Jin Canyi also learned how to play Karma from Ye Han.

At the beginning of the game, Karma walked in front of the line of soldiers, trying to suppress Olaf when they met!

Ye Han had expected Karma to do this, and Olaf, who had been hiding in the bushes on the top road, threw an axe at Karma!

In Ye Han's view, as long as Olaf's axe hits, Karma will hit G!

While Olaf chased Karma and chopped wildly, he kept picking up Q axes to reduce the CD of Q skills, and then continued to throw axes to slow down! Jin

Canyi's Karma was slowed down madly and couldn't pull away at all!

Then, seeing the opportunity to kill, Ye Han started sprinting for Olaf, and the reckless man instantly evolved into a complete mad dog!

Under the acceleration of sprinting, Olaf was yelling wildly behind Karma.

Of course, this"arguing wildly behind" is not the kind of"arguing wildly behind" that everyone imagines (winter vacation is coming, there are many children, old drivers please don't drive fast)

"Ah~~! I'm going to die if I don't use Flash."The Toilet King was so anxious.

Olaf directly used Karma's Flash.

Olaf gave up chasing and returned to the line to start farming.

"WTF! Karma is so cool to watch at the beginning!"

"To be honest, Olaf just tricked Karma at the beginning, and then Karma started to attack and consume her energy. How should Olaf fight back?"

"Yes, in the final analysis, it is because Karma is too perverted to steal money"


Looking at the barrages, Ye Han could only say that these guys are too young!


Karma gave up her flash at level 1!

This is a very important key point!

Heroes with great suppressive power such as Jayce and Karma, if they give up their flash at the beginning of a high-end game, their suppressive power will be at least reduced by half!


Look at Ye Han's operation.

Ye Han marked Karma's flash.

Apocalypse: Flash-284 seconds! The jungler on Ye Han's side said: oK! I'm going to withdraw money to buy a house in the top lane!

At this time, Jin Canyi was in a dilemma. The way to play Karma with a fasting style is to continuously consume and suppress the opponent to death!

At a long distance, Olaf's Q skill can be easily dodged by Karma.

When Karma was about to disgust Olaf, Ye Han's jungler came!

The jungle spider went directly from the river and bound Karma with the E skill

"This Karma is dead." Ye Han said immediately!

The full-blooded Karma was killed instantly by Spider and Olaf.

Karma, who should have abused Olaf at the beginning, was killed by Olaf.

Jin Canyi said that his sister couldn't stand it.

(He couldn't accept it)

Jin Canyi finally realized the seriousness of the matter at this time,"Ah! I lost blood in exchange for flash with Olaf at the beginning. I dare not press forward like this.……"

In the next game, as long as Karma wants to suppress Olaf to steal money, Ye Han's jungler Spider will always arrive as promised! Jungle

Spider is a person with high scores. The top lane is the third in the national server. The middle and bottom lanes are all cute players who fill in. If you want to win, you must protect the top!

Karma's routine was successfully cracked by Ye Han using Sprint Olaf.

Under the special care of Spider, as long as Jin Canyi's jungler Zac appears in the middle and bottom lanes, Spider will definitely help Ye Han's Olaf to cross the tower.

Spider, this jungler, is completely synonymous with crossing the tower and is not reasonable at all.

This made Karma miserable in the early stage.

As a supporting jungler, Zac can't help the top lane at all. The reason is very simple. Zac has no damage. If the top lane is a warrior like Knife Sister and Noxus, with the cooperation of Zac, it can play a very high output, but the problem is that Karma is also a consumption hero, and the damage is not very high. With Zac, he will be 100% slaughtered by Olaf and Spider.

After Jin Canyi died three times in a row, he finally sold his Spellthief's Blade and started to farm soldiers, playing Karma with normal development.

Ye Han's Olaf has already taken shape!

Dopa's Card in the middle lane originally wanted to work together with his little brother to catch Olaf and get the bounty.

Who knew that once Olaf's ultimate skill was activated, no one would love him!

He raised his axe and chopped Dopa's Card wildly. Card held the yellow card in his hand. If he let it go, he would look stupid.

If he didn't let it go, he would be chopped wildly by Olaf with the yellow card on his head, which seemed to make him look even stupider!

In the end, Ye Han chased Card with Olaf's ultimate skill"Ragnarok" and chopped him from the South Gate of Heaven to the East Road of Penglai.

Master Card died in tears.

Jin Canyi found that the"on the right track" top laner Karma was useless. He had no damage and no tankiness. As long as Olaf's father was unhappy, he would take over anytime and anywhere!

Seeing Olaf quickly gaining an advantage, the fans in Ye Han's live broadcast room were also getting excited.

"Holy shit! We really have to win! We are number one in the country!"

"Hold on! Olaf is developing! Karma is useless! If the situation continues like this, the opponent will lose!"

"Haha, I just came from the Toilet King's live broadcast room. The Toilet King was really anxious. It seemed like he was apologizing to big brother dopa."

"There are generally few mistakes in high-end games. The opponent's dopa and the toilet king have gone far away. The number one in the national server must be the descendant of the dragon!"


With Ye Han's experience in high-end games, when dopa's ultimate failed to support the top lane, the game was already decided. It was only a matter of time before he defeated dopa and won the first place in the national server.

Just when Ye Han thought the game was secure, what happened in the next second shocked Ye Han!

Even dopa's teammates were typing question marks on the public screen, expressing their doubts!

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