six hundred and ninety-three

Wu Huchen rolled his eyes and thought, young master, I'm really surprised that you are the niece of the white lady&* ";

After all, Wu Huchen was just a loser in his previous life. And the white lady or something, he always thought it was just a tragic fairy tale.

But today, a woman suddenly appeared, stood by you and told you that she was a relative of the white lady. How would you feel?

"Cough." Wu Huchen coughed lightly and said faintly, "Madam Bai, I don't want to be difficult with your demon family, but there is someone, please give it to me."

"Oh? I don't know who you want me to give you, young master?" Bai Suya frowned slightly when she heard Wu Huchen's words. "Do you value my sisters? Or do you value my family? Cluck..."

Then Bai Suya smiled.

Looking at Bai Suya's smiling face, Wu Huchen changed his face and said in a deep voice, "Mrs. Bai, what do you mean? You flatter me again and again. Are you forcing me to be the enemy of your demon clan?"

Is it great that your grandfather thinks he is Bai Suzhen's niece? I'm so anxious, young master. I'll kill the same for you!

"Mr. Wu, what are you talking about? You come here to talk to my family. I have to ask who you want. Otherwise, how can I give it to you?" Bai Suya's smile suddenly converged, snorted and scolded: "one more thing, I think Mr. Wu may have thought something wrong. After coming out of my house, I found that today's human power has also fallen sharply. Hum, are you looking for an important person of my house to be an enemy of our demon clan?"

Hearing Bai Suya's words, Wu Huchen's eyelids jumped slightly, snorted coldly, smiled angrily, and said, "it seems that Mrs. Bai wants to protect that person.%& *"; in that case, don't blame me for being rude. "

With that, Wu Huchen waved his right hand and shouted, "vanity fingerprint!"

With a whoosh, a huge handprint in the sky suddenly appeared over Bai Suya and her little demons.

The big golden hand was shining brightly, making the surrounding houses bright.

Seeing Wu Huchen's empty hand print, Bai Suya's three women screamed and fled.

Bai Suya gave a tender cry, danced in white, waved her hands lightly, and a white column of water like a python rushed towards Wu Huchen's golden empty hand print.



The two suddenly collided together, and the white Python gathered by the water column turned into water vapor and dissipated in the air.

Wu Huchen's golden empty handprint gradually faded under Bai Suya's attack and finally disappeared.

Both of them were stunned at the same time. This time, they even matched each other.

"Hand over Du Ling, or don't blame me for being rude." Wu Huchen's face was gloomy. After this all-out attack, he knew that if he didn't use the power of the law, he might have no way to fight the demon girl in front of him.

He has decided to destroy Du Ling even if he destroys this beautiful lane.

"Du Ling?"

Bai Suya was stunned when she heard Wu Huchen's words. She didn't expect that the person Wu Huchen wanted would be Du Ling. "Mr. Wu, I don't know where Du Ling offended you. He made you hate him so much!"

"Hum! He said he would move my woman. Do you think I can keep him?" Thinking of Du Ling's cruel words and his sinister eyes when he left, Wu Huchen's anger was even stronger.

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, Bai Suya's face changed greatly. She didn't expect that Du Ling dared to be so presumptuous outside.

Although the demon family has the idea of recovering the glory of the past, they don't dare to make a big fuss.

Because there are too many Terrans in China, they don't know how many experts the whole Terran has hidden. If those old and immortal people were still there, they might have only one way to die.

Moreover, Bai Suya is just a pioneer who came here to explore the way first.

Their purpose is to inquire about the power of the Terran, so they have always maintained a low-key attitude. And usually Bai Suya repeatedly asked Du Ling not to act too high-profile, but she didn't expect Du Ling to provoke such a powerful young man this time.

This made her angry. Bai Suya had no family affection for Du Ling, the evil son of half man and half demon. She just wanted to improve her strength by relying on Du Ling's half demon body.

But the half demon is not so easy to produce, so she is very reluctant to let Bai Suya hand over Du Ling.

"Mr. Wu, I wonder if there will be any misunderstanding?" Bai Suya glanced at Wu Huchen, then turned her head and angrily scolded behind her, "if you don't get out, I'll get out!"

Du Ling always saw the previous battle in his eyes. He never thought that Wu Huchen, who was despised by himself, could fight with his mother.

And from everything in front of him, his mother seemed to be full of fear of him. At this moment, hearing Bai Suya calling herself, Du Ling was completely afraid.

Swallowing his saliva, Du Ling carefully came out of the house behind him. He secretly left Wu Huchen, for fear that Wu Huchen would shoot himself directly with the move just now.

With a "pa", Du Ling felt a sharp pain on his face without waiting for Du Ling to recover, because it was too powerful. His body also flew out. It crashed heavily into the surrounding rolling gate and made a loud noise.

Bai Suya stared coldly at Du Ling, who had not yet recovered, and scolded, "what did I tell you?"

After the pain, Du Ling finally recovered. Although it was painful, he dared not shout pain. Because he knew that if he shouted pain, there would be a more cruel attack.

"Sorry, mom, I didn't expect to offend Wu Huchen!" Du Ling was crying. He really didn't expect that there would be such a powerful young man as Wu Huchen in a small school.

Seeing Du Ling so embarrassed, Wu Huchen suddenly couldn't bear it.

From the names between them, he could tell that the two were mother child relations.

But Bai Suya treated Du Ling like this, which made Wu Huchen feel uncomfortable.

He had no maternal love since he was a child, and suddenly had some sympathy for Du Ling.

With a deep sigh, Wu Huchen shook his head and said, "forget it. That's all!" Then Wu Huchen looked at Du Ling and said, "Du Ling, don't appear in school again. Don't have any bad ideas about Tao Meijia, otherwise you know the consequences!"

With that, Wu Huchen turned away with some interest.

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