the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

What is the biggest test of a submarine’s success?

As the name suggests, they are called submarines, and the biggest criterion for measuring them is, of course, whether the dive is successful or not!

In the sea, the further down there is, the greater the pressure on whom.

The larger the internal air, the greater the pressure on the object.

Even many small submarines can easily fold into the dive phase.

Not to mention such a deep-sea monster as a nuclear submarine!

The more famous one is the accident of the “Shorttail Shark” nuclear submarine of the Bald Eagle Nation Navy, which can be said to be quite tragic!

The Shorttail Shark, the 19th nuclear-powered submarine of the Bald Eagle Nation’s Navy, was launched in 1960 and officially entered service the following year.

During a heavy dive mission, the captain was young and vigorous, and wanted to continue diving.

The results are clear…

The short-tailed shark was directly crushed by the huge pressure on the seabed, the nuclear reactor was also shattered, and finally caused a large area of seabed pollution…

Right now.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine of Dragon Kingdom is about to start diving, and the goal of opening is to dive directly to the deep sea of nearly 300 meters…

Everyone sweated for it.

Can it successfully survive the pressure of the seabed and successfully dive?

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