"Sir , decoding complete. Preparing emp wave"

"Nice just what I need now" I replied blasting the debris that nomu have been throwing at me.


BOOM... a blast of emp pulsed around me cancelling the field which was jamming the signals.

"Jarvis contact UA before he makes another one."

Blasting off another projectile I headed towards the entrance where thirteen was fighting kurogiri.

"You're a great rescue hero , thirteen"

"Thirteen close off the black hole now" I was able to reach there just as Kurogiri was about to open a portal behind him.

"Huh.." He stopped his quirk as he noticed the portal behind him.

"That was a close call.." I said to him landing there.

"Thanks. Did you managed to do it."he said panting

"Yes.... we're saved."

"Thank goodness"

Uraraka and the rest sighed hearing it.

"Oh boy..that is not good." Kurogiri vanished saying that.

"You guys , head out quickly." Seeing him escape I prepared to go into battle.

"What about you. I can't let you drive into danger." Thirteen said to me.

"If I don't go , then Eraserhead might end up in risk."

I said taking off again.


"Since that kid has gone , why don't we finish up here...." Tomura said walking towards Eraserhead who was fighting the villains.

"Turn into dust.." Jumping into the fray he tried to catch him.

But suddenly he was punched in the face.

which sends him flying a bit.

"oy...oy..oy....who are you....? Can't you see we were going to have a nice talk here...!"

He raises his head to see a Midoriya standing there clad in green lighting.

"Midoriya get out of here..." Eraserhead shouts kicking some villains.

"I'm not gonna let you fight alone sir..... They're too much to handle even for you. So let me help.." He replies with a determined tone.

"A young hero in making huh....makes me want to puke.."

"You heros are just like us. Relying on violence to solve the problems....but violence only breeds more violence.."

"Y..you expect me to talk it out with a villain like you who murders people.." He says without going back.

Shigaraki sighs and says "It's just so hypocritical of you Heroes. Thinking that just because we are Villains, you can do whatever you want to us. What right do you have to decide right and wrong. Just look around you , even your teacher has killed quite a few of my people too"

This makes him tremble a bit. Looking around he sees some corpses of villains that had died during the confrontation between Eraserhead.

"Midoriya...don't listen to him. He's trying to trick you into believing him." Aizawa yells out.

Thinking a bit more his face gains a resolute look once more.

"You are trying to kill All Might, someone who brings hope to many people. That is wrong, so I will stop you. No matter what!" he yell out as I jump at him once more.

"Then come at me..." Shigaraki says extending his hands.

"By the way , I'm not the final boss here you know.."

As the creature raised his hands to smash him to the ground a figure came crashing and

and pushed him away.

"Sensei...." being pushed away he saw the nomu pummeling aizawa into the ground and screamed.

"Midoriya...." Asui who was near the water jumped to get him up.

That's when Kurogiri appeared near Tomura.

"Kurogiri...have you finished dealing with thirteen.."

"I am sorry Shigaraki Tomura , one of the students managed to bypass the signal jamming and contact outside.."

"Was it that kid who was flying a while ago...!"


if it weren't that you are my way out here , I would have killed you already..."

He started scratching his neck...

" If they throw a bunch of heros at us , there's no doubt that we'll lose....

It's game over for us....game over....aaaahhhhhh" And then screaming like a madman.

"Does that mean it's over now...?" Asui asked Midoriya.

"They came to kill Allmight....if they leave now UA will be alert of the threat they lose...what are they thinking" Izuku kept thinking.

"Izuku.....get he hell out of there.." I shouted from the air to get his attention.

"Huh..." By the time he reacted Tomura was already near them.

"If we can't have his life , why don't we crush the pride of symbol of peace a bit." he said extending his hands to grab Asui's head.

"If everything goes according to story Allmight should appear now ."

I thought flying to Eraserhead.

"SMAAASH..." And Izuku's voice was heard along with a boom and wind pulses.

The nomu had already gone from Aizawa's side to take the hit for Tomura.

"A smash you say. You must be a follower of all might. Even more reason for me .."

He said once again trying to grab Asui's head.

With a bang the entrance opened up revealing a man who always had a smile on his face.

But right now he was just pissed off.

"I AM HERE...." Allmight said taking a step forward.

"Good.... everything's going according to the plan" I thought scooping up Aizawa in my hand and flying to safety.

Quickly getting at the entrance I hand him over to thirteen and and the others.

Then fly off again.

"Hang in there Allmight , I will just get to you..."


In the plaza Allmight had already beaten all the small fries. And in a blitz he got Izuku and Asui from the villain's side too.

"Where's Aizawa..." He asks them.

"I saw Anthony flying away to safety carrying him." Asui replies.

"That's good...you guys head out too. I will take care of this..." he says turning around to face the opponents again.

"But all might you can't ...that nomu took the full power of one for.....my punch with ease.." Izuku said concerned.

"Don't worry young Midoriya...I've got this.." Giving him a thumbs up he starts to walk towards them.

"So you came to kill me huh..."

"So ..it's true..all might. That speed was not like how it used to be.. You are getting weaker." Shigaraki said putting his handmask back on to his face.

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