1336 Holy See and Diablo Association (fourth explosion)

one thousand three hundred and thirty-six

Although count Larry's strength is not very strong, he has lived for many years after all. He is also a veteran. He is very clear about the strength distribution of the whole west.

In the whole British Empire, it is generally divided into two camps, light and dark!

The most typical strength represented by light is the Western holy see. Of course, there are other forces besides the Holy See, but these forces are basically inextricably related to the Holy See.

For example, the clergy like Vivian and Alice belong to a branch under the Holy See, and their strength is relatively weaker. The most powerful institutions are those directly subordinate to the Holy See, such as the paladin, the inquisition, and so on.

The strength represented by the holy see is also the existence believed by many ordinary people, which belongs to the sphere of influence accepted by the public.

Of course, the most typical strength represented by the dark is the dark Association, which has been hostile to the Western holy see for countless years.

All of the Diablo association are evil creatures living in the dark. They are divided into three parts: blood clan, werewolf clan and the most mysterious and powerful necromancer!

These three forces are the most powerful forces of the whole Diablo Association. Of course, there are most blood clan and werewolf clan, so the usual battles are initiated by these two forces. Even if the necromancer is a very terrible existence in the Western Diablo Association, even if the Western holy court meets the necromancer, it is also a great headache.

Because those guys are disgusting.

After listening to the distribution of these forces, Wu Huchen nodded slightly. These are similar to what he thought. He also saw some Western forces in some networks in his previous life, which is not much different from what count Larry said. Therefore, Wu Huchen more believes that the world has not changed, and the guys on the network must also know the inside story.

"Dear master, I don't know what the purpose of your coming to the west is?" Count Larry saw Wu Huchen meditating and his eyes flickering. He was curious about what the mysterious Chinese young man came here for.

Hearing Larry's words, Wu Huchen recovered, smiled and said, "I came here to find someone, a woman!"

"Aha, he is indeed the master of my great count Larry. He is as infatuated as old Larry." As soon as Larry listened to Wu Huchen's words, he immediately shouted with some exaggeration. Hearing so much nonsense from Larry, Wu Huchen rolled his eyes angrily and said, "well, don't talk so much nonsense. Who is the crimson blood thorn you said before? I found that you seemed very scared when you heard the name?"

When Wu Huchen mentioned the word crimson blood thorn again, count Larry's face changed slightly, forced a smile and said, "great master, don't joke, old Larry, I'm afraid of other people besides the great master?"

Seeing old Larry's appearance, Wu Huchen smiled angrily and said, "well, don't talk nonsense to me. Tell me, who is that guy?"

Count Larry didn't dare to joke when he saw Wu Huchen's positive face, and said in a deep voice: "in fact, I don't know who the crimson blood thorn is. She just appeared more than a month ago. She specifically targeted us western dark creatures, and her treatment of blood clan was very strange, but directly used the same method as our blood clan..."

At this point, count Larry's face showed a deep color of fear. He usually pointed his pair of sharp fangs at the human neck, but he was frightened at the thought that he might become food in others' mouth one day.

He enjoyed the look of panic when his tusks were inserted into the prey's neck, but that doesn't mean he wants others to treat him like this!

"What method!" Seeing that count Larry was about to stop talking, Wu Huchen changed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"She seems to have sucked all the blood of the blood clan." Count Larry said with a palpitation on his face, "but blood families can't devour each other, because blood is different. If they devour each other, the consequences will be very serious!"

"The way blood clan kills blood clan?" Wu Huchen whispered. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and seemed to think of something. There was a flash of ecstasy in his eyes. He didn't know whether his guess was right or not, but he believed in his judgment. The so-called crimson blood thorn should be cousin Gao Hui.

Because Gao Hui once cried bitterly and told Wu Huchen about it when she was angry. She is a test object. She may be able to do what ordinary blood families can't do.

"Tell me where the crimson blood thorn is!" Wu Huchen stared at count Larry closely.

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, count Larry couldn't help rolling his eyes and thinking, is this boy's skull broken? The evil star like crimson blood thorn, the great count Larry, how can I know where she is before I see her escape.

"Oh, my God, great master, please don't laugh with poor old Larry. Crimson blood thorn is very afraid of all dark creatures. Her strength is very strong. Old Larry doesn't want to provoke such a guy." At the thought that there might be two more holes in his neck when he was stabbed by crimson blood, count Larry felt a cool wind hit his neck.

After a little calmness, Wu Huchen nodded slightly. He thought so. Count Larry was very afraid of death. If he knew the location of the crimson blood thorn, he would not know how far he had escaped.

"Well, it's getting late. I need a place to live, count Larry. I heard that each blood family has its own castle. I wonder if your castle welcomes me?" Wu Huchen smiled and looked at Larry whose face changed slightly.

Count Larry turned his eyes when he heard Wu Huchen's words. Damn it, this boy is a devil. Does he want to enslave the great count Larry?

"Great master, I'm really sorry. Old Larry is very poor and pitiful. He only has a small villa. If you don't dislike the master, please follow me?" Larry knew it was impossible to get rid of Wu Huchen easily, so he had to take Wu Huchen out to one of his villas.

However, during the conversation between Wu Huchen and count Larry, an unusually fierce battle was breaking out in their city.

To readers:

Today, brother Feitian is the richest man in this book. As long as 888, Liangzi asks you to take it home ~ well, smoke a cigarette and continue to fight~~

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