one thousand one hundred and eighty-six

Such a thing was unexpected to both of them, especially Gao Hui. She never thought that Wu Huchen would do such a thing.

After a long silence, Gao Hui's expression was very cold, but her white skin was full of crimson color, because she had felt that somewhere in front of the man was still against her.

Gao Hui has never had such contact with other men when she is so old. Let alone kiss, she has never even pulled a small hand. Many men are scared away by her cold appearance. Where else dare to pursue her.

But what she never dreamed of was that the man in front of her, his cousin's boyfriend, would take away his first kiss. Not only that, the little man had that idea about himself, which was completely beyond her imagination.

"You, you still don't let go?" Gao Hui didn't know where she came from. Maybe she couldn't stand the feeling of the little man's hot body sticking to herself.

However, she enjoyed the warm feeling in her heart, because she had not felt the temperature that the human body should have for a long time.

Oh, I miss such a feeling.

Hearing this, Wu Huchen immediately returned to his mind, loosened his hands and wanted to leave Gao Hui, but his body moved slightly, but he found that he couldn't leave at all. Because the woman's hands are hugging tightly.

Wu Huchen thought Gao Hui was trying to test himself again. He wanted to leave again, but he found that the woman's hands hugged more tightly. At the same time, he heard the woman's head tightly against his left chest and whispered, "don't move, let me, let me feel your body temperature again, okay?"

As soon as Gao Hui said this, Wu Huchen's body suddenly trembled and his eyes were stunned. At this moment, he thought of the woman's problem. She has no temperature!!

Thinking of the poor woman's tragic experience, Wu Huchen's heart was full of sympathy. He opened his hand. After a while, he finally put his hand gently behind the woman and said with pity: "well, I won't leave. You can hold me!"

Hearing the man's pitying voice, Gao Hui's tears flowed down. She thought she would not have tears at all as a blood family, but she was wrong. This time, he still cried out. However, the color of her tears was as red as blood!

The woman's cry made Wu Huchen very distressed. He can feel that when a person lives in another community, he feels really, very painful because he has a lot of thoughts but can't tell others.

In his previous life, he was a poor * * silk. He had no other way to follow except to vent his dissatisfaction in the game. He always felt that he should not belong to the world. He was so tired of the world.

Although Gao Hui's situation is different from his, is it almost the same?

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen put his arms around Gao Hui and made more efforts. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "it will be all right, it will be all right."

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, Gao Hui didn't know why she was crazy and suddenly pushed Wu Huchen away, Hysterically shouted: "nothing? Will it be all right? Wu Huchen, you just stand and talk without backache. Will it really be all right? I will be like this all my life. I can't feel human body temperature all my life! You don't understand! You don't understand all your life..." at last, her cheeks have long been blurred by tears.

Originally, Wu Huchen was angry when he saw Gao Hui suddenly go crazy, but when he heard Gao Hui's words, he was completely stunned.

Yes, I'm not her. How can I really understand the pain in her heart?

Seeing Wu Huchen's appearance, Gao Hui raised a sneer of disdain and said, "hum, you're just talking. How can you really understand?"

"Yes, I may not understand, but don't worry, since that person can turn you into a blood clan, then I believe there must be a way to turn you into - human, really human!" Wu Huchen looked at Gao Hui with burning eyes, and his face was full of seriousness.

"Really human?" Gao Hui was stunned and muttered to herself. Then she smiled completely. She pointed to Wu Huchen, Full of disdain, Wu Huchen said, "do you think I'm a child? Turn a blood clan into - human? Ha ha, you're sliding the world. If you can, there will be no blood clan in the world."

"Trust me!" Wu Huchen ignored Gao Hui's ridicule, and his tone was still very serious, "one day I will make you human! I must!"

Gao Hui was also slightly stunned when she saw Wu Huchen's serious appearance, because she saw sincerity and firmness in the little man's eyes. After a long silence, she smiled, put away the previous hysteria and said faintly: "I'll wait, waiting for you to completely transform me from blood family into a human."

After a pause, she said in the direction of Tao Meijia: "well, Meijia seems to be waking up. Take good care of her."

With that, before Wu Huchen could speak, she turned and walked towards the door.

"I will turn you back into human!" Wu Huchen shouted at Gao Hui's leaving figure. Gao Hui, who had already opened the door, heard this, and his body was shocked. A faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth. His tears could not help falling down slowly again.

Little man, I'm waiting to see how you turn me into - human again. I miss being able to feel the temperature of 37 degrees unscrupulously!

After the door of the room was completely closed, Wu Huchen slowly took back his sight and turned his eyes to Tao Meijia lying on the bed, because Tao Meijia didn't know whether it was because the antidote worked or because of Wu Huchen's previous cry, she had made a slight groan.

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