Technomaster In My Hero Academia

Chapter 26 - Attack on USJ

"Why is that here...?" I unconsciously said looking at the black figure.

Unlike the normal nomu which had exposed brain and a beak like mouth , this one looked more like venom.

But , it's not venom. The body is full black without any white spider logo. Or is it the one from the solo movie...?

"Or it's another symbiot. Where did they managed to get one...?"

The villains had already made a move.

"The schedule we got said all might would be here with another two heros didn't it.....Kurogiri.." the man with hands all over him said tilting his head.

"That is correct Shigaraki , but it seems he's not here yet" The mist like man replied.

"I wonder if he'll show up ...if we kill some of these kids.." He said stepping forward.

"So it was you scumbags that broke the gate huh.." Aizawa says clarifying the doubt.

"Real villains? No way" Kirishima says before asking "How could so many of them get into a U.A. facility this secure?"

"I'm not sure" Thirteen says looking around.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target?" Todoroki continues "Either way, if the alarms sensors aren't being triggered…"

"One of the Villains must have a Quirk that interferes with the sensors" I say cutting in, which surprises Todoroki a bit.

"Agreed, they carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point, at a time when a class was being taught" Todoroki says "They are fools for trespassing here… but they thought this out."

"Thirteen, take the students and get out of here" Shota says, while putting his goggles on. "Alert the main campus. Actually if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications too. "

"Yeah..they are. I am trying to call but it won't connect." I say.

"Dammit. Can you do something with your quirk."

"I might be able to. But mist villain would interfere if I fly off." I said to him.

" Thirteen , evacuate the students , engage all defences and try to buy him time as much as you can." He nodded before jumping down to fight the villain mobs , as his capture tape loosens and he grabs onto it. Some of the Villains look like they want to take advantage of him being mid-air, as the are aiming at him.

"Didn't our intel say it was just gonna be Thirteen and All Might out here? Who is that?" A woman with gray moving hair asks one of the other Villains.

"Don't recognize him, must be some idiot whi thinks he can take us down easy, he's dead" a guy with a gas mask with horns declares as Eraserhead lands and starts running at them.

All three of the Villains try to attack with their Quirks, but nothing happens , and then he throws the capture tape , coiling it around the three of them like a snake.

He tugs on the capture tape, which causes the three Villains caught to fly up into the air. Another tug forces them down to the ground and on a collision course with each other. The three Villains are released after collision and appear to be knocked unconscious.

This, causes the Villains surrounding him to be back up and one of them yells out "Idiots! That's Eraser Head, A Pro. He can cancel your Quirks just by looking at you!"

"Cancellation?!" a rocky man with four arms asks , before charging at Shota and yelling out "Bet you can't erase the Quirk of a Mutant type like me, can you!?"

The four armed Villain punches at him a few times, but Aizawa dodges each one saying "Yeah, your right" before sweeping the Villain's feet from underneath him and wraps him up with his capture tape.

"But a Villain like you is only dangerous if you reach me" says as another Villain tries to sneak attack him, but he dodges and sends a kick to that Villain's face.

"Wow....I forgot teacher's speciality was one vs group fights " Izuku marvels looking at Eraserhead fight.

"No time for analysis. Get out of here izuku" I yells at him.

As we starts running for the entrance and about halfway there a purple vortex appears on the ground intercepting us.

Shortly after it appears, the vortex shoots up and forms a moving purple shadow. The shadows speaks

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into UA , the base of heros."

He pauses a bit. "In order to engage with mr Almight the symbol of peace . We were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him , you see."

"Looks like we have other choice but to fight.

Go fast. I'll try to buy you time" Thirteen says turning to me.

"Got it. I'll be back" I said before flying off.

"After all its my duty to seperate you all ."

"Think again" Thirteen says opening the cap on his fingers.

But Bakugo and Kirishima charges at him. Kirishima is shaping his arm like a spear and hardening it before piercing towards Kurogiri, while bakugo charges up an explosion.

"Did you just think we were gonna stand there and let you kill us?" Kirishima asks.

"That was quite perilous. As expected of UA. Even though you are students , you are the world's golden eggs after all."

Kurogiri yells out as he fully comes back into view with metal armor of some kind around his body.

"You two, get out of the way right now!" Thirteen yells out trying to find a way to use Black Hole.

"I'll scatter you across this facility" Kurogiri says before the shadows start encompassing all of class 1-A. "Go meet your end."

"Crap, what is this?" Kirishima asks.

It causes Iida and and some others to escape from him.

"You are being a nuisance. " He tries to catch me in a portal.

But this time thirteen succeeds in activating black hole and start to suck him in.

"Jarvis how much more..."

"Sir, still trying to determine the interfere frequency pattern."

"Hurry up.."

"Sir, incoming projectile 30° " Jarvis tries to warn me.

With a warning the armor's evasion function kicks in propelling me side ways.

" What the ....that crazy bit*h"

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