1337 crimson blood thorn! (fifth explosion)

one thousand three hundred and thirty-seven

"Damn crimson blood prick, what do you want? We have no enemies with you, and you are also a dark creature. Why do you want to kill us all? Aren't you afraid that the top level of the association will come and hang you?"

Under some misty moonlight and deep in the dense forest, many trees were destroyed, and there were also many huge pits caused by huge energy explosion on the ground. There was a woman wearing a black tight suit with sharp ear length short hair, and the night was a little dark. There was no way to see the real face of the woman, But the blood red eyes on her face showed her true identity!

Blood clan!

Yes, the woman in strong clothes is also a blood clan!

Around her, there are many dead people. No, to be exact, these guys are not human, because they all have sharp fangs.

Prince Rex's mouth had blood that had not been wiped. The same blood light flashed in his eyes, but more puzzled and angry.

He naturally knows who this woman is, but he is very puzzled. This woman is of the same blood family as herself, but she has to kill people of the same family. What is this for?

Hearing Prince Rex's words, the woman walked towards them quietly with a slight tug on the corners of her mouth, "the dark society? Come on, let them come. I've been waiting for them. I'll make them pay their due price and want to kill me. Unless they send a higher-level strong man, there's no way to hurt me!"

The woman seemed very natural and had no fear and fear of Rex's words.


Looking at the blood on the woman who was said to be a crimson blood thorn, Prince Rex's heart was full of endless despair. He thought he would keep his life if he took out the dark society, but he never thought that the other party was not afraid of the existence of the dark society.

"Crimson blood thorn, you deceive people too much!" Prince Rex is already a blood clan expert at the prince level. When was he wronged like this? At this moment, hearing that the woman despised him so much, his face suddenly became very ferocious, clenched his teeth and shouted, "since you want to kill all, then I'll fight with you! Ryan, take others immediately, our family's blood can't be destroyed here. Run away quickly!"

"Father!" Beside Prince Rex, a young man with curly blond hair looked at his father with a surprised face and sad eyes.

"What nonsense? Get out of here!" Prince Rex roared when he heard Ryan's nonsense. A bloody energy patted Ryan's young people. Under the package of this powerful bloody energy, Ryan and others were sent a long distance.

Ryan and several other young people were stunned when they saw Prince Rex far away. Their eyes were all fixed on the woman. It was her. They must take revenge in the future!

Seeing Prince Rex's behavior, the crimson blood thorn sneered and said faintly, "do you want to keep the blood of the family? Then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, because I've already stamped the blood mark on all of you. Unless they die, the blood mark will lead me to their place."

Prince Rex thought that the young people who sent away his family could still keep a trace of fire, but he didn't expect that the woman would say such words, which would be tantamount to breaking the last blood of their family!

This is a feud!

"Roar! Damn woman, even if I fight my life, I will die with you today!" Prince Rex's heart was filled with endless rage and roared, "blood coagulation palm!"

With a flash of his body shape, a dark red blood color energy immediately condensed on his palm. As soon as he pushed forward, a blood color palm magnified several times was patted on the body of the crimson blood thorn.

"Some skills!" Crimson blood prick and Prince Rex are also masters at the prince level. Seeing Prince Rex angry, she naturally dared not take it lightly. She flashed and scolded, "blood chain!"

A chain made of blood and energy wrapped around the huge blood handprint sent by Prince Rex without any warning. At the same time, her body kept turning her right hand and continued to pat Prince Rex's head.

"Hum, you think too easily!" Seeing the attack of crimson blood thorn, Prince Rex raised his mouth and shouted disdainfully: "the art of blood shield! Now!"

A blood shield appeared in Prince Rex's hand. He stretched out his hand and directly blocked the palm of crimson blood stab.

"Bang ~"

"Poof ~"

The bloody shield was gradually broken under the attack that looked very slender, and Prince Rex also suffered some internal injuries and spewed a trace of blood from his mouth.

He stepped back and looked very ugly at the woman not far away. His heart was full of panic. He was so strong!

"You, you are about to advance?" Prince Rex asked reluctantly as he watched the blood mist on the woman increase.

Hearing Prince Rex's words, the woman wrapped in the blood mist pulled the corners of her mouth, sneered and said faintly: "yes, as long as you swallow your blood core again, then I can be completely promoted to become a Duke level master. At that time, I won't have to continue to swallow the blood core of the prince level."

The woman's words seemed as common as drinking water and eating, but they sounded like the first spring thunder in Prince Rex's ears. He forgot to wake up for a moment.

Well, how is this possible?!

He is also a blood clan. Naturally, he knows very well that blood clan and blood clan cannot eat together. Blood clan depends on blood, and blood nucleus is the core to provide blood and energy. If blood clans with different blood devour each other at will, the blood in the body will become abnormally terrible.

So Prince Rex had to be shocked!

What kind of monster is this woman?

"You, what kind of monster are you? You can devour the blood core of your family. Damn it, it's impossible!" Prince Rex almost roared.

However, the woman raised a sneer of disdain at the corners of her mouth and said, "because I am the nightmare of all blood families, ha ha ha, you already know my secret, so you can die, and even if I don't kill you, you can't live!"

As soon as the voice fell, the speed of crimson blood stab suddenly increased a lot, and quickly attacked Prince Rex. With the help of blood fog, her body was unpredictable. Before Prince Rex came back, she had appeared behind Prince Rex

With a "puff" sound, she exposed two long, narrow and sharp tusks and ruthlessly inserted them into Prince Rex's artery

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