139 what does he really want to do?

one hundred and thirty-nine

As the saying goes, when you look at the mountain and die, you see that you are about to reach the top of Saint daughter's mountain, but you still spend a lot of energy when people walk up. At least the soft and weak angel is tired.

"Finally reached the top of the mountain, but brother Jeff, there seems to be nothing here." After a little breathing adjustment, angel looked around and found that there seemed to be no difference around her.

Jeff had already found that there was no big abnormality around, but no abnormality was actually the biggest abnormality. In the past, some people climbed the top of the mountain and met many powerful Warcraft on the top of the mountain, but there was still no Warcraft here.

Where the hell have those Warcraft gone? Even if there is no Warcraft on the hillside, but there is no powerful Warcraft on the top of the mountain. Is that too much?

"Huh? Someone!" Just as Jeff was wondering, his face suddenly changed and looked in the direction behind them.

Other bodyguards soon found the visitor, and their eyes all showed vigilance.

"Friends of the Richard family, I didn't expect that your goal is also the top of the mountain. What a coincidence." Naturally, the visitors were the cardinals of the Holy See and those of the iron tooth mercenary regiment who followed behind the Richard family.

The bishops led by Bishop Kyle all looked at the bodyguards of the Richard family with a smile, but finally turned their eyes to the beautiful girl like an angel.

What a beautiful girl!

"This must be Miss angel of the Richard family? I've heard that there is an angel like miss in the Richard family before. I'm really lucky to see Miss angel's true face today!" A pair of eyes on Bishop Kyle's old face fixed on angel tightly, and a look of greed flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

Although the bishops in the holy see are not allowed to get married, these bishops are also men, and they also need it. Although bishop Kyle is old, his blood heart is still not extinguished at that moment.

Angel obviously had little contact with others. Seeing so many people staring at herself at the moment, she couldn't help being a little restrained and looking nervously at Jeff.

Jeff has been paying attention to the cardinals of the Holy See. Naturally, he can see that these guys are malicious. He seems to inadvertently stop in front of angel, smiled and said, "it's a coincidence, bishop Kyle, do you want to move on? If so, let's make way."

Obviously, Jeff didn't want to have a direct dispute with the people of the Holy See. He took a step back and let the people of the Holy See take the lead. After all, the secret of the holy woman's heart to be realistic was only known to the people of the Richard family. Even if these guys of the Holy See took the lead, it wouldn't matter.

"People of the Richard family, stop pretending and give you a chance to speak out the position of the heart of the virgin, otherwise we will destroy you from the world in the name of heresy!"

Before bishop Kyle could speak, bishop Orff, who was very impulsive, spoke in a fierce voice.

Hearing that Orff suddenly said so, bishop Kyle and other cardinals of the Holy See couldn't help rolling their eyes. Fuck, are you a fool? Is it true that the Richard family is a soft footed shrimp and let the people of the Holy See deal with it?

Sure enough, hearing Orff's words, Jeff and other guards of the Richard family all showed panic on their faces. After panic, they were deeply angry!

"Hum! The people of the holy see are really shameless. They actually eavesdrop on our previous conversation. I think you followed us all the way?" Jeff's tone was filled with deep anger. He didn't expect these guys to be so mean!

Although bishop Kyle was angry at Orff's reckless behavior, it was already so that it was useless to blame Orff.

He smiled coldly and said in a deep voice, "guards of the Richard family, do you want to embezzle the heart of the saint? You know, the heart of the saint can only be owned by the holy court, and you deserve it?"

"Hahaha ~" Jeff laughed angrily after listening to bishop Kyle's words. "You are so funny, running dogs of the Holy See. If I guessed right, you just want to own the heart of the saint. Moreover, how can you shameless people who secretly steal women and prostitutes and lose all conscience have such a pure heart of the saint?"

"Bold, your little bodyguard dares to say such disrespectful words to us. Today, I will teach you a good lesson on behalf of the Holy See, the dogs of the Richard family!" Bishop Orff did not expect that a small bodyguard of the Richard family dared to despise the power of the Holy See, so he immediately started to rage.

"Spear of light!"

The white light flashed on Bishop Orff. Immediately, a spear with a person high shining holy light appeared in his hand. Although the spear is full of soft holy light, it is full of endless killing intention at the moment, which dissipates the peace!

"Damn heresy, I will punish you here today!" Orff looked at Jeff coldly, waved his spear with both hands, and got up and left.

Watching the spear of the Holy Light rush towards him, Jeff's face is full of dignified color. The strength of the cardinal should not be underestimated!

He took out the long silver sword at his waist and waved several sword flowers. The slender silver sword met bishop Orff.


The spear of the holy light and the silver sword were intertwined, making a harsh sound of broken glass. The silver fighting spirit and the white holy power were deadlocked with each other.

But soon, the dignified color on Jeff's face was eliminated. Although this guy was powerful, he seemed to be worse than him. He roared and his right hand holding the silver sword shook suddenly. Suddenly, under the strong support of fighting spirit, the spear of the holy light was smashed!

"Poof ~"

The holy light spear was originally condensed by Orff's spiritual power. At the moment, the condensed holy light spear was broken by Jeff's fighting spirit. He was also seriously injured. A mouthful of blood spewed out and took a few steps back. The corners of his mouth overflowed bright red blood. He stared at Jeff coldly, and his eyes were full of unbelievable and subdued look.

He didn't expect that the talented Cardinal of the Holy See would lose to a little bodyguard!

This has greatly damaged his self-esteem!

"Damn it, bastards of the iron tooth mercenary regiment, what are you waiting for? If you don't come with me, kill all these damn heresies!" Orff became angry and roared hysterically.

Hearing Orff's roar, Philip's face suddenly became cold. He said coldly: "Orff, I said, we are not your men or your running dogs. Moreover, even the Pope old man of your holy see is not qualified to call our iron tooth mercenary regiment, let alone goods like you!"

"What? You... You..."

Orff didn't expect that Philip, a damn bald head, dared to do this to himself. Suddenly his face became very ugly and said coldly, "OK, good! Let's see!"

Then he looked at bishop Kyle and others and said, "old Kyle, although there were contradictions between us before, now someone wants to desecrate the dignity of the Holy See. Do you still want to stand idly by?"

Originally, cardinals such as Kyle didn't want to talk to Orff, but now Orff has moved out the dignity of the Holy See. If they dare not, if Orff has the chance to leave the bright Holy Land alive, all of them will not be able to eat and walk around!

"Well, old guys, we're going to get rid of those guys of the Richard family anyway. I think we'd better do it now!" Bishop Kyle spoke solemnly to the Cardinals behind him.

"Well, in that case, let's do it!"

Hearing that bishop Kyle and others all spoke, Orff showed a sneer. He stared at Jeff and said with gnashing teeth: "damn heresy, today the top of Saint daughter's mountain will be your place to bury your bones!"

"Tut Tut, there are so many people here ~"

Just after bishop Kyle and others had gathered strong holy power, suddenly a voice full of banter came into everyone's ears.

Suddenly hearing this voice, all the people present were slightly stunned. They didn't find that there were other people around them, but the other party's voice still came, so we can see that the other party's strength either far exceeded them or had some magical ways to hide the breath.

But the tone of the other party is so frivolous. Obviously, he should belong to the former!

"Who is your excellency? We are cardinals of the Holy See. I wonder if your excellency is a good friend of the Holy See?" Bishop Kyle was crafty. He knew that he might not be the opponent of the other side, so he decided to move out the Holy See to resist!

"Hum, Holy See? You mole ants don't deserve to be my friends, but I heard you all want to get the heart of a saint, right?" The voice's attitude was cold, full of defiance and defiance.

Hearing the other side's words, although Kyle's face was very bad, the sentence behind the other side flashed a light in his eyes. His silver eyebrows wrinkled together and said in a deep voice, "yes, I don't know what you want?"

"Hey, hey, do you want the heart of a saint? Then I'll help you. Ha ha ha......" before the mysterious man finished his words, he laughed wildly, and everyone who laughed was a little hairy.

What does he really want to do?

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