one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven

"Sister Meijia, are you awake?" Hearing Tao Meijia's voice, Wu Huchen immediately rushed to Tao Meijia, looked at Tao Meijia with a happy face, and said softly, "sister Meijia, how are you? Do you feel better now?"

Since she was poisoned by Wuxing powder, Tao Meijia has lost any action ability, and even her body function is constantly slowing down. It is precisely because of this that Tao Meijia can maintain an immortal state without eating. However, there is a very wonderful thing, that is, Tao Meijia's brain is running fast, so she clearly stops everything that happened before in her ears.

Seeing Wu Huchen so worried about himself, Tao Meijia's pale lips also grinned slightly, smiled and said, "Huchen, I'm fine, thank you."

Wu Huchen, who had been very worried about Tao Meijia, finally smiled when he saw Tao Meijia. His nervous heart finally relaxed a lot, nodded and said, "sister Meijia, it's good that you're all right." Then Wu Huchen seemed to think of something and asked, "sister Meijia, do you want to eat something? I heard from my uncle that you haven't eaten for many days."

Seeing Wu Huchen's excited and overwhelmed appearance, Tao Meijia smiled and said, "I'm fine. Although I don't know how long I've been in a coma, my body doesn't seem to be much different from that before poisoning!" Seeing that Wu Huchen seemed to want to comfort himself, Tao Meijia didn't give Wu Huchen a chance to speak. She looked at Wu Huchen with a burning face and said, "tiger Chen, I want to ask you something."

Wu Huchen, who originally wanted to persuade Tao Meijia, suddenly heard that Tao Meijia was so serious about talking to himself. He was also a little stunned. Then he opened his mouth and said, "well, sister Meijia, you say, I will promise anything you say."

When Wu Huchen said this, Tao Meijia smiled and said weakly, "please try your best to help my cousin."

As soon as he said this, Wu Huchen was stunned. He looked at Tao Meijia in surprise and was full of doubts. Does sister Meijia already know that Gao Hui is not a human thing?

Seeing Wu Huchen's puzzled face, Tao Meijia smiled, say: "Don't be surprised, tiger minister. Although I don't know what strange things have happened to my cousin, I also know that such things make her feel very painful. In the days with her, I have seen her hide and cry alone many times. My cousin is a strong woman, even if she is in pain again She will completely put it in her heart, but this time she actually broke out like this, I made it clear that this thing is really too painful for my cousin. So, please, please help her! "

Wu Huchen didn't expect that Tao Meijia was talking about it. He smiled, gently touched Tao Meijia's hand and said softly, "sister Meijia, don't worry, I will find a way to cure my cousin, and I will make her feel the temperature of human beings again!"

In the west, it seems that I have to go there myself, otherwise I can't completely understand the strength of those guys!

Seeing that Wu Huchen agreed to his request, Tao Meijia smiled happily. She looked at Wu Huchen with tenderness in her eyes and said, "Hu Chen, I really appreciate you this time. If it weren't for you, we taojia might face great difficulties this time."

Hearing Tao Meijia's words of thanks, Wu Huchen scolded angrily: "silly melon, do we still need to say this? As long as you like it, I will strive for it. Even if you want me to kill all the others, I will promise you."

"No!" As soon as Wu Huchen's words were finished, Tao Meijia immediately rejected Wu Huchen's kindness. With a deep sigh, she said: "tiger Chen, several Axe Gang actually trace back to the origin, that is an old ancestor, but later with the changes of history, the whole Axe Gang was completely separated. So they are my relatives?"

Wu Huchen didn't expect that each other had almost killed Tao Meijia, but Tao Meijia still didn't have any complaints at all. This kind of thing of returning good for bad can't be done by anyone.

"Sister Meijia, you are a kind fool - melon!" Wu Huchen chuckled and tightly hugged the gentle and kind woman into his arms. The corners of his mouth were full of happy smiles. What a man wants most in his life is a woman, and a beautiful, gentle and kind woman like Tao Meijia can be regarded as the favorite in the hearts of all men. However, this kind-hearted silly melon has become Wu Huchen's woman, which has to make Wu Huchen's heart full of gratitude.

After a while, Wu Huchen said, "sister Meijia, I have something to ask you."

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, Tao Meijia's face gave a slight pause. He took a deep look at Wu Huchen, pursed lightly at the corners of his mouth, and said softly, "Hu Chen, I know what you want to say, but as a member of the Tao family, do you think I can ignore the development of the Tao family?" After a pause, Tao Meijia continued, "and I hope our taojia can become stronger and stronger, because only in this way can the taojia be helpful to you in the future."

Wu Huchen stared at Tao Meijia in a daze. He never dreamed that this woman was actually thinking about it. He thought for a long time, Then he said, "sister Meijia, you're so stupid. Do you think I'll be really happy when you do this? I don't want this power over the world, and I don't want to see my woman hurt at all, do you understand?"

His hands were tightly held by the little man. Tao Meijia smiled and was moved. When a man can give up some pursuit in his heart, you can completely promise him your life.

"I know, I know!" Tao Meijia looked grateful, He nodded and said, "but you know, Hu Chen, the reason why I work so hard to expand the taojia is not only to help you, but also a very important point. My father also hopes to completely expand the taojia in his lifetime. That's why I wanted to give up the profession of teacher completely before."

After hearing Tao Meijia's words, Wu Huchen realized that her shoulders were the responsibilities of a thin woman's shoulders. Although these responsibilities were not what she should have, she silently carried them on her shoulders and carried the painful stomach in her heart alone!

To readers:

Thank AIG brothers for their reward. Thank you for coming to the genuine edition from piracy to support my aunt!

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