Technomaster In My Hero Academia

Chapter 25 - Heading to the battlefield

The next day was quite peaceful.

We didn't had any practical periods.

And miss midnight took a class on hero informatics.

I gotta say that costume of her is way too tight. Most of the boys in class had a flushed expression the whole period. Except Todoroki. That dude is so cold...!

The next day should be the one where we go to USJ.

In the morning, before going to class I checked the progress for Veronica once more.

It's gonna need two more hours. Let's just hope that it wont be late to the party.

"Jarvis , any news on all might this morning...?"

"Sir , there has been reports of him stopping three crimes early morning."

"It hasn't changed. Which means he will be late. You set the course for the flight right."

"I have choson the optimal flight route with less populated areas."

"Good. Then I'm off."

"Have a good day , sir."


"Today's training will be a little different.

You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member overseeing your training."

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asks.

He then grabs a card and holds up for us to see, which has Rescue written on it. "Rescue training. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, like shipwrecks , landslides, fires, earthquakes"

"Disasters huh? Sounds like we are going to do real hero work" Kaminari says.

"Totally!" Ashido yells out.

"I'm super pumped for this " Kirishima says with excitement.

"Finally, I can show how good I am in the water, ribbit" Asui says.

"I'm not finished yet!" Aizawa yells out to get our attention.

"This special training is at an off campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there.

Change into your costume or gym cloths . Your choice."

he says and then starts walking to the door saying "That's all, start getting ready."

Everyone gets up to grab our Costumes and then we head to the locker rooms. After we got changed we made our way over to the parking lot.

"Everyone please get inside the bus in an orderly manner." Iida shouts.

"Looks like someone is in high spirits."

Later inside the bus.

"Dammit all my efforts was in naught"

"The bus has an open layout , so your plan didn't work haa." Midoriya says to a depressed Iida.

"Yeah... we're going off campus today. I don't know when we will come back , so don't wait for me...yaa bye." I cuts the call.

"Was that Melissa , Tony ..?" Uraraka asked me.

"Yeah . I called to tell her about the trip."

"You guys are sure very close aren't you "


"I do have something that caught my attention" Asui says catching our attention. "Something about you Midoriya."

"Yeah, what is it Asui?" he asks turning to her.

"Tsu, call my Tsu" Tsuyu says.

"Sure, Tsu"

"You Quirk… isn't it a lot like All Might's Quirk?" Tsuyu asks, which makes him shudder a bit.

"That...s so...!? but ...mine..isn't like.." He trembles.

"Wait a sec Asui. But Allmight didn't hurt his body everytime he uses it. That's where the likeness ends." Kirishima objects.

"It must be cool to have a simple augmenting type Quirk, you can do a lot of flashy stuff with it". He raises his arm and it hardens as he continues "My hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

"I think it's a great quirk which will be a great use to a pro" Midoriya says to encourage him.

"You think so...? But still it would have been cooler if I had something flashier."

"My navel laser has got the perfect combination of panache and strength" Aoyama says cutting in.

Ashido puts a hand on him and says "But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache, sweetie." Much to his dismay.

"Well if any of our classmates have Pro Quirks, other than Midoriya, it's Todoroki and Bakugo" Kirishima says.

"Sure, but Bakugo is always angry, so he'll never be that popular" Tsuyu says.

Bakugo gets up and yells out "What did you say!? Do you want to fight!?"

Tsuyu points at him and says "see."

"You know, we basically just met you. So it's kinda telling that we already know your personality is like a turd getting steamed in a sewer" Kaminari says, which only seems to make him angrier.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school, Pikachu!" he yells out before almost jumping at him.

"Then what about Tony...his quirk is cool too."

Uraraka says.

"what is his quirk actually. Even in the battle he only used his armor." Yaoyorozu looks at me.

"Mine's nothing special. It doesn't have destructive power or flashiness like you guys. It's called technomancy. Basically.." I points my finger towards Jiro who was listening to music in her phone.

And it begins to play loudly.

"What..." she says startled.

"It lets me control any technology." I concludes.

"Dude that will be super overpowered in an era like this if applied correctly." Kirishima says with ȧssurance.

"Yeah , that's why I make my suits to go with it."

"Hey , we're here Already . Settle down a bit." Aizawa's voice was heard from the front of the bus.

The bus stops and we head inside the USJ. Inside, I see someone dressed up in a space suit.

"Hello everyone, i've been waiting for you" Thirteen says.

"It's thirteen, he's one of my favorite Heroes!" Uraraka out excitedly.

"Alright, let's begin. Go ahead Thirteen" Aizawa says as he walks to the front.

"There are many different areas in this facility" Thirteen starts saying

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm and many more areas. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters.

I call it , the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it U.S.J." Thirteen says.

"It's really USJ.." everyone thinks collectively.

"Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four or five" Thirteen says prattling on.

"It's still going up"

"Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust" Thirteen says.

"While that is true, my Quirk could also be very easily used to kill" Thirteen says before continuing "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous."

"That is why, in our superhuman society all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated. If you lose focus or make the wrong move your powers can be deadly. Even if you are trying to do something virtuous, like rescue someone."

Thirteen motions to aizawa, who says "Thanks to my fitness test, you should have an idea of your Quirk's potential by now.

And from the combat training we had, you saw how dangerous your powers can be, when used against other people."

"Carry those lessons over to this class" Thirteen says "Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help.

That's all I have, thanks for listening" Thirteen says as he bows.

"Bravo... bravo...that was awesome". Cheers erupt from the crowd.

"Looks like they'll be here anytime.." I thought surveying the whole dome.

Suddenly a strange sound was heard.

"They're here." I thought looking towards the fountain. The lights inside dim and the water fountain sputters a bit before a whirling vortex appears near it.

Aizawa also noticed it and turns around to look over at the fountain as the vortex changes to a purple vortex, then finally into a cloud of moving purple shadows. Out of the shadows, comes a hand as a man steps out of it.

"Stay together and don't move. Thirteen, protect the students" Shota says as the man is followed by many more appearing from the shadows.

The man had many attached to his arms, shoulders and head.

"Is the training starting already, I thought we were rescuing people" Kirishima says.

"Don't move."

Aizawa puts on his goggles and says "This is real, those are Villains."

I kept looking as the villains keep coming.

And finally the last one comes out.

And my eyes went wide.

"Why.....why is that thing here...!!!?"

A giant black creature with multiple rows of teeth and a tentacle like tounge dripping with saliva.

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