The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

The whole classroom was silent in an instant, and then there was a lot of uncontrollable discussion.

“Who’s this?”

Isn’t it natural for teachers to draw questions and answers from students?

Why is there still a reward to be made? ”

“Wori, the captain can do whatever he wants?”

“This is teasing Teacher Mu!”

I can’t stand it, brothers, don’t stop me, I’m going to go to the back and clean up this boy! ”


I feel that this classmate seems to have developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, Professor Xiaojiang…”

“Don’t you say, it looks like it’s coming!”

“What is like, then is all right!”


When there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Mu Shijun was naturally a bit stupid.

She had been a student for so many years, and it was the first time she had heard that answering a teacher’s question should be rewarded!

They are all graduate students, and there are such playful students.

But how does this sound a little familiar to you?

Mu Shijun didn’t think much about it.

When I finished writing the questions on the blackboard and prepared to see if the freshman could answer his own questions.

But I saw a familiar and unfamiliar figure.

Jiang Chen!

The young man was dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, and finally returned to her side!

A pair of frost-like eyes melted in an instant.

Looking at Jiang Chen with a slight redness, he smiled without anger.

“Then Jiang Chen, you answer this question!”

Reward you fixed! ”

Mu Shijun said this.

The new students in the audience looked at Mu Shijun’s beautiful smile and rosy eyes and instantly froze.

Teacher Mu actually laughed!!!”

“My God, I’ve seen iron trees blossom and sows go up trees.

But I just haven’t seen Teacher Mu laugh, this damn fall of the country! , is also too beautiful, right? ”

“It’s a pity that this laugh is only for Professor Xiao Jiang…”

“So this dude is really Professor Xiaojiang who solved the Bald Eagle sanction for our Dragon Kingdom!”

“Now even I, a single dog with a mother’s fetus solo1, can see that there is something wrong between Professor Xiaojiang and Teacher Mu…

This love stone hammered! ”

“I seem to have suddenly eaten ten carts of lemons…”

“Love love, both are fairy faces!”

“I’m curious now what the child born to Professor Xiaojiang and Teacher Mu looks like?”

“I didn’t believe it before, but now I do, as long as I am bold, the tutor is on maternity leave…”


When the whole audience was talking about it.

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Mu Shijun with some grievances and smiled:

“In fact, Teacher Mu’s problem is very simple.

Set t = 0 for the number of radioactive nuclei at the moment of n0, and the number of radioactive nuclei at the time of t is n…

Then the law of decay of the exponent is n = n0e-λt, and the λ in this formula is called the decay constant.

Represents the probability of decay of a radioactive nucleus in a unit of time, and it reflects the speed of the decay of a radioactive nucleus.

The higher the value of λ, the faster the decay; The opposite is true.

In practice, the half-life t1/2 or the average life τ is commonly used to reflect the speed of decay…”

Jiang Chen finished answering the law of decay of radioactive nuclei.

Mu Shijun applauded it.

“Jiang Chen’s answer is all right!”

Jiang Chen raised an eyebrow and smiled:

“Teacher Mu, my reward has been thought out, is it now?” Or is it said after class? ”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen with a sinister smile.

Little Face a red road:

“It’s class time, or come to my office after class and say reward…”

The whole classroom exploded when it heard this.


Didn’t Professor Xiaojiang develop an optical lithography machine?

Is he still so proficient in nuclear physics? ”

“What a joke, Professor Xiao Jiang is a genius!”

People casually read books, worthy of your decades of hard reading! ”

“There is a saying that Professor Xiaojiang is really a bull!”

“You guys are a bunch of dead straight men, is the question you should be concerned about now really how smart Professor Xiao Jiang is?”

What should be paid attention to now is the reward of Professor Xiaojiang and Teacher Mu, right? ”

“Looking at Professor Xiaojiang’s expression, you can see that this reward must be very excessive!”

“Do you think it will be kissing?”

“Sleeper, office…???”

“There’s paid content in the back, we don’t have to watch it!”

“Grandpa is not bad for that little money, let me continue to broadcast!”


The professor’s class ended in a heated discussion and the sound of Mu Shijun’s teaching.

An hour and a half of atomic physics is over.

Jiang Chen followed Mu Shijun back to the office.

Professors like Mu Shijun have offices that are single.

Work desk by the window.

Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun sat opposite.

The two had not spoken for two months, and Mu Shijun did not know how to open his mouth for a while…

However, Jiang Chen did not have the slightest sense of distance.

After all, two months in the Lantau Dragon Boat 612.

To him, it was as if it were just yesterday…

The time of scientific research transitioned too quickly, as if Jianmu Shijun was still yesterday.

“Teacher Mu.

The reward is what you promised me in front of so many people!

You shouldn’t regret it, right? ”

Mu Shi’s small face turned red and looked out the window.

“Only when this teacher says everything he says, he will not regret it!”

Jiang Chen smiled and rubbed his face over.


Then Teacher Mu kissed his future husband, right? ”

Mu Shijun knew that Jiang Chen’s reward must have been too remorseful, but he didn’t expect this guy to ask to kiss him in the office!

Or is she a girl who took the initiative to ???


Mu Shijun’s teeth grinded loudly, obviously angry and tight.

If she hadn’t already promised Jiang Chen, she would really have wanted to slap Jiang Chen on the face that was already stretched out!

The small face is like a maple leaf that spreads over the mountains.

Anyway, this guy is going to get a license with himself…

It shouldn’t be too much to kiss your future husband in advance, right?

Closed and slowly leaned over.

I am hesitating not to feel the time.

Something took the initiative to come up, and it was obvious that what her lips felt was obviously not a flat face, but…

Jiang Chen’s mouth!!!

“Jiang Chen…

You dead bastard!!! ”

Jiang Chen smiled and held Mu Shijun to hit his own hand, and the teasing on his face was gone.

Eyes full of apologies.

“Shi Jun, I’m sorry.

The national task is urgent, and I haven’t even had time to say it to you…

Just left you for two months…

I’m sorry! ”

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