Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 14 - 14: The Reveal

Damien-* With how things progressed today, tomorrow is the day that I tell my parents about my powers. In order for things to go more smoothly, I need more freedom than a normal 8 year old can normally get. Hopefully talking to my parents will allow me to go places, and do all the things I need.*

While thinking that, Damien goes to sleep. Wanting to be well rested for the long talk he will have with his parents in the morning.

-------- Saturday 8:18 am, 8/30/2003----

After waking up and finishing his normal exercise routine Damien had breakfast with his family as usual. Once breakfast was finished, he turned towards his mother and father, and decided to speak.

Damien-"Mom. Dad. I have something very important to tell you both.".

Jasmine seeing Damien hesitate. Walks over to him, and kneels down to his level.

Jasmine-"It's okay honey. You can always talk to us, and you can tell us anything. We are here for you, so you can go ahead and tell us."

Damien- " Well I wanted to tell you something that's hard to believe. For the past year, I have slowly become a little different and I don't know any other way to take it. I found out that I have super powers."

After hearing what he said, Alexander and Jasmine looked at him with doubt thinking that he was imagining things. But seeing the doubt on his parent's faces, Damien knew that they didn't believe him.

Damien-" It started with me feeling like I was connected to something bigger, and that if I just reached out I could touch it. Following that connection I found that I could command and control technology." As Damien said this the Tv across the room turned on and had a picture of his face and words coming out real-time. Saying the exact same things and making the same facial expressions. "I also was able to heal quickly. My healing factor is also improving and speeding up the more I use it as well."

Shocked by what they were seeing. Both Alex and Jasmine jumped up and stared back and forth between the television and their son. In disbelief of what they were seeing.

Alex-" What's going on Damien? Is this a joke? How are you doing all this?" While asking this Alexander is contemplating all the different ways his 8 year old son could accomplish the feats in front of him.

Damien-" This is a part of my powers. By connecting to the Tv and making it show a video of what I imagine myself saying in real-time. I wanted you to see a bit of what I can do to show you some proof that I really have super powers."

Alexander-"Damien, as your parents we will always love you. But the world is a dangerous place. With powers like yours you will be exposed to a lot of bad people and events." As he was talking, Alex joined his wife by the side of their son. Putting a hand on his shoulder." Now that you have these powers we have to make sure that no one finds out what you can do."

Jasmine-"But the most important thing is that you don't abuse your powers. You must do the right thing. The real question is what do you want to do with this amazing ability?"

Amazed by how accepting his parents were, Damien gains the confidence to tell his parents some of his plans.

Damien-"I want to use my powers to help people. And I kinda already have…"

Hearing his response his parents start feeling proud, but then after hearing that he has already been using his powers for others they get worried. Feeling worried for their son, angry he did things behind their back, and anxious of the idea that he would get caught they begin to speak up.

Jasmine-" What did you do Damien?!"

Alex-"You're going to tell us anything right now!"

Shocked and surprised about their reactions, Damien looks down not looking them in the eyes. He begins to nervously fidget as he begins to tell them most of the stuff he's done since he got his powers.

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