The handsome face in front of her gradually overlapped with the image in her mind.

In the night club, Ye Yifan asked Tang Xia to dance. They had such a pleasant time and lost track of time. When they felt tired after dancing for a long time, they looked at the phone and found that it was already twelve o’clock at night.

It was obvious that Tang Xia had not got over it yet as it was such a fun night. She regarded dancing quite boring and never thought that it could be so joyful and interesting.

“At that time… I danced with Chu Tiankuo like this, too. Where is he now? I miss him. Alas, where did he go?”

As she thought so, she felt rather vapid without him.

When she was lost in her mind, Ye Yifan showed his elegant hand to her face, making Tang Xia come to her senses immediately. Then she wore an apologetic smile and said,

“As we have finished the dance, I think it is time for me to go home. It is getting late, I wonder whether the gate of the apartment is closed or not.” Tang Xia felt quite worried.

“That’s ok. If the gate is closed, I can wake the gatekeeper up so that he can help you open the gate. So, let me drive you home. I will feel worried if you, a girl, walk home alone.”

Ye Yifan suddenly opened his mouth and said in a gentle voice.

Tang Xia froze for a while and calmed down.

“Sure, should I feel happy, thrilled or delighted as you, a rather handsome man, can drive me home? Let’s go before it is too late. I do feel a little tired now!”

As she finished her sentence, Tang Xia wore her typical smile, showing her snow-white front teeth.

Ye Yifan was stunned by her charismatic smile immediately.

In his eyes, the girl in front of him wore a white dress that highlighted her fair skin with her slender and snow-white legs while her black and straight hair made her smile more intoxicating.

For a moment, Ye Yifan wanted to hold Tang Xia in his arms so that no one else could see her beauty and his love for her had been deepened.

But Tang Xia did not know what Ye Yifan was thinking about and only noticed that he froze for a while. So she shook her fair hand in front of him and said,

“Handsome Ye Yifan, are you driving me home or not? I need to go home now.” Tang Xia felt somewhat helpless because she was so tired. After all, dancing had taken much energy. Besides, it was in the wee hours, and she was sleepy.

Ye Yifan finally came to his senses and said, “I will definitely drive you home! I’m sorry that I was lost in thought just now.”

On hearing his words, Tang Xia felt that Ye Yifan was wronged and explained to her so that she would not misunderstand him.

“Never mind. I was lost in thought, too. I don’t blame you. Haha!” Tang Xia said with a smile.

“Ok, let’s go. I’ll get the car. You can wait here.” Ye Yifan said and walk toward the parking lot.

“Sure, go ahead.” Tang Xia nodded her head compliantly.

After about five minutes, Ye Yifan drove his car out. But Tang Xia felt grouchy and mumbled, “Did you fall into the parking lot? I thought you fell into it as it took you so long!”

Hearing Tang Xia’s complaints, Ye Yifan kept on apologizing to her and said, “Something happened in the parking lot just now, so it took me some time. Hurry to get in the car, Xiaxia!”

Tang Xia could not wait for any longer, neither did Ye Yifan who wanted to drive her home as soon as he could.

Tang Xia thought, “Some time? It took you five minutes! How could you say that even though you are a handsome man? I was rather anxious just now!”

As she thought so in her mind, she did not show it on her face.

In the car, they began chatting with each other. “Did you have fun today?” Ye Yifan asked Tang Xia while he was driving.

“In fact, I have not been so happy for a long time. I am indeed delighted. Well, I am tired though.” Tang Xia said wearily.

“That’s alright. I will hang out with you again when you are used to it. Actually, I feel bored every time I come to this place. But this time, it is more interesting when I come with you.” Ye Yifan wore an enchanting smile.

“Right! I will force you to hang out with me whether you like it or not.” Tang Xia said in a cutesy voice.

On the way home, they were having fun with each other. What’s more, they constantly came up with new topics so that Tang Xia kept on talking.

When they arrived at the gate of Tang Xia’s apartment, she pointed at the gate and said to Ye Yifan, “Look, here is my home, you can stop here.”

“Ok.” Ye Yifan replied.

“Well, now that I’m home, you should go home, too. Thank you so much for driving me home today.” Tang Xia said somewhat shyly as Ye Yifan had helped her a lot.

“It is my pleasure! Why are you so polite to me? We are good friends now, there is no need for you to say thank you.” Ye Yifan replied quite mannerly. Although he did not say much, he cared about it much in his mind.

“Ok, you should go home now. I’ll wake the gatekeeper up.” Then Tang Xia went to wake him up.

After following her with his eyes, Ye Yifan felt reassured and drove home.

When she arrived at the corridor of her apartment, it was all dark, suggesting that all her neighbors were already in sleep.

Tang Xia opened the door and got home. “When can I see Chu Tiankuo again? As long as I can see him…” Tang Xia became inspired when she thought so. Then she said,

“Yeah~ I will do a new live broadcast tomorrow! It is so fun to be an anchor. Not only can I make money from it, but also it can let more people know me.” Tang Xia became more excited.

Then she took a quick shower and hit the hay as she was so exhausted today.

The next morning, Tang Xia had some bread and milk and created a broadcast room on her cellphone.

As soon as the live broadcast started, several hundred thousand people entered the broadcast room. Tang Xia was stunned, “What the hell? I just created the broadcast room, how can so many people enter this broadcast room? There were only thousands of people in my broadcast room before!!”

Tang Xia was so stunned that she forgot herself. After all, she was still in the broadcast room.

So she adjusted her mental attitude and said hello to the spectators, “Hi, everyone! I am today’s anchor, Tang Xia~”

As she finished her sentence, comments in great numbers came in the broadcast room.

[Xiaxia Is My Wife!]: Xiaxia, Xiaxia, why do you open a live broadcast today?

[Xiaxia’s Sweerheart]: Finally we can see Xiaxia in the broadcast room, how can you say that? Xiaxia will be angry if you say that again.

[Xiaxia Is My Wife!] Replied to [Xiaxia’s Sweetheart]: I just said the truth…

Tang Xia saw the comments calmly and said suddenly, “Let me sing for you today, how about that?” “You pick up the song, and I will sing for you.”

[Xiaxia Is My Wife!]: Oh my god~ Is it the Spring Festival today? It must be the Spring Festival~ Xiaxia, sing Himono-Onna for us.

[Xiaxia’s Sweetheart]: Xiaxia, sing Spring Breeze Blows for us.

[Xiaxia Sings Flower of Love]: Flower of Love! Flower of Love!

[My Wife Is Xiaxia, Do You Know That?]: Xiaxia, please sing Instinct!

Tang Xia was stupefied, “Oh my god, someone changes the nickname for it. They are so fascinated!”

In the end, Tang Xia chose a song that she was familiar with— Flower of Love.

“Ok~ I’ll sing Flower of Love today.” As she finished her sentence, the whole broadcast room was filled with the euphonic singing.

“The flower of love you talk about has sprouted in my heart.”

“As if you are with me every second of my life.”

“Listen, this melody keeps on haunting me…”

After the song, it was all quiet in the broadcast room. However, someone broke the silence.

[Xiaxia’s sweetheart]: Oh my god! Xiaxia sang a song for us! And she sang so well~ I feel so happy!

Tang Xia’s song received overwhelming responses from her fans.

In a flash, varied presents were sent from her fans in the broadcast room.

After more than two hours, Tang Xia exited the broadcast room. Then she took her bag and went to the time-travel and live broadcast company.

As she received a message from the staff of the company which said ‘You have some bonus for attending the ball yesterday. Please come to the company to receive your award.’ Tang Xia hurried to the company.

She took her car key and drove to the company. As her home was not far away from the company, it would only take her about ten minutes to go there.

But there was a traffic jam on the road, which took her five more minutes. So she ran to the downstairs of the company hastily.

However, she encountered her mortal enemy Li Xianxian!

Li Xianxian felt unsatisfied every time she saw Tang Xia because she got too close to the man she liked, which made her regard Tang Xia as her rival. But no matter how much she bore grudges, Ye Yifan would never fall in love with her.

“Yo, who is this?” Li Xianxian said in a sarcastic tone with a scornful look.

“What? Are you making trouble for me again?” Tang Xia took a look at her with disdain.

“You were so disgraced last night!” Li Xianxian taunted her.

“Actually, you shouldn’t laugh at me. You are on the same level as me. Despising me is like looking down upon yourself.” How eloquent Tang Xia was!

Li Xianxian was so angry at Tang Xia’s words that she ground her teeth but could say nothing.

“Besides, I just forgot to tell you. Ye Yifan is so kind to me!” As she finished her sentence, Tang Xia did not pay attention to Li Xianxian and walked into the company.

Li Xianxian wore a terrible look immediately. Looking at Tang Xia’s proud manner, she thought, “I’ll make an eye for an eye when you come out! I’ll remember what you have done to me!”

When Tang Xia came out, she had her rewards happily—she took a present packaged in a pink box with her left hand while a large stuffed bear in her right hand.

However, this was the moment Li Xianxian had been waiting for when she knocked over all the things in Tang Xia’s hands to the floor.

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