Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 188 - Ashamed and Infuriated

Although Chu Tiankuo had left, Tang Xia was scarcely relieved from sorrow.

On hearing Ye Yifan cough again, Tang Xia rushed over to him at once nervously.

She pressed on Ye Yifan’s chest with her hands in order to slow down the overflowing blood.

“Ye Yifan… hold on… The ambulance must be on the way. You can’t die. Just hold on a little longer.” She could not help worrying when she saw the red blood pouring out.

But she did not know what to do aside from comfort Ye Yifan and continue to encourage him to not give up.

But Ye Yifan’s voice was getting fainter and fainter, his face paler and paler. Even his breath was becoming shallower.

“Ye Yifan… No… Ye Yifan… You are my Prince Charming, how can you die? It can’t be true. You cannot…” She shook her head wildly, her voice out of control.

Seeing her cry so miserably, Ye Yifan looked at her sympathetically.

But he was too weak, insomuch that he could not say a word or raise his hands. Even Tang Xia started becoming blurry in his eyes.

She held him in her arms with all her strength, but Ye Yifan’s temperature kept dropping little by little.

In the end, the man in her arms breathed his last, leaving the whole world despairing…

At the same time, a line of words in orange, striking and dazzling, appeared in front of both Tang Xia and Ye Yifan.

“Result of this round: Ye Yifan is out; Tang Xia wins!”

Tang Xia could not believe what that caption told her. She was not delighted at all; in fact, she felt extremely confused and guilty.

She cast her eyes at Ye Yifan, who lay in her arms, only to find his figure fading away.

At this, she could not help feeling at a loss.

Tang Xia was sent back to the broadcast room as she became lost in a trance.

As usual, she cast her eyes over the screen instinctively.

What directly went into her eyes was the red, bold, and rolling result judged by the system.

1,000 points had been deducted from Ye Yifan, while they had been awarded to her directly.

“What? 1,000 points?

“What a huge number!”

Tang Xia drew in a cold breath and then leaned feebly against the chair.

How could this be? She had barely had a chance to broadcast with her Prince Charming this time. How could the result turn out to be like this?

All that she wanted when she chose to take on her broadcasting career was to catch her Prince Charming’s attention.

Though she did make it in this task, she had never longed for such “attention”!

She had thought that she finally obtained a chance to cooperate and interact with her Prince Charming. She had even wished that they would become broadcasting partners.

But all the joy she felt when Ye Yifan showed up now turned to sorrow.

What should she do? What would Ye Yifan think of this now? What would he think of her?

She had just poured out her heart to her Prince Charming and had planned to ask him about what he thought of her now.

But how could she cheekily show up in front of him after experiencing all of these things?

How would Ye Yifan think of her in the future? Would he feel disgusted by her from now on?

Tang Xia felt that her mind was in chaos. All that came to her was how Ye Yifan would react when she met him again.

At the moment, she was in rather low spirits. She was not in the mood to care about anything else.

She could not even spare a thought for what the fans wrote on the screen.

She took out her cell phone and decided to call him, but then put her hands down when she found his number.

She was going mad. Would her Prince Charming refuse to answer the call if she called him at this point?

Ye Yifan had broadcast so many times, and he performed perfectly each time. But this time, she not only encumbered him but also led him to such a miserable end…

1,000 points…

Her head ached again…

Why had Chu Tiankuo shown up? Why was he the murderer of all these victims?

Questions bombarded Tang Xia at this moment, but she could not figure them out anyway.

She kneaded her temples, which had been aching and swollen, and then she put back her cell phone in the end.

Now that she failed to make it clear, she had to go home.

She would feel ashamed if she stayed here.

Ye Yifan…

“Alas!” She sighed deeply.

Having packed up her belongings with annoyance and frustration, she walked out of the broadcast room in a daze.

But what she had not expected was Li Xianxian’s face when she opened the door of the broadcast room.

Li Xianxian had been waiting for her, leaning against the wall opposite the door. She walked up to Tang Xia once she saw her open the door.

“Tang Xia, you’ve finally come out,” she said aggressively.

Knowing that she had been waiting for her specially, she guessed more or less what she was here for.

But her mind was already mixed up. She was unwilling to deal with her or even meet with her.

So instead of making a response to Li Xianxian’s words, she closed the broadcast room door, trying to pass by in front of her.

But Li Xianxian had stayed so long outside, how would she let Tang Xia go from her hands so easily?

On seeing her trying to leave, Li Xianxian rushed over and stopped her. “Tang Xia, stop trying to escape.”

“What on earth do you want? Listen, I am not in a good mood now, and I don’t want to talk with you. Get out of my way,” Tang Xia said impatiently.

Hearing her words, Li Xianxian was irritated instantly. She cursed Tang Xia with a sharp voice, “Tang Xia, I have to say that you are so good at playing tricks. No wonder you’ve become such a hit recently. But since you have won in such an ignominious way, you must be ashamed of meeting others, mustn’t you?”

Tang Xia, who had already been annoyed, now was much more irritated by her words. She glared at Li Xianxian and said, “What do you mean? What tricks did I play? I know I encumbered Ye Yifan this time, but that was not what I wanted!”

When she mentioned Ye Yifan, Tang Xia felt her heart sink instantly.

“That was not what you wanted? You have hurt Ye Yifan so utterly, do you think you can pass the buck by saying such words? Ye Yifan should not have shown up in your task, you are an ogre,” Li Xianxian said to her indignantly in an aggressive tone.

Tang Xia blushed at her words. She gnashed her teeth and said, “Anything can happen when we broadcast. How could I know that Ye Yifan would broadcast with me? This has never happened to me before.”

Li Xianxian looked at her, continuing to sneer. “This never happened to you? Do you think this ever happened to any other anchor? Do you think there is an anchor more scheming than you?”

“Li Xianxian, what do you mean?” Tang Xia’s complexion changed as she glared at her.

“What do I mean? Every time you broadcast, Chu Tiankuo has shown up. With such a great bug to rely on, how could you lose?” Li Xianxian said sarcastically.

Tang Xia’s face became livid with anger. She defended herself. “I know Chu Tiankuo is a bug. But I am not in charge of him, nor can I control him. I was also in a rage when he killed Ye Yifan, you know?”

Though she had devoted herself to her career as an anchor since she had taken it on, nobody could ever see her efforts. Instead, they all believed that she had taken Chu Tiankuo as her supporter.

Were they all blind? She could not decide if he would show up at all, nor did she know why she would meet with Chu Tiankuo each time she broadcast.

But Ye Yifan’s death had no bearing on her at all, did it? Why did Li Xianxian keep saying that she had played tricks?

She was greatly infuriated on hearing such words from Li Xianxian and lost her temper.

Seeing that Tang Xia would shout at her, Li Xianxian looked at her with more fierce eyes and cursed her sharply, “Don’t put on an act. No wonder so many netizens recognize you as a scheming b*tch. You can’t be more disgusting.

“Everyone knows that Chu Tiankuo has been in love with you, otherwise how could you finish those tasks by yourself time and time again? Look at this now, you’ve hurt Ye Yifan. You are so shameless.”

Tang Xia was startled when she heard Li Xianxian say that Chu Tiankuo had been in love with her. She asked her instinctively, “What? What did you say? What did you mean when you said that Chu Tiankuo has been in love with me?”

Seeing her continuing her act, Li Xianxian said immediately with a disgusted look, “Don’t pretend to be innocent. If he hadn’t been in love with you, why would Chu Tiankuo have helped you win each time he showed up?

“You have been sent the task together with Ye Yifan. If Chu Tiankuo had not been in love with you, why would he have killed Ye Yifan and left you alive?”

Tang Xia had seldom recalled the past until she heard Li Xianxian’s questioning.

Since she had become an anchor, she had met with Chu Tiankuo in all her live shows, and she had won in each of her tasks due to Chu Tiankuo showing up.

No wonder…

No wonder no one recognized her efforts…

No wonder all the netizens cursed her as a scheming b*tch…

No wonder 1,000 points were deducted from Ye Yifan after his death, while she gained 1,000 points though she had survived…

No wonder Chu Tiankuo kept intensely asking her if she was in love with Ye Yifan as he seized her…

She was thinking of all that with a confused mind. All those weird things that had happened to her in her earlier tasks were explained by Li Xianxian’s words.

Everyone else had seen these things clearly, but she had never figured them out before.

She thought of these things foolishly while walking ahead…

“So? Tang Xia, I guessed what you thought, so you have nothing to say, do you?” Li Xianxian looked at her with satisfaction.

But she didn’t know that Tang Xia had been lost in a trance with her blank eyes, looking as if she had simply ignored her, and had been thinking about something else.

Li Xianxian did not expect that she would be disregarded by Tang Xia again and again.

She could not hate and detest Tang Xia more for acting this way. Everyone saw her gain her popularity by playing tricks, but she still won so many followers.

Including both her fans and Ye Yifan…

She got angrier and angrier as she looked at Tang Xia. When she saw Tang Xia walking past her, she reached out and thrust her fiercely. “Did I guess what you have been doing, so now you want to leave because you feel ashamed and infuriated?”

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