Tang Xia was stunned by what Zui Linglong said. After she reacted, she continued,

“Are you jealous that the emperor loves me so much, but you… ”

When Tang Xia said that, she looked at the people around her scornfully, “I am afraid that you will be alone in this palace forever.”

Even though Tang Xia had deliberately said this to provoke Zui Linglong, there was no reaction at all from her, and she smiled at Tang Xia softly.

Then Zui Linglong continued, “Hum, you are just an ominous empress. Without the power and money of your parents, I would like to see that how long you can be the empress who is relying on the emperor’s shelter!”

Zui Linglong’s expression did not change at all, but the remarks she said made Tang Xia’s face turn red.

“You! You!” Tang Xia pointed at Zui Linglong and was speechless for a while.

Zui Linglong looked at Tang Xia and smiled lightly. The imperial concubines who were standing by the side watching the fun, also laughed.

“Imperial concubine Xiao is still better!”

“Yes. With only a few words, she was able to push the empress into this situation.”

“Imperial concubine Xiao is right! I’m afraid that she will not be the empress for long!”

“I don’t care! As long as the empress is not Tang Xia, who cares about it? I don’t care!”

“Oh? You don’t?” At this moment, a man’s voice floated in.

“Yeah! Of course I… “The imperial concubine wanted to go on, but she stopped halfway. It turned out that she had looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it was Chu Tiankuo who had come over, “The emperor!” She said this in a panicky tone.

All the imperial concubines saw Chu Tiankuo coming over, and quickly knelt, “Emperor!” They bowed to the emperor.

Facing so many beauties, Chu Tiankuo had a very grim look on his face. He strode over to Tang Xia, and supported her. He looked at Tang Xia with concern, and said, “Have you been wronged?”

Tang Xia was moved, and looked at Chu Tiankuo, her eyes reddening slowly. Then she choked and said, “The emperor, I, I have not been wronged.”

Chu Tiankuo touched Tang Xia’s hair, and turned around, looking at all the imperial concubines coldly. His face suddenly became hard where it had been soft before. The surrounding atmosphere immediately turned cold.

Seeing this, all the imperial concubines felt a bit uncomfortable in their hearts. How could that bitch Tang Xia, still be favored by the emperor? Apart from her beautiful face, what other advantages does she have?

“Was the emperor so easily bewitched by Tang Xia?”

But they only dared to think about it in their hearts. Speak out? Unless they had a mental problem, saying all these out would only create trouble for themselves.

Moreover, now the emperor’s face looked very dark and serious, and the momentum was also a little scary. There were several imperial concubines who were scared by Chu Tiankuo’s momentum, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

And those imperial concubines, who were bad-mouthing Chu Tiankuo at the beginning, remained calm but in their hearts, they felt very upset.

“Why don’t you continue talking? I just saw you all talking very happily!” Chu Tiankuo said.

“I could hear you talking really well! Why have you suddenly become dumb in my presence?”

After Chu Tiankuo finished speaking, he glanced at all the imperial concubines present.

An imperial concubine, who was more irritated than the rest, jumped up as soon as she heard Chu Tiankuo’s words, and said,

“The emperor, you are not fair to us. The Empress has caused you so much trouble, but you did not put any blame on her. This is not good once it is made known to the public!”

Chu Tiankuo stared at the imperial concubine with eyes that flashed a warning light. This made the imperial concubine break out in a cold sweat.

“Unfair?” Chu Tiankuo said finally, “You are all just imperial concubines. How can you compare with my empress? Ah! Let me tell you, you don’t have the qualifications!”

That imperial concubine was not satisfied and wanted to say something again. But Chu Tiankuo interrupted her.


Chu Tiankuo looked at her and said,

“I don’t want to waste time here anymore. You!” He pointed at the imperial concubine, “Do you want to be fair? Okay! Go to the cold palace and be fair! Guards! Take her to the cold palace!”

When he finished speaking, the palace men came over immediately. They dragged the imperial concubine away. When the imperial concubine persisted in talking, they covered her mouth immediately.

“You must be kidding. If I let you talk, the emperor will punish us severely!” The palace men thought quietly.

These palace men did manual work all year round, so they were very strong. They dragged the imperial concubine away, and she did not make any sound, not even a sob.

The other imperial concubines stood still. No one was willing to speak up for the imperial concubine. They watched that imperial concubine being dragged away. Seeing her far-away figure, they felt very aggrieved.

It suddenly became very quiet, so quiet that one could even hear some faint breathing sounds.

The expressions on each imperial concubine’s face differed. Some were slightly strained, some were sad, and some looked like they could not be bothered at all.

Chu Tiankuo looked around and took note of everyone’s reactions. “A group of commonplace and inflammatory women!” He thought silently.

Again, he looked at Tang Xia who was standing next to him. From the start, Tang Xia kept watching Chu Tiankuo all the time, with sparkling eyes that were full of love.

Seeing Tang Xia’s expression, Chu Tiankuo felt comforted.

“You all have nothing to do, right?” All was quiet for a while, then Chu Tiankuo said coldly,

“Since all of you have so much leisure time and have time to talk about irrelevant topics, your salaries will be suspended for half a year. And each imperial concubine will copy the Female Scriptures, a hundred times.”

After that, Chu Tiankuo did not wait to see their reactions. He pulled Tang Xia’s hands and led her away.

After they left, the rest of the imperial concubines went crazy, “The emperor is really too much!”

“How could he so biased?”

“Your Grace has really bewitched the emperor!”

“Yes. The emperor now is inferior to the violent emperor of the former dynasty!”

“The two emperors were quite similar. They were all willing to punish others for the sake of a beauty, and for the same beauty.”

“Say it directly! Tang Xia! She is a witch who is a disaster to the country.”

All the imperial concubines were very unhappy with Chu Tiankuo’s approach and complained incessantly.

At this time, Zui Linglong saw that their moods were already highly agitated, so she said,

“You are right! It was the empress who has made the emperor confused. We all know that the emperor is actually a good emperor who loves his people and is very humane.”

He has been provoked by that bitch Tang Xia. Since we all knew that this is the reason, we should work harder to deal with Tang Xia together.”

“Yes, imperial concubine Xiao is right. We should unite to deal with that bitch Tang Xia!”

“Yes. We must separate the bitch Tang Xia from the emperor!”

“Expel Tang Xia!”

The Imperial concubines echoed Zui Linglong’s words.

“But how will we deal with Tang Xia?”

An imperial concubine asked this and the rest of the imperial concubines were quiet for a moment, thinking about the best way to deal with Tang Xia.

The emperor protected her so well, so it was definitely not feasible to have her assassinated. If so, was there any other way to deal with Tang Xia?

“I have a way.”

Zui Linglong smiled and said calmly,

“We can’t assassinate Tang Xia, but we have what she doesn’t have! We are all from famous families, as long as we all think of ways to contact the family outside the palace, and explain the situation to them. I believe that the ministers will not let it rest, because they care about the country.” Zui Linglong looked at the imperial concubines’ expressions when she gave this proposal.

They agreed to this proposal at once.

Everyone left and returned to their palaces.

In the evening, many imperial concubines wrote to their families. The imperial concubines who had ministers in their family, even asked their henchmen from home to send letters to their fathers and brothers.

Once they received the letters, their families were very angry that their good daughters, who were raised so carefully at home, were being bullied in the harem by the empress who had no power and money. They made instant decisions.

Following their daughters’ letters, they would get the emperor divorce the empress. Even if Tang Xia couldn’t be divorced, they would not let her be the empress!

Next morning, when Chu Tiankuo went for the morning audience, the atmosphere was still as usual at the beginning. But it did not last long. A minister stood up and said, “The emperor, I have something to report.”


After Chu Tiankuo agreed, the minister said, “I think that the current empress can no longer be the mother of our country because of her misconduct. I request the emperor to divorce Tang Xia!”

Hearing this, Chu Tiankuo was a little angry at that time. “Why were these outsiders talking about his empress?” When he was about to say that, another minister stood up.

“I agree. I am also requesting the emperor to change to another empress, who exhibits good behavior.”

Several ministers stood up in agreement.

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