"Yes, Chief Engineer Lu."

Hearing Lu Yu's order, everyone nodded one after another.

Lu Yu's instructions have been completely recorded before, and if it is only to solve the material problem and structural design problem, it is not too difficult.

Actually, the problem of electromagnetic interference .... In theory, the difficulty is simpler.

It's just that in the face of this level of problems, which algorithm should be used to solve it is not a small trouble. In Lu Yu's vision, there are three algorithms that can be tried, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Although it is said... Any algorithm can afford this burden.

But the details determine success or failure, and he still plans to discuss it together after he comes back.

"Okay, you guys do it first."

"I'll go see Director Lin."

Lu Yu smiled, and then followed the steps of the assistant all the way back to his office, and before he entered the door, he heard Director Lin's footsteps in the room.

"Knock knock, knock knock."

While knocking on the door, Lu Yu thought suspiciously:

"Director Lin is looking for me at this time... What the hell is going on?

"He's not that bureaucratic guy, how can he have so many meetings?"

Although Lu Yu has not worked with Director Lin for too long, not even four months in a strict sense, but just as the so-called peeping leopard in the tube, from some details, Lu Yu can see Director Lin's character.

Lao Lin's character... It's the kind of person who does things very rigorously.

For Director Lin, unless something really happened that was necessary, he would definitely not have such frequent meetings.

But the problem is that it has only been more than an hour since the last time the latest information was transmitted from the Eagle Country, and in such a short period of time, there should be no new information sent back, right?

Could it be that there is something new here in the country?

Lu Yu felt that his brain was a little messy, but there was no point in standing in front of the gate and entangled in these, and after a good chat with Director Lin, he would be able to know the specific situation.

At this thought, Lu Yu did not hesitate, and directly pushed the door into his office:

"Director Lin, what is wrong with you?"

Seeing Director Lin sitting on the sofa, his face revealed sadness, and Lu Yu's heart also subconsciously appeared a nervous look.

Shouldn't something really happen?

Lu Yu slowly came to Director Lin's death and asked again, "Director Lin?" "

Oh, Chief Engineer Lu, you're here."

Director Lin smiled, Xuan Ji looked at Lu Yu with a concerned look, and looked at him several times: "Chief Engineer Lu, how do you feel in your physical state now?"

"What... How is the physical condition?

Lu Yu asked with some doubt.

He didn't understand Director Lin's inexplicable question, what did it mean, what was the physical state?

"Chief Engineer Lu, I know that our research task is relatively tight now."

"But... No matter how important the project is, it is not as important as your body, even if our Zhurong II future fails, but it doesn't matter.

"In the short term, it may indeed be a shame if our Zhurong II fails, but if you stretch this situation to the entire history of our Dragon Kingdom, it is nothing, you know?"

Director Lin said seriously.

"I: I still don't understand what you mean.

Lu Yu showed a wry smile, he really couldn't understand why Director Lin would suddenly call him over to say this.

"I mean, let you take good care of your body."

"Don't let the research be too tight.... You still have to cherish your health is the most important, now that you are young, some things are not perceptible, but when you reach my age, some things will naturally understand.

"At that time, if you regret that you didn't take good care of your body when you were young, it will be too late."

Director Lin said with concern.

He didn't hide anything anymore, and cut straight to the topic:

"I plan to let the organization arrange a high-standard physical examination for you after a while, and check your physical condition well."

"Medical examination?"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, and then shook his head and said, "Director Lin, I don't know my physical state, I really don't need you to help me experience it."

"I know you mean well, but our current research schedule is so tight, if we spend a whole day going for a physical examination, it will be a drag on our progress!"

"There's really no need for that!"

He immediately refused.

Now that the research work is so tight, where there is so much time to experience!

Besides, Lu Yu also has a good idea of his physical health status, even if it is not particularly healthy, but at least there are no diseases that will endanger the safety of the body!

When I ate the reward given by the system before: the little pill for strengthening the body, the feeling is still vivid.

If it is said that before taking the physical fitness pill, Lu Yu's body may have some chronic diseases similar to cervical spondylosis.

So now....

He was simply healthy and could not be more healthy.

His current physical condition, even if it is not the top health state, is still far from "sub-health"! Not to mention... If you are sick, what kind of physical examination to do, it is completely redundant, there is no need for it!

However, Director Lin did not think so.

"That's right."

"Someone told me something about you today, and you were in the conference room this afternoon, and your state was very wrong."

"I would have been.... I also feel that he is a little fussy, after all, for our researchers to be obsessed with research, it is normal to show some strange states for a while.

"But then, I called up some footage just in case."

"Your state is definitely not just as simple as being obsessed with research! Something must be wrong.

"The matter of the inspection is so decided!"

Director Lin directly set the tone of the matter, and there was no room for Lu Yu to refute it!

Indeed, Lu Yu thought, he was not a very bureaucratic person, and if there was nothing to do, he did not like to spend too much research time on what meetings.

Originally... Director Lin planned to stop looking for Lu Yu for at least two days and focus on his research tasks with each other.

However, just a few tens of minutes ago, the arrival of a researcher changed his mind.


the conference room

, "Let's get ready."

"You all have your own unique insights in computer science research."

"I believe that if the intelligent swarm algorithm can be properly applied to our microsatellite network system, it will definitely inject an innovative force into our Zhurong-2 project and enhance the overall competitiveness!"

Director Lin said with a smile.

After several technical discussions, the direction of their entire research group has been decided, and the remaining things that need to be done are to go in this direction.

Though... The speed of determining the direction of their group is a little slower than that of Lu Yu's micromotor system team, but Director Lin also has this confidence in his heart, as long as they give their group enough time to study, the final results will definitely not be much worse than Lu Yu's side!

The two sides complement each other, and will definitely be able to combine the micro-motor system and the intelligent group algorithm to achieve the magical effect of 1+1 greater than 2!

At this thought, Director Lin's face subconsciously showed a satisfied smile, as if he had seen the scene where the two systems were installed on the microsatellite network together!

As long as the next thing can be successfully completed, even if the people of Eagle Country want to do something when Zhurong II is launched, it will only be self-inflicted!

It was at this time that a knock on the door suddenly interrupted Director Lin's thinking.

"Knock knock, knock knock."

Hearing the knock on the door, Director Lin's eyebrows raised slightly and said, "Come in."

He picked up a stack of documents, thinking that it was the person he had just called, but he didn't expect that the person who walked in was a relatively unfamiliar face.

"Director Lin, I'm Xiao Qin."

The researcher who came in smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, Director Lin, seeing that you were in a meeting just now, I didn't want to interrupt you at this time."

"Nothing, we're just having a technical discussion, it's not a formal meeting."

"And... This discussion is also over.

Director Lin carefully looked at the other party's face, and finally recognized who this Xiao Qin was:

"You are the researcher assigned to Chief Engineer Lu, right?"

"What's wrong, have you encountered any problems with the content of the research? Or does Chief Engineer Lu have something to find me?

Director Lin asked curiously.

After completing the grouping, although Lu Yu and Director Lin are still the leaders of the Zhurong No. 2 project, but now the two people are responsible for completely different technical modules, at this time... Why did the people under Lu Yu suddenly find themselves?

Director Lin can only guess whether there is something new on Lu Yu's side, so he wants to discuss with himself and let this Xiao Qin come and run errands?

In fact, this Xiao Qin is not small.

He also looks forty years old.

It's just that he is a little younger than Director Lin's age, so Director Lin calls him "Xiao Qin".


Xiao Qin's face showed an embarrassed look, and he hesitated and said: "Well, it's not that there is technical trouble, it's just that I have something I want to report to you... I don't know, you..."

Director Lin suddenly thought of something again, and asked puzzled:

"But what is the matter, you should explain to your chief engineer Lu first?" What are you doing with me first, is your Chief Engineer Lu busy?

"It's not a matter of being busy."

The expression on Xiao Qin's face became even more embarrassed, and he said slowly: "The main thing is this, if I tell Chief Engineer Lu, it is estimated that it will have no effect."

"What I might say to you... It would be a little better.

"So I thought about it and came straight to you."

"Telling you Chief Engineer Lu doesn't work?"

"What are these words!"

Director Lin also thought that this Xiao Qin came over to complain to himself or say bad things about Chief Engineer Lu, and suddenly frowned: "What kind of person are you Chief Engineer Lu, I don't know, he won't gag your mouth!"

"If you have any ideas, communicate with Chief Engineer Lu, and General Engineer Lu will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

"It's not... Director Lin, you still don't understand what I mean..." Xiao

Qin's expression showed a hint of helplessness, and after sighing, he said slowly:

"Actually, this is the case, Director Lin."

"This is not a matter of research technology, although it has a certain relationship with our research project, but not much."

"After today's meeting, I left some things and forgot to take them to the laboratory from the conference room, and I found out about this when I was doing the experiment, so I went back to the conference room to get something."

"As a result, when I entered the conference room, I saw that Chief Engineer Lu was also inside."

"And he was in a state and had an expression, all... All give people a very wrong feeling, just: I don't know how to describe this, it just feels muddy, like a practice!

"Director Lin, you may feel a bit exaggerated when I say this, but what I saw at that time was really like this!"


Xiao Qin plucked up the courage and told Director Lin about today's encounter and experience.

After listening, Director Lin's face also showed a complicated expression:

"You mean to say that you suspect that General Engineer Lu has a mental state problem, or has some kind of disease?"

"No, no, no, it's a bit unlucky to say that."

Xiao Qin suddenly shook his head and said: "

I just feel that the current research project progress of our Zhurong No. 2 is not very tight, and then Chief Engineer Lu is one of the general leaders of our entire Zhurong No. 2 research like you, and the pressure on a big guy like him must be unimaginable!"

"What's more... Chief Engineer Lu doesn't care about the general person in charge of Zhurong No. 2, he seems to be the person in charge of another national key project! "

It's stressful... Quite normal. I feel that it may be that General Engineer Lu has been under a lot of pressure recently, resulting in nervous tension.

"To talk about psychological problems, it's a bit too exaggerated."

Xiao Qin completely explained his thoughts to Director Lin again.

"You think so... There is some truth in it.

"He's still younger after all."

"At this age, with so many burdens on his back, ordinary people can't bear it, his body, he can't take good care of him, we have to take care of him."

Director Lin pursed his lips lightly, and a complicated look appeared in his eyes, and he also began to think about this serious question!

After half a ring....

His gaze towards Xiao Qin showed a light of praise: "Not bad, careful enough!" "

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