Chu Tiankuo’s sinister eyes horribly appeared bloodthirsty as he stared at Ye Yifan, who had been trampled down by him.

Tang Xia saw Ye Yifan trampled under Chu Tiankuo’s feet. He would face Chu Tiankuo’s violent fist as long as he tried to struggle.

“Chu Tiankuo, let go of him!” she shouted.

Tang Xia had never seen Chu Tiankuo like this, who seemed had been enveloped by cold air.

But Chu Tiankuo turned a deaf ear to her words, taking out a shining silvery dagger from somewhere that he waved in his hands from time to time.

But instead of looking at the dagger being twisted in his hand, Chu Tiankuo focused his eyes directly on Ye Yifan.

His eyes were afire with murderous intent, which made Tang Xia unable to keep from shivering as goosebumps raised up on her skin.

Chu Tiankuo looked so insane and so vicious, making it hard for her to associate his current appearance with those old images in her mind.

When she saw Chu Tiankuo look at Ye Yifan with freezing eyes, the task came to her again.

“Is he going to… Is he going to…”

She could not tell why a crazy idea had emerged in her mind. Then she felt tense in her heart and pounced on Chu Tiankuo hurriedly, shouting, “Chu Tiankuo, no——”

But she was too late…

As she shouted, Chu Tiankuo had already fiercely stabbed his knife into Ye Yifan’s chest. That was… exactly where his heart lay.

Tang Xia broke down instantly. Watching the scarlet blood spring out from where the dagger stabbed, she pushed Chu Tiankuo away crazily.

“Chu Tiankuo… what are you doing? What are you doing? Why did you do this? Why?” Tears streamed down her face like raindrops, and even her voice began quivering.

Having pushed off Chu Tiankuo, who had been on top of him, Tang Xia held Ye Yifan in her arms with her hands trembling, feeling her head buzzing.

She shook her head unconsciously and cried helplessly, “Ye Yifan… No… You can’t die, you can’t die here!”

Ye Yifan’s pale face was twisted due to pain. Blood kept flowing out from his lips, which made Tang Xia feel extremely miserable.

But Ye Yifan forced himself to put on a smiling face, struggling to lift his hands to stroke her tearful face.

He was trying to say something to her, but he coughed as blood kept overflowing out of his mouth.

When Tang Xia saw more and more blood flow out of his wound and his mouth each time he coughed, she felt much more miserable and full of despair.

She begged him through tears, “No… No… Ye Yifan, don’t leave, you can’t die…”

After coughing up the remaining blood in his mouth, Ye Yifan wiped the tears from Tang Xia’s face and said with great difficulty, “Tang Xia, ahem… don’t cry. Listen to me… you can’t die. Stay alive!”

Tang Xia never thought that Ye Yifan would ask her to stay alive under such a condition. She could not bear it anymore. “I won’t die, and neither will you!

“Ye Yifan, just hold on. Those firefighters will come soon… Just hold on, we will send you to the hospital…”

But Ye Yifan’s face turned paler and paler, while blood kept pouring out from his chest.

Ye Yifan realized that he would not hold on that long, so he coughed again and said, “No, it’s too late… I can’t wait that long…”

Tang Xia did not expect that Ye Yifan would say that he could not wait any longer, so she insisted instantly, “Ye Yifan, you can’t say that. You can make it. I beg you. Don’t give up so easily, will you? We… Both of us will make it to survive…”

“How could it possible? How could Ye Yifan die?”

He had always been the Prince Charming that she missed day and night. He had never failed to accomplish the tasks in his live shows.

But why would he tell her that he could not hold on any longer this time?

He could not hold on? How could her Prince Charming fail to hold on?

Tang Xia was unwilling to believe or to accept this in her heart.

She suspected that Ye Yifan must have been trying to scare her. So she reached out and seized that big hand stroking her face, holding it tightly and casting her eyes over him hopefully. “Ye Yifan… are you kidding me on purpose? How could you give up…”

But more blood overflowed from Ye Yifan’s mouth, which made it unable for him to answer Tang Xia at all. He started coughing again.

But his cough put pressure on the wound where the dagger had stabbed, allowing more red blood to pour out from it.

Chu Tiankuo watched Tang Xia holding Ye Yifan in her arms, and saw her crying and completely ignoring her own image. Her doleful and miserable look pricked his eyes.

He got up from the floor, rushed over to Tang Xia, and reached out to seize her, pulling her away from Ye Yifan.

“Tang Xia, tell me. Are you in love with this man?” His questioning voice was full of coldness.

Tang Xia felt her wrist ache and burn when she was violently dragged by him. She became out of balance and staggered forward.

Her face was about to hit the floor when she was held by his hand and turned over until she dizzily knocked into Chu Tiankuo’s hard chest.

She felt dizzy due to his rude actions, and kept drawing in cold breaths. How could she be able to pay attention to his question at all?

Tang Xia felt like her aching wrist was to break. She did not know that a man could possess such great strength.

Her face was wrinkled in pain, and her tears fell down much faster.

Then she realized that it was Chu Tiankuo who was seizing her. But Chu Tiankuo had laid his murderous hands on so many people, so she shouted without hesitation, “Chu Tiankuo, you bastard. You hurt me… Take your hands off me, you murderer…”

On hearing her painful shouting, Chu Tiankuo rolled his eyes slightly with hesitation. Though he did not let her go of his hand, he held onto her with much less strength.

But when he heard her curse him as a murderer, his eyes turned dimmer.

“Murderer?” He snorted, with one of his hands seizing her jaw, so that she had to face him directly and look into his eyes.

“Loosen your hand… Chu Tiankuo… What on earth do you want? How dare you stab Ye Yifan… You bastard. Why are you grabbing me now? Let me go…”

Tang Xia struggled with all her strength, trying to escape from him.

But she had little strength. She could not even shake off Chu Tiankuo’s hand that had been seizing her jaw.

“Tang Xia, I’ll ask you again, are you in love with that guy named Ye Yifan?” Chu Tiankuo did not let her go. On the contrary, he asked her a second time.

Tang Xia could not move at all, and her face turned pale due to anger. She glared at him without thinking much and shouted in a loud voice, “Chu Tiankuo, it’s none of your business who I love!”

“You won’t tell me?” Chu Tiankuo’s eyes turned dark. He sneered all of a sudden and said viciously, “Now that you won’t tell me, I will kiss you in his presence until you tell me!”

Hearing his crazy words, Tang Xia’s waxy face turned even paler.

She struggled with more strength. Facing him like this, she could not help cursing him. “You are a lunatic, Chu Tiankuo. You are a maniac now… F*ck off!”

Chu Tiankuo’s face tensed up at her words. He gritted his teeth and said coldly, “Maniac? Haha… Maybe! I have been destined to be a maniac since we met here in this place.”

Hearing his words, Tang Xia stopped struggling and froze. With a startled face, she looked at him and asked him incredulously, “What do you mean? Did you…”

“What’s wrong? You cursed me so sharply just now. Why are you stammering now?” Chu Tiankuo gazed at her with cold eyes that shone in a weird way, which made Tang Xia feel worse.

She quivered and continued, “Chu Tiankuo, answer me, you’ve been here for a long time, haven’t you?”

Chu Tiankuo managed a smile on his cold, hard face but said nothing.

But his silence confirmed Tang Xia’s conclusion in her mind. She could not help trembling. “That is to say… You did all of these?”

Her voice became husky instantly, and the tears obscured the face in front of her.

She could not see clearly the man standing in front of her. “Is this man really Chu Tiankuo?

“Is this the man whom I always remember for his embrace and warmth he gave me on that rainy day?”

There was still hope in her heart. She wished that Chu Tiankuo would deny her answer or simply shake his head.

But Chu Tiankuo just gazed at her in silence, without saying a word or shaking his head.

She was in a complex mood. She asked him again when her lips had stopped trembling, “Zhang Yaoyao’s death, then Dabing’s injury… and Fang Yan’s death, were all these… plotted by you?”

Chu Tiankuo looked at her with his dim, cold eyes that told her everything.

She shook her head in disbelief and stared at the man in front of her. She felt like her head was being split open due to such a headache.

“You maniac… murderer… bastard… Why? Why did you have to do this?” Tang Xia could not accept such a fact, as she cried out loudly.

But Chu Tiankuo was still tightly grabbing her, unwilling to loosen his hand.

However, the dagger covered with blood that he had been holding in his hand aroused the sickness in Tang Xia.

She cried out with tears all over her face, “Now I know everything… Why are you still holding me? Do you want to kill me with that dagger in your hand?”

After being questioned by her, Chu Tiankuo’s face had turned utterly pale. Feeling pain in his heart from her questions, he loosened his hand that had been holding her.

Tang Xia regained her freedom, but she did not want to cast her eyes at Chu Tiankuo at all. She said in a loud voice, “Now that you didn’t kill me, get away from me. I never wish to meet you again.”

Chu Tiankuo was shocked slightly, and sorrow appeared in his eyes.

He violently tossed away the dagger covered with blood, letting it fall to the ground. Then he turned and left.

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