six hundred and ninety-four

Wu Huchen's sudden change made everyone present unable to recover. I ^ especially Du Ling, he knew his previous attitude towards Wu Huchen.

But at the moment, Wu Huchen could have killed himself. He knew better than anyone that his mother didn't really care about him at all.

But looking at Wu Huchen's back, there was no gratitude in his heart, but more hatred! Yes, he hates Wu Huchen. He feels that his self-esteem has been completely destroyed in the eyes of his peers.

The reason why he wants to behave like this in school is entirely to satisfy his humble self-esteem. What he can't get in the demon clan, he hopes to get in the Terran clan.

But this dream was completely destroyed by Wu Huchen!

He clenched his fist tightly and looked like a poisonous snake. Wu Huchen, I Du Ling swear that one day I will step on you at my feet and let you beg for mercy in front of me!

Watching Wu Huchen leave, Bai Suya and her three little demons were all relieved.

Especially Bai Suya, she vaguely felt that the little man had a deep inside story, which she could not deal with at all! This is an intuition, a woman's intuition!

Of course, what worries Bai Suya most is the forces behind Wu Huchen. After all, if a young man can show such strength, will there be no strong existence behind him? You believe it?

Anyway, Bai Suya would not believe it. Therefore, even if she sacrificed Du Ling's half demon stove tripod, she would not hesitate. Otherwise, Bai Suya can't bear the bad things of the demon family!

The unintentional little monk followed Wu Huchen out of the beauty lane&* "; although his heart was full of doubts and Wu Huchen could solve his enemy's problems, why did he give up in the end?

Alas, it seems that this brother's Buddha nature is even behind me. No wonder he can cultivate divine knowledge so young. I can't compare with him!

This is the first time that the unintentional little monk feels that he can't compare with his peers since he was so old.

No one can trace back the time when longruo temple was built. The unintentional little monk is known as the unprecedented super genius of the whole longruo temple. This glory is not boasted.

But now he is happy to surrender to Wu Huchen!

"Brother Huchen, where are we going now?" The unintentional little monk asked with a smile.

Wu Huchen didn't expect that he didn't ask himself why. A touch of gratitude flashed in his heart. He felt that the little monk in front of him was really a wonderful person.

"Drink, eat meat and play with women!" Wu Huchen laughed.

The unintentional little monk was stunned. Then he laughed and shouted, "OK, OK, let's drink, eat meat and play with women today!"

Without Du Ling's threat, Tao Meijia would be safe. Therefore, Wu Huchen would not have much to worry about.

He did not bring the careless little monk to Xintiandi bar, but came directly to the red mansion with no intention.

"Brother Huchen, where is this?" Looking at the antique building in front of him, the unintentional little monk asked in surprise.

These secular people are really strange. If good buildings don't live, what wooden houses do they live in?

Wu Huchen smiled mysteriously and said, "this is a man's paradise. Here, you can drink the most beautiful wine, eat the most delicious meat, and play the role of beauty!"

"So good?" An unintentional surprise.

Wu Huchen smiled, "go in and have a look?"

"You must go in and have a look!" With a heartless laugh, he took the lead in walking towards the red chamber.

After half a tour, they didn't find a beautiful woman to accompany them, but drank wine together.

"Brother Huchen, I didn't admire my peers in my life, even my master. I just respect and don't admire you, but you..." inadvertently and obviously got drunk. He pointed to Wu Huchen and said, "you make me admire you unintentionally, from the bottom of my heart!"

Wu Huchen shook his head, smiled and said, "I? What can I admire? I'm just an idle man. Come on, drink!"

"No, brother, you are a great man. I can see that you have a great fetter in your heart."

Wu Huchen was stunned when he inadvertently said this. The wine cup in his hand stopped in the air, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

Inadvertently seeing Wu Huchen's expression, he smiled wisely and said, "brother, am I right?"

Wu Huchen looked unintentionally, seemingly drunk, but actually sober. He pursed slightly at the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "yes, I do have fetters in my heart. I fetter the women around me, and I fetter the people I care about!"

Looking up, Wu Huchen looked unintentionally and said, "but many times, even if there are fetters in his heart, so what? In this world, there is no strength, nothing can be done!"

With that, Wu Huchen flashed a touch of unspeakable pain in the depths of his eyes, looked at the wine in the cup and drank it up.

Inadvertently, he smiled, "brother, we fought for some things ourselves. We are all geniuses, super geniuses. It's not my conceit. I inadvertently am the most talented young man in the whole longruo temple for countless years. I don't think the whole longruo temple will exist until it surpasses me."

After a pause, he inadvertently pointed to Wu Huchen and said seriously, "you are a wonderful flower with more genius than me. You said, as long as you want to do something, what can't you do?"

Wu Huchen shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "brother, you think too highly of me. What if I'm a genius? Although I'm strong now, I'm nothing compared with those strong men."

Wu Huchen never denied his strength, but it was only among his peers.

What he wants is not the first of his so-called peers. He needs to save his aunt. He needs to protect all the women around him from harm. He needs to make his relatives and friends no longer threatened

And all this needs supreme power as backing!

Only when he has the power above all forces can he satisfy himself. Otherwise, everything is so pale.

"But do you think you and I can meet your expectations by drinking here and fooling around in this small city every day?" The unintentional little monk asked very soberly.

As soon as he said this, Wu Huchen was stunned. At the same time, he only felt a cold sweat behind his back.

Yes, can you make yourself reach the height you want by eating, drinking and having fun here every day and playing with women every day?

"Brother, thank you!" Wu Huchen looked at the unintentional little monk who seemed to have drunk, and his heart was full of gratitude.

A word awakens the dreamer!

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