When Ye Yifan drove Tang Xia home, he turned to look at Tang Xia who wore a calm look and raised his eyebrows uncommonly, “As a newbie, aren’t you afraid of Li Xianxian?”

He was rather curious why such a newbie dared to be so eloquent in front of Li Xianxian who was of senior level in the broadcast room.

Did she have an influential supporter?

Ye Yifan could not help squinting his eyes and looked rather confused.

But Tang Xia seemed not to care about it at all and pulled Ye Yifan’s coat closer around her. Then she asked unconcernedly, “Why should I be scared of her?”

Although Li Xianxian who was titled as the ‘dream girl of Otaku’ owned a lot of fans, the fact that she had a terrible reputation could not be denied.

Ye Yifan was frozen by her sentence for two seconds with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

“By rights, you, as a newbie, will be envied and hated by her fans if you treat Li Xianxian like this.” When he drove the car, he pointed out the possible consequence.

Tang Xia still did not care about it, but she thought that she should pretend to be elegant and distant in front of her idol on whom she had been having a crush. So she puckered her lips, “That’s ok. A clean hand wants no washing.”

She would not be so self-sentimental to believe that Ye Yifan could help her to clarify the fact. She regarded herself quite lucky to see Ye Yifan today.

It was the first time a woman treated him so indifferently and talked as less as possible. Ye Yifan was quite confused, “Am I not charismatic anymore? Why does this woman give me the cold shoulder?”

Of course, he could not know how much Tang Xia was suffering in her mind. He thought that he was not her type, so Ye Yifan remained silent.

Sitting in the car of her beloved Prince Charming, Tang Xia still felt that her head was in the clouds.

“I see Ye Yifan today! How lucky I am!”

“He looks so handsome in a white T-shirt! And his five sense organs look the same as those of him in the broadcast room or I should say that he is more charismatic than he is in the broadcast room! He is more active and talks too much in the broadcast room. But he owns the temperament of a mature man who is not like the garrulous man in the broadcast room!”

When they arrived at the gate of Tang Xia’s community, Ye Yifan parked his car in the parking lot. Then he walked Tang Xia to the downstairs of her house.

“Alright, let’s call it a day. Thank you so much today, Mr. Ye.” Tang Xia said earnestly and looked at the tall Ye Yifan with a pair of shining eyes like a stan.

Indeed, she was Ye Yifan’s stan.

Ye Yifan wore a faint smile which made him look like a Prince Charming. Then he looked down at Tang Xia with his coat over his shoulder, “Ok, hurry to go home. It is quite unsafe for a girl to stay out this late.”

“Alas! My Prince Charming wants to leave now.” As disappointed she was, Tang Xia hid her true feelings perfectly.

“I am nothing to him, how could I ask him to stay?”

“Should I say ‘Thank you, Mr. Ye. How about having a cup of tea in my house?’ It sounds so stupid!”

So she shook her head to get rid of this foolish thought.

“Well, thanks.” Tang Xia did not say anymore and pulled the coat. Then she was about to go into the corridor to her home.

Ye Yifan watched the mignon and slender Tang Xia into the corridor and was about to turn around to leave. But Tang Xia ran out hastily and shouted, “Wait! Wait for a moment, Mr. Ye!”

“What’s wrong?” Ye Yifan’s voice sounded quite alluring in this calm night.

Tang Xia froze for a moment before came to her senses, “Well, could you please wait for a moment?”

Then she ran into the corridor hurriedly.

Ye Yifan did not know what this woman wanted to do and felt quite puzzled.

But he chose to stay as he was a gentleman.

As the bright moon hung in the night sky, the moonlight illuminated the whole ground and Ye Yifan’s shadow was lengthened, which appeared quite bleak and chilly.

After waiting for about five minutes, Tang Xia came out in a pink slip dress.

It was obvious that she changed the dress quite hastily. The dress was the popular style of this year—the cinched-waist, knee-length bubble dress. She still wore the white high-heels with messy long hair, but Ye Yifan was stunned by her beauty.

“Here is your coat. Thanks.” Tang Xia ran toward Ye Yifan and handed over the folded coat.

“It turns out that she wants to give back my coat. I thought it was something else.”

“I thought Tang Xia owned a plastic face as I did not take a good look at her. Now I notice that her five sense organs are all ethereal. What’s more, elegance and charisma are fully expressed in her movements.”

“Well…” Tang Xia blushed and raised her head to ask in a low voice, “Mr. Ye, is there anything on my face? Why are you staring at me?”

Ye Yifan came to his senses immediately and wore a warm smile, “Nothing. You look beautiful in this dress.”

After taking the coat from Tang Xia, Ye Yifan wore a warm smile and came up with a good plan, “It is early now. How about we hang out for a while? ”

“What?” Tang Xia was stunned, “I was disappointed because I thought I would have no chance to meet my Prince Charming again after this accidental meet with him!”

“But he asks me to hang out!”

“Perhaps I can get his phone number later!” Tang Xia swallowed her saliva and replied crisply, “Sure!”

“How can I say no to the invitation of my Prince Charming?”

After getting in the car, Tang Xia looked at Ye Yifan’s perfect profile and slobbered over his charisma, “Mr. Ye, your skin is so good! In my view, it is better than mine!”

As she finished the sentence, Tang Xia covered her mouth immediately, “Oh my god! What did I say?”

“I’m done. Will my Prince Charming dislike me?”

Ye Yifan did not care about the meaning of Tang Xia’s words or her facial expression and felt quite confident in hearing her compliment, “You bet! I do skin care every day.”

As a Prince Charming, he would not lack any necessary things.

“You once told me that you wanted to become a star anchor because you liked singing and dancing when you were a little kid, right?” Tang Xia tuckered her mouth and asked Ye Yifan shyly.

Ye Yifan’s smile froze for a while as he forgot when he said these words. But his face softened in a flash based on his professional quality for years, “Right, I have always enjoyed singing and dancing.”

“What about you? Why did you become an anchor?” Ye Yifan turned to ask her at the red light with his profile in the shadows. Tang Xia could not see his look, but she thought, “My Prince Charming must look handsome now.”

Tang Xia wore a smile and looked at the high-rise buildings in the distance. Then she murmured, “I won’t tell you for now.”

Ye Yifan shrugged her response off, tilting his head.

After driving for about five minutes, they arrived at a place ablaze with lights. When Tang Xia got out of the car, she felt the salty air on her face.

With euphonic light music in the ear, she looked around and fixed her eyes on a large and luxury fountain.

The fountain was quite unique as its first spout rose to about ten meters with a big splash and the second spurt of the peripheral water of the fountain became higher and higher slowly.

“It is so beautiful!” Tang Xia could not help exclaiming with her eyes staring at the fountain.

“Where am I now? I did not know there was such a good place in A City!”

Ye Yifan sat on a wooden chair with his eyes fixed on the stars, “This is the place I used to come a lot. Beautiful, right?”

Tang Xia thought the relationship between her and her Prince Charming was moving quite rapidly as they hung out together when they met for the first time. So was it a good omen?

The music by the fountain was slow and elegant, which could soothe Tang Xia. As the night breeze swept by, she closed her eyes gently.

Ye Yifan suddenly thought of the attitude of Tang Xia toward Li Xianxian, making him regard her as a quite honest and frank girl he had never met before.

“Well, you are the most upright girl I have ever met. I bet it was the only chance to see Li Xianxian be humiliated like that for a century! Haha.” As Ye Yifan said so, he could not help laughing out.

“What else could I do?” Tang Xia shook her head, “Although Li Xianxian is a senior anchor in the broadcasting room, she cannot take advantage of her seniority.”

After rolling her eyes, she sat beside Ye Yifan with her arms folded over her chest and looked at the starry night with him.

“Well, it is sort of venting my anger.” Tang Xia thought that she had not done anything wrong as it was reasonable for people to compensate for things damaged by themselves.

Ye Yifan turned his head to take a look at her and found that she owned a beautiful profile because she looked a little like Angelababy who was as charming as an elf.

As a big verdant tree stood beside her, it was in sharp contrast to the exquisite and adorable Tang Xia.

“So does she become an anchor because of her beauty?”

“The night was so beautiful and the girl beside me was charismatic, would it be better if we danced at the moment?” Ye Yifan came up with the thought suddenly.

Ye Yifan was the kind of man who would say whatever he thought, so he said immediately, “Look, the scenery is so beautiful, the man beside you is handsome and the music sounds great, how about we dance the waltz together?”

As a qualified anchor, she must master the basic dance or a good foundation of dance. Otherwise, she could not become an anchor.

Tang Xia had a mixed feeling, “I used to wonder why I couldn’t meet Ye Yifan although we were in the same city. But he is standing next to me now.”

Under the mottled shade of the moon, the night was quite intoxicating.

Tang Xia raised her head to look at Ye Yifan in front of her. Then she puckered her mouth while her heartbeat was thunderous, “I have to dance a perfect waltz with my Prince Charming! Fighting!”

Ye Yifan also lowered his head to stare at her. At this moment, they made eye contact as if they had traveled through the light and shadow.

The handsome face in front of her gradually overlapped with the image in her mind.

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