"In this way, let me observe the situation again, if the problem is really that serious, I will go and tell Chief Engineer Lu later!"

"This matter is related to his physical health, and it is indeed sloppy!"

"Uh-huh." Xiao Qin nodded quickly and said, "I also think... If he directly told Chief Engineer Lu about this, now that the research pressure is so great, he probably won't listen. That's why I thought about telling you. "


"You go back first."

After Director Lin let Xiao Qin leave, he slowly sat back in his place and poured another cup of tea.

He looked at the scenery outside the window and thought.

"Alas, in the final analysis, it is still people of our generation who can do too little, so they have to put the burden on him."

"In any case, you must not be able to make his body sick."

Director Lin's gaze became extremely serious.

Although, he felt that Xiao Qin's words just now may have an element of exaggeration, "practice".... It was indeed difficult for him to imagine what Lu Yu, a serious and rational person, would look like!

"Let's go and see the surveillance first, what was the specific situation at that time."

After figuring it out, Director Lin did not directly listen to Xiao Qin's words, but came to the monitoring room alone, asked the people in the monitoring room to tune out the monitoring in the conference room this afternoon, and then carefully observed.

After all, this is a state-level classified project, and if you want to look at monitoring, there are many more processes to go through than other places.

This is also to prevent the leakage of top-secret information, and Director Lin also understands these requirements.

Finally, after a period of approval, the monitoring was finally given permission and released.

Director Lin seriously looked at the content on the screen, and the more he looked, the more his eyebrows wrinkled!

Really... Everything is just as Xiao Qin said, the state that Lu Yu showed today is very wrong!

He had the impression that Lu Yu was not a person who liked sweets, but in just one day, Lu Yu actually dried up most of the plate of chocolate and energy bars, and... Twice there was a "practice" situation that Xiao Qin said.

If normal people eat like this, there will be problems!

But what about Lu language... It's as if you're really snacking.

Obviously, this is definitely not normal!

At this thought, Director Lin's heart suddenly became more nervous, should Lu Yu really have any spiritual problems?

If that was the case, then he would have become a sinner of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

After all, for Director Lin, even if he didn't know that Lu Yu was still carrying a series of important projects such as the [Red Sun] plan and exoskeleton equipment armor, but... For the scarcity of talents like Lu Yu, he is clear and clear!

At this age, we can achieve the terrible results we have today.

This is no longer a genius, it is simply a demon among demons!

It is precisely because of this that during the Zhurong II research, the first task for Director Lin is actually to protect the personal safety of Lu Yu in all aspects, whether it is health problems or safety issues... There can be no slack!

If something really happened to Lu Yu here, then even if Zhurong II successfully achieved a complete success, it would not mean so much.

So... After Director Lin found that the situation seemed to be a little wrong, he came directly to Lu Yu!

"I..." Seeing

that Director Lin's side didn't seem to be joking, Lu Yu's eyes showed a helpless look:

"Director Lin, I really have nothing to do."

"Is there anything wrong with myself, don't I know it myself?"

"Just... Do I have to go for a medical examination? "

If patients can rely on their own feelings and find out if there is a problem, then the hospital will be closed."

Director Lin said helplessly: "Isn't it just a physical examination?"

"At most, it's a day away."

"Still... What concerns do you have? Seeing

that Lu Yu was about to say something, Director Lin still thought that Lu Yu had some concerns, and said:

"If you have concerns, Chief Engineer Lu, you can say it directly, rest assured, our physical examination does not cause any harm to the body."

"I don't have any worries, but I think it's a little worth delaying a day for this kind of thing, if there is no problem with the inspection, then isn't this day wasted?"

Lu Yu said frankly.

Of course, he knew why Director Lin thought he had a problem.

Not long ago, a function of the system suddenly and inexplicably ushered in an upgrade, making the intracranial ultra-high-speed simulation system more powerful than before!

Originally... There is no trouble in performing intracranial calculations well in the conference room.

But who knows, there is still monitoring this thing to mess with... He knew he was measuring the results of the micromotor system installed on the microsatellite network, but how would anyone else know?

In the eyes of Director Lin and Xiao Qin, he really looked like he was crazy...

"Director Lin, forget it."

Seeing that relying on his own efforts, it seemed that there was no way to dispel Director Lin's idea of "kidnapping" him for a physical examination, and Lu Yu could only move Zhong Lao's chess piece out: "

We are now so tight in the research task of Zhurong No. 2."

"If you waste a day going for a physical examination, I am afraid that many projects will not be able to carry out normally."

"What's more, not only do I have the Zhurong No. 2 research mission on my side, but I still have some work to do on Zhong Lao's side!"

"It's also waiting for me to get started, time doesn't wait for anyone, this experience... Wait until our Zhurong-2 is really launched smoothly, let's go, there is no need to rush for a while. Lu

Yu originally thought that if Elder Zhong had moved out, Director Lin should not continue to force him.

And yet....

"Chief Engineer Lu, Zhong Lao's side... I'll tell him the specifics.

"I believe that Elder Zhong and I have the same idea, no matter what the situation, your physical health is the most important!"

"So... Don't hope that Zhong Lao, if he knows the situation here, I'm afraid he will be more anxious than me."

Director Lin crossed his hands at his waist, not knowing whether to be angry or funny!

He has lived for so many years, don't he know why Lu Yu suddenly moved Zhong Lao out? But the problem is that Zhong Lao can't pay attention to Lu Yu's physical health problems!

Maybe if Elder Zhong got the news.

Instead of coming over to help Lu Yu speak, but... Directly tie Lu Yu to the physical examination!

Director Lin's side, good evil or good words to persuade.

But let Elder Zhong and even the people at the higher levels know the situation of Lu Yu, I am afraid that they will really "come hard" and bring Lu Yu to the physical examination.

At this thought, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh, and his eyes showed a touch of helplessness.

It is true that Director Chen Rulin said that if he really stabbed this matter to Zhong Lao, this physical examination would definitely not be able to escape.

In fact, for Lu Yu, he really didn't reject such a thing as a physical examination in his heart. After all, he also understands the truth that seeking the country first seeks one's own life.

If you want to make the country richer and stronger, then the premise is that you must first make your body healthy enough and have enough energy to make more contributions to the country, but now it is at the important junction of Zhurong 2 and exoskeleton equipment, two big projects.

And [Red Sun] is very likely to have a situation there, not good, it won't be long before you need some of your own help, if you can't take it out in a short time, and then waste a precious whole day to go to the physical examination, it will undoubtedly hinder the parallel progress of the entire project and even several projects.

This is also Lu language, which is definitely not desirable.

What's more, with the blessing of his own system reward, Lu Yu is also very confident in his physical health status, and there should be no difficult problems to solve.

There may be some chronic diseases such as cervical spondylosis before taking that little pill to strengthen the body.

But after taking the medicine.

That's no problem left, the body is comfortable to the extreme, and where is the need for a physical examination?

However, regarding the existence of the system, of course, he could not explain it to Director Lin and Zhong Lao, if he really told Director Lin and Zhong Lao these things, they might really think that they had made their heads stupid in the research process.

Then what awaits you next is not just a whole day of physical examination, it is very likely to be sent to the psychiatric department... It's pretty scary to think about.

After considering these factors, Lu Yu could only choose to give up the struggle, and let out a long sigh helplessly:

"Okay, Director Lin."

"Then I will listen to you, the physical examination time is arranged by you, that is, inform me in advance at the beginning, and I can hand over the task at hand to my subordinates in advance."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Director Lin's eyes also showed a touch of satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"That's right."

"When the time for the physical examination comes, then I will arrange it."

"I should inform you half a day or so in advance, you hand over the task first, in fact, Chief Engineer Lu, you don't have to worry too much."

"Such a big project, it doesn't mean that you can't move without anyone, let's..."

Director Lin just wanted to continue, but as if he suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly flashed an embarrassing color, and he immediately cleared his throat and took the words back:

"Ahem, in short, Chief Engineer Lu, you just understand what I mean, when the time comes, you hand over the task in advance, and I will send you to the physical examination."

"Okay, Director Lin."

"Then I'll study the site now, I don't know what happened to them over there, haha."

Lu Yu smiled, and did not plan to continue to stay in his office for a long time, ready to return to the research site.

Although he noticed Director Lin's face just now, it seemed to become a little strange for a moment, but he did not continue to delve deeper, and after taking a sip of clear tea casually, he turned and left the office.

In the huge office, only Director Lin was left.

"Oh, why are some things that go smoothly?"

Looking at Lu Yu's back when he left, Director Lin put his hands behind his back, and his heart was also full of emotion: "Anyone who leaves the project can move... There is no problem with this flower being used on other people's bodies, but when used on a demon like Chief Engineer Lu, heck, it's really not good.

He shook his head, thinking secretly in his heart.

Just when he was talking to Lu Yu, he almost turned everyone who left the project, such a sentence blurted out, fortunately, at the last second before he said it, he also slowed down and took the words back again.

Or else....

That's how embarrassing and embarrassing it is.

Even if Lu Yu couldn't detect anything wrong with this sentence, Director Lin's heart was clear.

This project is still room to rotate away from other people and even from himself, but if it is separated from Lu Yu... That's really impossible to go on!


after leaving his office.

Lu Yu slowly came to the first site of the research and returned to his station just now.

"How's the big guy going?"

He asked slowly.

"Chief Engineer Lu, we are still studying the plan you left behind, and there is no substantial progress for the time being." A researcher's voice was a little weak, and he said helplessly.

"It's right not to make progress."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "How long have I only been away?"

"If you guys had made progress so quickly, I wouldn't believe it."

"If you mess around with some results, go up and fool me, or fool Director Lin."

"That..... Isn't that dereliction of duty? Hahaha.

He smiled, and the other researchers also laughed, although the next research plan was already clear, but Lu Yu had only been chatting with Director Lin for less than an hour.

In such a short time... It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to make any substantial progress on a project of this level.

It takes so long just to gnaw down those research materials!

So although these researchers did not get any breakthroughs, Lu Yu did not blame them at all, but just returned to his position.

"I might have to go out in a few days."

"At that time, the research tasks at hand will have to be handed over to you to be fully responsible, and I will try to grasp the progress in the past few days, leaving a specific research plan for you to follow."

"If you have any questions at that time, just ask them directly."

"But I don't think it will be too long, at most one day is enough."

Lu Yu said.

"Going out?"

Several researchers present were slightly stunned, and asked curiously: "It's Chief Engineer Lu, do you have anything else on hand?"

"Not really."

Lu Yu smiled, and a helpless look appeared in his eyes: "The main reason is that your Director Lin is worried about my physical health, so he got me a physical examination, and I couldn't be fooled, so I went to check it." "


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