The sunshine was so strong that people couldn’t open their eyes. But at this time, Chuxiu Palace was so cold that people were shivering

Tang Xia licked her cracked lips due to the lack of water, watching the door that was still tightly closed. She felt a trace of despair. Would it ever be all right again? Why didn’t he listen to her explanation? Why didn’t he believe her?

“Your Grace, go back! You won’t be able to stand it anymore if you continue to kneel. The emperor is angry now, so he won’t listen to anyone. This is not the way to solve the problem!”

The emperor and the empress were famous for being a loving couple. They had never quarreled like this. Looking at Tang Xia kneeling on the slick marble,

Even if they were slaves, they felt distressed. And the empress was very good to them in, so they exhorted her to stop waiting.

“I hear the words eunuch is saying, but I don’t think I can do it. Nanmen Yi is in this situation because of me and he shouldn’t be punished like this. It’s obvious that nothing happened between us. Why didn’t he believe me?”

The rare sight of fragility and grievance in Tang Xia’s eyes made the others feel uncomfortable.

“Ah” It was only servants who were punished when they quarreled, but he really did not dare to go into again. Chuxiu Palace was full of precious porcelain. He did not want to die.

Chu Tiankuo lay on the soft couch and his chest was fluctuating. He was worried about Tang Xia, but was also very angry. More than that, he really hated himself as he could not bear to think about her injuries.

When he pushed the door and saw Nanmen Yi lying on Tang Xia, the voice in his head told to kill Nanmen Yi. But he never thought about hurting Tang Xia.

He had to admit that he loved Tang Xia. Even if he knew that this episode had caused the loss of face for the royal family, he still refused to punish her.

However, she still pleaded for Nanmen Yi. He could not let Nanmen Yi go, in any case.

“Little Li, roll in.” Chu Tiankuo roared.

“You tell the empress to go back and think about it. Don’t do anything useless. I will never let Nanmen Yi go. Ask her to give up.” Chu Tiankuo said coldly with a killing intent in his voice, which gave people the chills.

“Yes, the emperor.” The eunuch stumbled out.

“Your Grace, the emperor said that you should go back first. As for the prince Nanmen, the emperor would never let him go. What you did would only make the emperor more irritated, and the prince’s situation could become worse.”

The eunuch conveyed Chu Tiankuo’s message to Tang Xia euphemistically, suggesting that Chu Tiankuo would be angrier if Tang Xia continued what she was doing.

“Why is he so reluctant to see me? Why is he doing this?” Tang Xia relaxed a little, but now she was even more shocked that her insistence had caused Nanmen Yi to be in a more serious situation.

She knew something about Chu Tiankuo’s temper, and now he was really angry with this situation. Well, she would just go back and find another way. Tang Xia propped up her numb body and left with the maid.

“Emperor, Your Grace left.”

“Go out.”

Chu Tiankuo did not know his own feelings anymore, and the congestion in his chest could not be vented. He was not comfortable, thinking about Nanmen Yi being in prison. And someone must be as uncomfortable as he. He would not hurt Tang Xia, but there would be someone to bear his anger.

The flowers were blossoming and the faint scent of flowers made people feel happy. But Tang Xia was angry when she looked at the women in the bower who were dressed up in colorful clothes. She even wanted to rip out their mouths.

Nanmen Yi had been expelled from the country by the emperor, so everyone knew about the incident that had happened to Nanmen Yi and Tang Xia. And the madness that Nanmen Yi had shown in front of the emperor,

Now, everyone regarded Tang Xia as a demon woman. Although Chu Tiankuo clamped down on the matter with a tough attitude, there were still many officious people who created a lot of agitation behind their backs.

Everyone knew how much Chu Tiankuo cared about Tang Xia, but when this happened, everyone still stretched their necks out to see the results. After all, Chu Tiankuo was the emperor of the country, so what if Tang Xia had pushed Chu Tiankuo’s face to the ground.

Everyone was trying to guess how Tang Xia would end up. Would she be thrown into the cold palace, given a glass of poisoned wine or white silk?

Waiting and waiting, but Chu Tiankuo only dealt with Nanmen Yi. For Tang Xia, he only confined her. With such a mild punishment, people hated Tang Xia, and even hated Chu Tiankuo.

“What is the emperor thinking about? The empress did such a horrible thing, but he only gave her a light punishment. If I were him, I would let her stay in the cold palace.”

“You are right. But now the emperor loved that woman so much. Maybe she is a fox fairy who charmed the emperor into loving her so much.”

“Hum, did the emperor now treat the face of the royal family as nothing? Is he any different from the foolish prince? If he continues in this way, I am afraid that our country will not be far from death. He is even worse than He Lianyu.”

Everyone talked a lot, and all the anger in their hearts were voiced out, but they didn’t expect that they would meet Tang Xia who had just come in.

“How dare you! I don’t know who gave you the courage to talk about me behind my back. You even dare to vilify the emperor. According to the rules of the palace, this is a big crime that will implicate nine generations. Don’t you want to live?”

Tang Xia said angrily. Chu Tiankuo suppressed the rumors, so she did not hear much. Although the maids and eunuchs looked at her with strange eyes, she did not care much about it. But she never thought that they were so arrogant as to give Chu Tiankuo no credit at all.

Everyone panicked for a moment. They had voiced out their anger without thinking about how disrespectful they were.

“Oh, who is that? It turns out that it is Your Grace? What’s wrong? Why is your face so pale?” Suddenly someone remarked in a soft but arrogant tone.

“They are just telling the truth. Besides, if Your Grace has done such a thing, wouldn’t you be afraid to be heard? If I were you, I will so afraid that I would find a pillar and hang myself.”

“Whether I will kill myself or not is none of your business. You dare to talk about what I did? Such a little imperial concubine should not dare to be so arrogant in front of me.”

Tang Xia looked at the woman in front of her and vaguely remembered that she was a daughter of a minister. And she was very arrogant in her daily life.

“So what? Won’t you let people talk about it since you did do it? And what the emperor did wasn’t convincing.” She could not find any fault with Tang Xia previously, so she didn’t want to miss this chance now.

“You dare to discuss what the emperor did? Did you think that I am that easy to bully since I am usually gentle? Do you bitches dare to criticize him that what he did was wrong?”

“Eating in the bowl but looking at the pot. Be careful one day you will be immersed in the pig cage.” Tang Xia did not care about the rules and cursed them directly.

Everyone couldn’t believe that Tang Xia had said such a thing. She was like a virago, saying such foul words and not looking at all like a gentle lady.

“You, you, you are a virago.”

Their good education made them unable to repeat such words, so the angry woman’s face turned red.

“A virago, this virago is much better than you, long tongued women who only know how to talk behind one’s back. You’d better not let me hear you saying bad stuff about him, otherwise don’t blame me for not caring about your feelings. I have no scruples.”

Tang Xia sneered and they badly wanted to fight with her, just seeing how she was playing with them.

“Papapa” Crisp applause sounded, “Your Grace is really not a normal woman, and no wonder the emperor loves you so much.” Zui Linglong said with a mocking smile. Once again, she manage to incite the hatred of the others against Tang Xia.

“It’s none of your business. Don’t think that I don’t know you were playing tricks? I ignored you because I was too lazy to take care of you. You really thought that you are an important person. And finally I will tell you that you will pay for it one day.”

Zui Linglong did not expect that Tang Xia was so unscrupulous, and suddenly her smile froze on her face.

After all, Zui Linglong was a person who had experienced a lot, so she immediately replied,

“I don’t understand what Your Grace said, but what qualifications do you have to say so much here. Who is the emperor doing this for? I don’t have to say it because your meaning is clear.”

“The emperor isn’t fair. Because of Your Grace, he is now the enemy of all officials. Although I am the imperial concubine of the emperor now,

“I will not forget my duties. I still have to say what I should say. Is there really no trace of guilt in your heart? Shouldn’t you reflect on what you have done?”

“Or did Your Grace feel that you could do anything unscrupulously because you have gotten the favor of emperor.” Zui Linglong’s sharp eyes looked straight at Tang Xia in disdain.

“I am innocent. Why should I be guilty of the thing I didn’t do? I believe that there will be a day when the truth will come out. I believe that the emperor will make the correct decision and will never let those villains succeed.”

Tang Xia looked at Zui Linglong who was repeatedly looking for trouble. She thought she would be the high-ranking person with the name of the heavenly man. So she always fought against Tang Xia. Did she think that Tang Xia would be afraid of her?

“Because of Your Grace, the former dynasty now has a rigid relationship with Nan Country. Now it was also because of you who made the Xia Dynasty have a rigid relationship with Nan Country. Who did you think you were? All the emperors must wipe your butt for you. The same words will return to you; one day you have to pay back for what you have done.”

Tang Xia frowned and suddenly realized that she might have been trapped by Zui Linglong. Her current situation was already very bad.

Coupled with what Zui Linglong said, she was afraid that this would cause even greater turmoil. Originally, the officials were not satisfied with Chu Tiankuo’s special favor.

Now, four words swayed in Tang Xia’s heart, “the wicked country demon”. She smiled forcibly when she thought that she was even associated with these four words. Now she didn’t know whether she should laugh or cry.

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