Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 13 - 13: Opportunity

Looking at the screen, Mercy begins to freak out. The screen, that was just covered in files and documents, now shows a man in a suit sitting behind a desk in some office space. While trying hard to stay as calm as possible, Mercy was bȧrėly able to squeeze out a question in her shock.

Mercy-" What do you mean new boss?? What is going on??"

Bruce-"Before all this started you said you would work for me if I gave you the financial reports and evidence of Kenneth's fraud. I also got you to safety before his hired guns could do what they were paid for. Speaking of the hired guns, they were arrested shortly after they broke into your apartment. "

Mercy-" And why would you help someone like me? What do you want me for?"

Knowing that he couldn't tell her that he was testing the limits of his powers and happened to see the hidden folder on her computer. Damien had to lie about why he started helping her.

Bruce- " Honestly, I found out about your situation by coincidence. While looking into the company I saw there was a hit put on you.. Looking further into who you were, I saw that you had potential to help run a major company. And I want you to be my personal ȧssistant and secretary."

Still confused about the whole situation, Mercy rethinks his words and finally started to understand some of the things that happened.

Mercy-" Thanks for saving my life and helping me find the financial report. But how can I work for you? I don't even know what you do or what your company is. "

Bruce-"I am not a good or completely selfless man. I wont go out of my way to save someone when it puts myself and my objectives in jeopardy. But I want to make a company that deals in helping people. New items, tools, and machines for the customers that will help their lives in some way. New jobs and opportunities for those who work for us. The opportunities for the less fortunate that my company will make through donations, grants, scholarships, and programs. That's what I hope to build. But it is not my end goal. This is all a means to an end, but it will be able to possibly save lives in the end. And you will help me to build it up and help make it all possible. "

Listening to this explanation, Mercy was shocked and skeptical about everything. But as she thought about it, she became amazed by all the possibilities.

Mercy-* If this guy truly means everything he says this would be an amazing opportunity for me. He also wants me to run the company. I wonder what exactly he wants me to do.* " So what exactly will you have me do?"

Bruce- "Publicly you'll be my ȧssistant and then secretary. In private, you'll be managing the company yourself for the most part. I'm a busy man and don't have the time to manage everything. That's where you come in. You will manage everything but all final decisions will be run through me first. Of course you will be well compensated and have certain safety measures in place. And I already have your first ȧssignment. Here is a list of law firms I've been thinking of affiliating with my company. Take a look and choose one with good morals and won't betray or harm the company. "

Bruce- "The room has been paid for a week's stay, and you have $200 for room service. You should be safe to move back home after this week. Although you will have some cleaning to do when you get there. Take this ȧssignment seriously, because I am expecting great results."

After he said that, Bruce's image disappeared from the screen. Leaving a stunned Mercy staring at the screen and reviewing the entire conversation in her mind. On the other hand, Damien begins his nightly exercise routine to prepare for bed.

Damien-* With how things progressed today, tomorrow is the day that I…..*

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