The scene that was originally relatively weak was instantly awakened by a slap from Huang Shuxu.

The scene froze in an instant.

“Who is this?”

“I don’t know, but sitting in the middle of the expert seat…

It should also be for academic bigwigs, right? ”

“Sleeper, you fucking scientific idiots, right?”

Professor Huang Shuxu, the chief designer of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine, does not know ??? ”

“WDNMD, it turned out to be Professor Huang Lao!”

This is the real Deji giant in the nuclear field of the Dragon Kingdom! ”


That, I just heard correctly, Professor Huang Lao just said that he can follow Professor Xiaojiang to engage in scientific research is a supreme glory? ”

“Old Tie, you heard it right, Professor Huang did say so!”

“No, the scientific research giant said that it is an honor to follow Professor Xiaojiang, and we don’t even have the opportunity to give Professor Xiaojiang a chance to lift his shoes??”

“I’m a little confused…

Really, what kind of ecstasy soup did this Professor Xiaojiang feed to Professor Huang Lao? ”


When the audience is dumbfounded.

The same is true on stage.

Huang Shuxu’s palm not only woke up the confused researchers in the venue.

It also woke up Jiang Chen and others here…

Jiang Chen really didn’t expect that it should have been his more embarrassing link…

Old Master Huang is directly unrevealed!

Luo Ganglin laughed at Jiang Chen’s side:

“Old Huang is that character.”

The people he himself admired were pointed out by others.

With his nature, it is already good that he did not scold on the spot…”

Jiang Chen also nodded in understanding.

I see……

If you use the current words, this should be the “star chaser”???

Ha ha……

Jiang Chen smiled and stood up to comfort the angry Old Master Huang and sat down.

“Elder Huang, don’t be angry.

I have to rely on you for help later, but don’t get angry and ruin your body. ”

Then he turned around and looked at the many researchers in the audience.

As a result, Huang Shuxu’s microphone laughed:

“Actually, I’ve already seen you in this situation.

Because in the previous few national key projects, I encountered similar situations, and everyone did not believe in my strength.

After all, as a scientist.

My age is indeed a bit foul…

As for what the project is, I can’t tell you.

But I really didn’t expect Elder Huang to be so angry with me.

You should reflect on why you choose not to trust others so easily, because of the difficulty of scientific research? Or receive the splendor of society?

I want you to be a scientist.

Be able to always maintain a willing to believe in miracles and others!

Just like my Jiang Chen served as the chief designer of the new hydrogen bomb research and development team, you will all feel that I am too young to take on this big responsibility.

But I can tell you explicitly.

This chief designer is actually not particularly wanted to be, more money and less tired, I can’t make a mistake!

But it is impossible to stand the entrustment of the big chief, coupled with the country’s current national defense crisis.

When the scientists of my generation had the heart to defend the country, I came to the top.

Since I have come to the top, I will not be an incompetent person.

I can tell all of you clearly that throughout the Dragon Kingdom, scientists who can test the nuclear explosion of a new hydrogen bomb that surpasses Bled Castle in less than a month.

Except for me Jiang Chen will not have a second! ”

The moment Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of scientific researchers were full of shock in their hearts…

Good guys, just in their early twenties, they have participated in several national key projects.

Even the chief designer of the development of a new hydrogen bomb this time.

All hand-picked by the Grand Chief?!!

There is also the fury of previous scientific giants.

They were just stupid, and they didn’t dare not believe the eyes of the Great Chief and Old Master Huang!

Coupled with the absolute self-confidence of the scientific people exuded by Jiang Chen himself…

But it is not at all what a fledgling scientific research boy can have.

A group of people you look at me, I look at you.

One after another drummed up deafening applause for Jiang Chen.

“Professor Xiaojiang, we believe in you!”

“Professor Xiaojiang, I hope you can really fulfill your promise and lead us to complete the research and development of the new hydrogen bomb within a month!”

“Professor Xiaojiang, come on!”



A group of big guys on the stage looked at Jiang Chen’s momentum from the inside out.

In particular, Director Qin Hao was most shocked when he looked at Jiang Chen.


This boy is completely different from the first time he was in the sixth generation of fighters!

This is already a qualitative transformation, right?

This is not the time for Jiang Chen’s scientific research strength.

Rather, it means that Jiang Chen has the leadership temperament of going from a simple scientific researcher to a leader of a scientific research project!

You must know that since ancient times, it is impossible to achieve anything alone.

Only those who can command the masses can make a difference.

The Three Kingdoms are the most prominent examples.

Now, Jiang Chen now has the initial ability to do so.

In the future, Jiang Chen will definitely be able to lead the completion of more scientific research projects in Longguo!

This was something that Qin Hao could see with his naked eyes!

To say that the most shocking thing is Mu Shijun.

Because Mu Shijun suddenly felt as if he didn’t know Jiang Chen at all.

This student of his own…

It’s like an iceberg.

She couldn’t see how deep the iceberg under the sea was…

According to what Jiang Chen just said, before Jiang Chen arrived at Yanda, he should have already begun to work on national key projects…

No wonder General Feng can drive a helicopter gunship directly to Yanda…

Mu Shijun thought about these past events.

It’s crying and laughing.

The crying was that she knew too little about Jiang Chen.

Laughing at how good his fiancé is…

Such a mood is really contradictory…

However, Mu Shijun is sure of one thing.

That is Jiang Chen’s feelings for himself, must be true!

As a girl, her feelings about this are still certain and certain!

As long as he knew this, Jiang Chen couldn’t tell her anything more.

It doesn’t matter to her…

After the applause.

Scientific researchers also looked at Jiang Chen…

Since Jiang Chen was so absolutely confident that they could develop a new type of hydrogen bomb beyond Bled Castle in less than a month.

So what kind of work arrangement will this national treasure-level scientist have?

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