one thousand three hundred and ninety-one

one thousand three hundred and ninety-one


Wu Huchen was slightly stunned. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer the old man of the tree of life, because he could feel that the old man of the tree of life was enthusiastic about life. If he told the old man that he came here to kill 13 cardinals, would he be angry with himself?

"Why? Is it inconvenient to say?" Seeing Wu Huchen's hesitant appearance, the old man of the tree of life smiled and said, "in fact, if you don't tell me, I know it should be for the heart of the saint?"

"The heart of the virgin?" Wu Huchen was stunned again. He really didn't know what the old man of the tree of life meant. Of course, his curiosity was immediately attracted. From the old man's tone of the tree of life, there seemed to be some good things in the holy land of light!

After coughing twice, Wu Huchen said with some embarrassment: "master, to tell you the truth, I came here just for the heart of a saint. You see, if you have here, you can give it to the younger generation? You should also see that she is a blood clan?"

Although he didn't know what the saint's heart was, Wu Huchen could guess from its name that it must have a great relationship with the Holy See, so he made it up, Continue: "My girlfriend was originally a normal human being, but she was transformed into a blood family by those hateful dark blood families, which made her not human or ghost. Originally, she would rather die than maintain such an identity, but she was willing to continue to live under my persuasion. We came this time to purify the blood in her body!"

Wu Huchen's words are half true and half false. There is really no way for people to hear the truth!

Although the old man of the tree of life has lived for a long time, he has little contact with human beings. Where can he have such scheming as Wu Huchen.

He nodded slightly, full of sympathy for the girlfriend in Wu Huchen's mouth, and admired the little girl's determination and perseverance. Even if he doesn't know how dangerous it is to purify his blood, the process will certainly not be too simple!

After a moment of silence, Wu Huchen continued: "elder, if you have the heart of a saint, please give it to the younger generation. The younger generation and the younger generation's girlfriend will remember the great kindness of the elder!" Wu Huchen said and bowed deeply to the old man of the tree of life.

Seeing Wu Huchen bowing to himself, the old man of the tree of life immediately came back to himself. He stroked his dark green beard, Said: "child, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, but the heart of the saint is not mine. If you really want to get the heart of the saint, I can send you directly, but that place is too dangerous for human beings, so you must consider it clearly!"

When the tree of life mentioned that place, his eyes obviously showed a dignified color. It can be seen that he didn't seem very cold about that place.

However, Wu Huchen was speechless when he heard about the tree of life. In fact, he just heard that there was a baby itching in his heart. As long as he got the bright fruit, he might be able to purify the dark blood in Gao Hui's body. To say the least, what other cardinal's fresh blood can be used.

"Well, elder, I don't know what's going on in the holy land of light? I want to know my girlfriend's current situation!" For the sake of safety, Wu Huchen and I decided to see how Gao Hui is now.

Hearing Wu Huchen's question, the tree of life did not hesitate. He immediately closed his eyes and seemed to be looking for the general.

Two or three minutes later, the old man of the tree of life opened his eyes again, frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice, "child, it seems that you can't even go to that place this time."

"Well, what do you mean, sir?" Wu Huchen also heard some meanings in the words of the old man of the tree of life, and immediately his face became a little ugly. He said in a deep voice, "senior, my girlfriend has also entered the dangerous place you said?"

Wu Huchen was worried immediately. Gao Hui's strength was still too weak. If there were any dangers and accidents, he could not shirk his responsibility! And he didn't know how long he had been in this small world.

Seeing Wu Huchen's nervous appearance, the old man of the tree of life immediately comforted him: "son, you don't have to worry. Your friends haven't entered there yet, but the guards of the temple can't bear to set a trap to lead them in. Alas, I'm afraid many people will die in the temple this time?"

"The sanctuary? The guardian of the sanctuary?"

Listening to these two terms he had never heard of, Wu Huchen frowned and asked anxiously, "senior, you always tell me what's going on. Also, can you confirm whether my girlfriend is still safe?"

"Your girlfriend is safe for the time being, but I can't guarantee it if I enter the temple." Wu Huchen has the final say incapable of action. His body is the entrance to the bright sanctuary, but the whole light sanctuary is not his final rule.

"The so-called holy church is actually a small world full of light holy power. The environment in that world is very bad. There, the light holy power can turn into various essence to attack the creatures entering it. Some creatures with weak physical defense may be directly cut to death by the wind transformed by those holy powers!"

"Holy power, wind and real attack?" Hearing this, Wu Huchen couldn't help taking a breath. Isn't it a little terrible? According to this statement, how strong is the holy power of light in it?

No, if hui'er also enters it, she won't be hanged immediately?!

At the thought of this, Wu Huchen couldn't care about anything else. He nervously shouted, "senior, please send me there quickly. If it's later, I'm afraid my girlfriend will be in danger!"

Looking at Wu Huchen's impatient appearance, the tree of life can also be understood, because the dark creatures can't survive in the temple. He nodded slightly and said, "you don't have to worry. The door of the temple hasn't been opened at the moment, so I can't send you in. You need to wait patiently!"

"Ah?" Wu Huchen stared at the boss. "Senior, please send me out. I'll directly prevent my girlfriend from entering the temple you said."

Wu Huchen thought that as long as Gao Hui was prevented from entering the Holy Church, she could also keep her safe. It would be a big deal to kill all the Cardinals at that time. four

However, Wu Huchen's disappointment happened again. The old man of the tree of life smiled bitterly, shook his head and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, son. I used too much power when I called you in. At the moment, I haven't completely made up for it. Therefore, I can't send you out for the time being."

"I'll go. Elder, are you playing with me? You'll die!" Wu Huchen listened to the words of the tree of life and immediately rolled his eyes. Is the old man too unreliable?

"But don't worry, as long as the door of the temple is opened, a large number of holy forces will emerge. At that time, I can absorb the energy overflowing from it and send you out." The old man of the tree of life also knew that he was wrong, so he quickly added a sentence.

Wu Huchen knew that the old man of the tree of life should not deceive himself. He thought about it, took a deep breath, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "well, elder, I hope you can send me out even when the door of the holy church is opened. I hope it can be in time!"

Be sure to wait for me, hui'er!

Wu Huchen shouted silently in his heart. At the moment, he was powerless in the face of such a situation. He could only hope that Gao Hui could hold on for a while.

"Well, you can have a rest here first. When the door of the holy church is opened, I will send you to your girlfriend in time, so that you can stop her from entering the Holy Church in time!" The old man of the tree of life said, sat down cross legged and slowly closed his eyes, as if he was restoring his strength.

Wu Huchen also wanted to calm down, but when he thought that Gao Hui might encounter an accident at any time, he couldn't settle down at all. He could only walk around anxiously

There is no night in the holy land of light, so the people of the Richard family don't know how long they have followed the demon dragon, but on the way, everyone has had a meal.

"Miss angel, it will take you a few minutes to reach the top of the mountain. Have you really decided so?" Seeing that the top of Saint daughter's mountain was near, the demon dragon couldn't help asking again.

"Demon dragon, our Richard family is imperative this time. You don't have to say more." Jeff coldly interrupted the demon dragon. Although he knew that the demon dragon was for the good of Miss angel, Miss angel had no choice now.

"Well, in that case, I don't want to say anything more, Miss angel. Although I like you very much, I don't want to use my life as a chip. I'm afraid I can't accompany you. I just have to go down." The demon Dragon said with some shame.

Angel heard the shame in the tone of the demon dragon, smiled and said, "it doesn't matter, the demon dragon, thank you. If I can live, we can be good friends!"

"Well, well, in that case, goodbye!" The demon dragon seemed afraid to continue looking at angel's blue eyes. He was afraid that if he continued to look, he would not have the heart to leave.

Anyway, the demon dragon left. Jeff glanced at the bodyguard behind him and said to angel, "Miss, let's move on. The top of the mountain will be here soon!"

To readers:

It seems to be a holiday. The technicians on this side of the website are all on holiday. I'll go...

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