Old Marshal Mu looked at Wang Yishou, president of Yanjing Harmony Hospital, with a dazed look and asked nervously:

“Dean Wang, what happened to Xiao Jiang?”

Wang Yishou knew that when he heard the voice of Marshal Mu, he realized that he seemed to be out of shape.

Hurriedly coughed and took off the mask:

“Old Marshal Mu.”

Professor Xiaojiang was out of danger of life.

However, it is still in the coma stage.

Originally, according to the current situation, at least half a month of nutrient solution had to be infused to wake up.

But Professor Xiaojiang’s recovery speed in his body was very fast.

About three or four days of looks.

You should be able to wake up!

Don’t worry! ”

Wang Yishou said this.

A group of people breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Xiao Jiang was out of danger of life, then there would be nothing to do…

The rest of the big guys were also relieved.

It’s all right!

It’s all right!

Mu Shijun’s eyes on this side that had been moist finally cried out because of happiness, not because of worry…

A group of big guys also went in after sending their condolences.

After all, Wang Yishou said it all.

At least three or four more days.

Jiang Chen could only wake up.

They couldn’t always stay here, they could only wait until Jiang Chen woke up.

The only one who stayed here to take care of Jiang Chen was Mu Shijun.

Old Marshal Mu on this side also pulled Qin Hao and asked:

“Director Qin, how is the project going on over there in the desert now?”

Mu Yunhai had been looking at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun from the very beginning. There was no time to ask about the progress of the development of the new hydrogen bomb.

At this time, several people Jiang Chen was already fine.

Only then did he pull Qin Hao to ask about the progress.

Qin Hao smiled and looked at Old Marshal Mu with a worried look and smiled:

“Old Marshal Mu, you can rest assured.”

Your granddaughter-in-law is really a dragon among people, and in less than a month, the accuracy of several new hydrogen bombs has been pushed to more than 90%…

Next work.

Even without Professor Xiaojiang, Professor Huang and Professor Luo of the Institute can also be completed!

The new hydrogen bomb can be developed in a day at most!

By the way, Marshal Mu, first secretly tell you.

According to the preliminary estimates of Professor Xiaojiang, Professor Huang, Professor Luo and others.

The nuclear explosion power of this new hydrogen bomb seems to be 100 million tons…”

Mu Yunhai’s originally relieved heart was suddenly lifted up by Qin Hao’s last words.

What the heck???

100 million tons of equivalent ???

Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle is only 15 million tons equivalent? The world is destroyed!

Now Qin Hao told him that Longguo had developed a 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb???

It wasn’t that Mu Yunhai didn’t believe Jiang Chen.

It’s really sensational???

Qin Hao saw Mu Yunhai’s stunned face and smiled:

“Old Marshal Mu, don’t say it’s you, when Professor Xiao Jiang first proposed this plan, all of us were stupid.”

But in the end our data went through countless predictions.

The nuclear explosion power of this hydrogen bomb can indeed reach the level of 100 million tons…

If the specific nuclear explosion test is concerned, I am afraid it will depend on the thoughts of the big chieftain’s side…”

Mu Yunhai sat on an armchair in the aisle with a confused face.

People are almost stupid…


Billions of tons…

No wonder it’s called the God Killer Level!

Xiao Jiang, the little king of the eight eggs, is really a gifted person, a capable person in the world, and a hero of the Dragon Kingdom!

When this guy wakes up, he must ask how this kid made such a fuss…


Yen Ching Restaurant.

Inside the meeting hall of the Nine-Party Talks.

Inside the national lounge.

Inside the Dragon Kingdom Lounge.

The Grand Chief frowned as he looked at the document he had just discussed.

On the surface looks at the file.

In fact, I was worried about Professor Xiao Jiang’s safety.

If it is Professor Xiao Jiang who is gone because of a new type of hydrogen bomb.

Then his sin is great!

In the heart of the Great Chief, this is already the pillar of the Dragon Kingdom becoming the future technological overlord.

If it was Professor Xiao Jiang, it would be gone.

The Grand Chief may regret it for the rest of his life!

The secretary of the Guan Da on the side took a deep breath and sighed:

“Big Chief, we do have our responsibility for this, but you don’t have to blame yourself too much.

The development of a new hydrogen bomb is indeed the best solution at present…

Professor Koe has his own celestial appearance, and he will be fine! ”

The secretary was comforting the Grand Chief.

Wang Yishou, president of Yanjing Harmony Hospital, knocked on the phone.

The secretary hurriedly walked aside.

“Dean Wang, what happened to Professor Xiaojiang?”

“Tube Secretary-General, the man has already returned.

It is because of the liver damage caused by overwork.

The nutrient solution should be able to recover after three or four days, and then you can no longer work so hard, otherwise it is likely to become liver cancer…”

When the secretary heard Wang Yishou’s words, he immediately rushed to the big leader with a smile.

“Big Chief!

Professor Xiao Jiang is all right!

At most, three days will awaken! ”

When the Grand Chief heard the words of the secretary in charge, his eyebrows instantly disappeared.


“It’s really better than real gold!”

The Great Chief’s tense look finally stretched out after receiving Jiang Chen’s news.

“Professor Xiao Jiang is fine…”

When the Grand Chief and the Steward Secretary were happy that Jiang Chen’s operation was successful.

The nine-party talks here have also begun!

The Grand Chief snorted coldly and looked in the direction of the conference hall.

Bald eagle.

This time Lao Tzu told you that you can’t eat and walk!

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