Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 15 - 15: The Truth Will Set You Free

After explaining his powers to his parents, Damien begins to tell his parents about what he has been doing with his powers and what he wants to do in the future. He went on to explain his daily training of his powers. Then about how he used his powers to make money fixing things. Even though his parents thought he was doing that on his own. Then about how he was able to later learn different programming languages and hacking skills. He told them about using his hacking skills to help the police and how he found out about a lot of evil people and organizations because of it.

Damien-"Because of my powers I was able to learn a lot of information and learned of organizations doing horrible things. That's why I want to become a hero. To help the people. And to do that I wanted to start a business to gain enough money to support my expenses as a Hero."

Shocked by all the news about their son's past actions, Damien's parents stare at their son in amazement. Proud of the good he has done, impressed by his dreams and still worried of what could happen in the future..

Jasmine looked at her son in both shock, pride, and worry. She realized that with his future plans, Damien will be in constant danger. But she knew that, regardless of how she would like things to be normal, Damien's life would never be normal. She was just thankful that even with all the amazing things her son could do, he was able to come to her and her husband about everything.

Alex-"Before we agree to anything, I want to ask you something. Did you think this through completely? You said you help the police a bit, but do you know how evil and terrifying people can be? This isn't like the heroes in your t.v. shows. Being a hero can get you killed, injured, or worse. You can end up seeing things no person should in this "peaceful" day and age. Are you really going to prepare for that?"

Listening to his dad, Damien begins to remember all the evil things he ever heard of or saw in the marvel world. The human trafficking, mind control and brainwashing, human experimentation, mass murder, and everything else. Closing his eyes he thinks about all the things that happened and all the things that will happen. Then he thought about what he would do when he stumbled upon those dark situations.

Damien-*Am I really able to be a true hero? Will I be able to handle seeing all those different situations?…*

After thinking for a moment. Damien turns towards his father and finally looks up.

Damien-" No. I don't think I am ready for all of that…. But I know I will one day. I have plenty of time to prepare and train for it. So please help me and let me be a hero one day! "

Hearing Damien start, Alex was a little surprised but he expected that from a child. But then as Damien continued he was shocked. Then he became even more proud of his son. Looking Damien in the eyes, he saw just how determined his child was to help others and right the wrongs of many.

Alex-" I can agree to allowing you to help others. Even to train your powers and help you prepare for some of your future plans. But about you being a hero. I can only allow that under certain conditions."

Jasmine smiled at her husband and then looked at her son.

Jasmine-" Before you even think of becoming a hero. You should train and figure out what you can do. Besides, you can't be everywhere at once and need the tools and equipment too. "

Alex-"Your mother is right. First you need to learn to protect yourself. So that means you need to learn martial arts. Then there are equipment, tools, and facilities you will need as a hero too. So until you have the training, facilities to safely conduct your hero activities, and the equipment you need for hero work you will have to wait. Until you get all of those things you will be helping out only through the network like you did before."

Happy and excited about his parent's response, Damien jumped into a group hug.

After three hours of explanations and discussion the family finally relaxed and sat back down. But as they were sitting at the kitchen table, curiosity got the better of them and Alex had an interesting thought.

Alex-" So Damien. What else can you do with your ability?"

Answering his question, Damien spent the rest of the day demonstrating his powers by fixing all the broken electronics in the house and even making a few interesting gadgets out of trashed devices and spare parts. All the while having fun with his parents and finally relaxing. Knowing he no longer has to be so secretive and being able to share a bit of his burden with his parents as well.

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